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Everything posted by Rimski

  1. Can't do you much myself, I did put some time to get it out on a lot of people to get that publicity, some streamers agreed to share it so yeah, don't worry bud, you gon get through this. But thats all what I can do for now as I am money managing myself to preserve well myself
  2. A nice little holiday in Siberia, in other words... Or Then we get this
  3. Because of Diplomatic talks with Mog[Corp], as well as initiated by them, because of simplified of such affairs, an embassy is being opened up in their Capital with the Internationale's representative being Dwight James Kooling, being followed by some of his associates at Mogatopia. He is looking to meet with Mogatopian delegates, while the meeting point is not known for now. While the topic of the meeting has been already slightly been talked through beforehand between the leaders of these two states. They are mostly militarily orriented so an another representative for the Internationale is the Grand Comissar of the Armed Forces, Arkan. They have brought with them a series of gifts, stretchign from the Churchill Cigar and best Scotch Whiskey to two pieces of decorated weaponery, codenamed The Snake and The Dragon. The Diplomatic visitors have currently met up at a central plaza with Mog[Corp] Police making a protection ring and shying away civilians away from them.
  4. I'd be more comftorable in that situation tbh, but thats just how no one can ruin my appetite, you could take a shit close to my table I'd be like k, the only time I would stop eating is if something went on my food. I prefer much just smoking and I am not really picky about what to smoke. If we go with cigarettes then its Marlboro Red, Lucky Strike or Marble but when it comes to Cigars my commie roots just say "Smoke a Cuban"
  5. Idk man, last time I just ate a crossiant I had a large urge to surrender and put up at least 3 white flags on my home. Wine? Thats basically what I just said but on steroids
  6. @Theodosius hit the bongos! @Radoje get the grill! These guys dont know the balkan nectar called Rakija Well depends which colour, I prefer watching darker paint dry as the lighter ones burn out your eyes, with dark its more mild and suitng and you can watch any point of the wall without getting distracted by like lets say Lemon Yellow or School Bus Yellow
  7. And how do you like me abusing your wif... fuq sorry just a bad habit, I'd never touch your wifi
  8. I the great Scientist Rim von Ski proclaim the new element, Element Thanos. It's toxic, radiated, very reactive and practically useless, except it can react a lot to make loads of salt
  9. Ur low iq for tryin to prove me wrong, now go away, you have no RIGHT to post in HERE
  10. Element, when will you defend your childish point of your 0s and 1s online being constantly changed instead of just saying "nono u cant post here booli"?
  11. >tfw you are a commie and bosnian, for some time Low Gov IA in KT and mostly liked in the Alliances HMM B O I, literally all of KT gov is not christian at all. Horsecock the East German, Vince the Weeb, Emu Lord Keegoz, Theo the Serb-o, Gaydon
  12. When will you repair yourself, broken record? Or are you just on repeat?
  13. Says who? The person who thought he'd be banned if he had many downvotes? LULUL
  14. It's true and we know it
  15. The first one is correct to be said only if you are talking into a mirror, not really sure why you told me to grow up when you are the one being salty about the downvotes 2nd I read the rules, you continue this whatever this is 3rd Someone once told me the world is gonna rule me
  16. Is that what you consider bullying? If you are laughing last why are you continuing to cement your point when you are so sure we are going to be banned? Why are you bothered so much about the reputation? Like does it really change much on this forum?
  17. Downvoted you fool. Pls don't make a thread about me abusing the downvote function pls no daddy
  18. A broadcast for all peoples of the Internationale has been taken from the formerly known Buckingham Palace in Corbyngrad [London] with Comrade Corbyn speaking about his future reforms for the improvement of the people living under poverty, the homeless and the regular working class citizen embarking upon a total equality in the Internationale. The first point on the agenda was to eliminate the codenamed 'troublemakers.' A large ammount of construction vehicles have been spotted traveling through remote areas in Scotland. A large industrialization is awaiting Scotland, but what some Scotts noticed and publicly say is that few of the construction vehicles passing through actually end up at the construction of the factory, they presume there is a bigger project behind all of this. While the central comittee's response is that they are pushing for opening more work openings for the people of the Internationale, mainly focused on the Northern residents of Scotland. With the obvious affair that the Scotland is better set for animal farms, a large ammount of funds has gone through into the expansion of the agricultural sector of the Internationale, The Funds are primarly focused on Ireland, then Scotland and lastly Wales. Except the building construction in Scotland, a non public railway has begun construction from Corbyngrad to Kompool [Liverpool] and then aiming for Northern Scottish teritorries, as well as Road networks guarded by Police officers not allowing any citizen to enter the premise of it. It is obvious that the government is hiding something, with many check points spotted on the roads and railway. Regarding the topic of security, any police officer is in the ownership of a handgun at least, and there is no unarmed patrol officers in the Internationale anymore. An additional change to the educational system is that when a student reaches the age of 14, they are required to have a Marxism subject in their school till they reach the age of 18 Poster found inside a classroom specified for the Marxism class
