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Donald Sterling

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Everything posted by Donald Sterling

  1. Greatest DoE ever, of all time.
  2. What? There is nothing to nullify that is a threat that wants to hurt you. The only possible things you can "nullify" in this war is the treaty between SG and TAC, or make TAC not exist, and neither of those are a "threat that set out to hurt us". What I assume you mean to nullify is this bloc that you think exists. Last time I checked no bloc ever existed so you have nothing to nullify.
  3. Turns out I'm an Atlas Confederacy spy attempting to get knowledge about those pesky Gentlemen.
  4. I also have good experience on leaking information, not so great on covering it up but that's not the point, so if anybody needs some help just call me up.
  5. Stop posting this shit at midnight it's now to late to say anything that is of importance, so all I can say is !@#$ you EoS and your shitty times.
  6. Stop making speculations Sheepy. It's not good for your health.
  7. If you really want to know someone said it in some other thread. Forget which one, but I know it's out there.
  8. I'll give you a hint: between 0-100
  9. Please sum this up in 3 words so that I might have a chance of possibly comprehending what you may have potentially been trying to convey to my incompetent mind.
  10. It is displaying the wrong number for my stadiums.
  11. I think he means that it is going to be an utter failure just like the League of Nations
  12. Stanley had a dream about giant purple penises which he learned about first-hand. As he farted and thought about snorting lines, he suddenly choked on an absurdly large chicken, which came from the incredible pleasure of !@#$ting.
  13. I simply don't want the game to turn into appeasement simulator 2014, which is what it sounds like you are saying.
  14. I personally like the whole summit idea, but I ain't a big fan of the United alliances.
  15. Welcome, and I hope you hate every minute of your miserable life. It is a character from Destiny.
  16. 3. Borderlands 2. Europa Universalis 4 1. Halo 3
  17. So an alliance member of mine sent me this a while back.
  18. It's all good we replaced him with some one more competent. You do have Jorji in there though so you at least got something right. It seems to be all good in both of our hoods so congrats on the reformation. Sorry I'm not fluent in swag.
  19. You just went full retard. Never go full retard.
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