  19. The British Internationale The basic overlook of the BI will be written here in more parts, regarding the industries, militaries, government, history, and the shrines of Comrade Corbyn Government Premier - Jeremy Corbyn aka Comrade Corbyn Foreign Affairs Secretary: Harold Alexander Grand Comissar of the Interoir: Edward Lewis Grand Comissar of the Armed Forces: Joust Arkan The Premier of the British Internationale holds all the power of the state and that role goes under Comrade Corbyn whom has obtained power with the support of many left leaning sympathizers. The ascendance to power has been peformed in a peaceful manner but because of the influence of the grand Comrade has spread out from the British isles to other parts of Europe the English crown has fled to an unkown former colony of the British Empire. With the grand Comrade obtaining the control very early there have not been any changes to the nation, only planning, but new socialist ideas wll be put into BI in the upcoming days in a major reforming act. While Jeremy holds all power in the state, he is just like any other ordinary human and he cannot know all and work on everything. His main 3 Comissars were put in the seat by the choice of the Premier. All of them have been chosen by skill, less than major radical devotion to the party and state. The Foreign Affairs Secretary has the role of managing foreign relations, conducting travels to various places of the world spreading the world of the Internationale and conducting many diplomatical missions which end with trade deals with many minor nations, for mutual growth of both the Western european state and those minor countries. The current FA Secretary has a personal clean record with no violation of law. The Comissar of Internal Affairs has a major say in the affairs of the state with partial control of the secret police, the intelegence and counter-intelegence service. His roles are split into two categories with leadership of the Comitee of State Security and the Comissariat of Basic Economics or Comessariat of the State's Wealth Managment. Over all his actions, the Premier has the final say in the operations of the secret police and other agencies. The Grand Comissar of the Army aka Chief of Staff and Comissar of Defence is tasked with all military and paramilitary operations of the state.
  20. Application Nation name: British Internationale Population (may use in-game numbers): it's like it matters, 125 million Population density (may use in-game numbers): y tho Official currency: British Pound GDP (may use in-game numbers): since when has this mattered either? everyone does whatever they want regardless of it! 6.5 Trillion in USD GDP per capita (may use in-game numbers): No need for me to repeat it Form of government: Socialist Dictatorship Describe your nation: OH JEREMY CORBYN! All hail Comrade Corbyn! Politics & War Wikia link (leave blank if you don’t have one): Have you read, and agree to abide by the rules of the map/subforum? (Yes/No): Ye Where on the map do you wish to be located? (Using real-world geography, or a self-provided map): Nation flag link (if you have a specific one you wish to use): (Map-wise, you're limited to a maximum of 75 provinces. If you go higher than that, I'll personally adjust it down until it's at 75, or ask you to re-do your own example until it fits within the 75 province limit. Note that expansion is allowed, but at a maximum of four provinces per month as to be as realistic as possible. This rule applies to nations under 75 provinces as well. Nations are permitted to own colonies, but at a maximum of 5 with no more than 20 provinces each. Separate colonies are unable to be conjoined. Gifted land is also capped at four provinces per month. This includes land gained by a nation as a result of a war as well.) (You are required to post at least once a month in the national affairs subforum to remain active. This means creating your own topic, not just commenting on your own, or someone else's posts. Inactive nations will be removed from the map.)
  21. Imagine the Microsoft paperclip having a voice and it sounding like Gilbert Gottfried

  22. Those that fall asleep with an itchy anus, will wake up with smelly fingers

  23. So no one told me
    that life is gonna be this gay
    Suckin a dicc as a joke
    but now I think I am gay!

    You came all over my face and in my ears
    but it hasn't been my day, my week, my month but I think I'm q u e e r

    I'll be gay for you!

    1. Aksel


      *clap clap clap clap*

    2. Rimski


      fap fap fap fap

  24. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. 

  25. "Alexa, play with my penis!"

    *beep boop*

    "Sorry, could not locate"

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