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Everything posted by Prefontaine

  1. Well, you can prove me wrong if/when you don't cancel your treaty and defend Rose.
  2. Well you can write a better one for Mensa when they declare on Rose. I mean Mensa was talking all about how they won't leave an ally hanging for long at all. Hell I expected a declaration before the update with how much you guys made it seem Rose waiting any amount of time was a horrible thing.
  3. Did anyone try diplomacy in this entire mess, I wonder?
  4. To give a prediction of what happens next it would be Mensa quiets a bit about their allies getting attacked and them not defending them. At most they'll hit VE but they want Rose, so working along with UPN they convince DEIC to drop Rose and then they finally attack Rose directly. Edit: At which point SK come in as well.
  5. There are winners are losers in the actual war, and there are winners and losers in the political arena. Alliances have won a war, but fallen apart or had allies leave them post war in mass and effectively lost the position they held prior to the war. Lets talk about how this war is shaping up. Mensa talks a lot. They've defended their position in attacking Vanguard for their problems with Rose as a tactical move, and a legit thing to do. They've insulted Rose and to a lesser extend (see: Much) VE for their delay in attacking them for attacking Vanguard. It's obvious to anyone with a brain (see: Not Mensa) that the exact same thing was about to happen to them as a retaliation. Now two of Mensa's allies are about to be hit hard, assuming Rose members find the war button, and Mensa will have to risk activating Rose's defensive treaties to hit them. Mensa can't sit back now can they? After the copious amounts of shit they've talked about not letting allies sit by the wayside, how they honor their treaties, how they should not only attack the attackers but do it quickly. The whole point of hitting Vanguard was to avoid hitting Rose and risk their treaties, now they effectively have to with the shit they've talked. If they don't well they're just honorless trash whose word means nothing. Kind of the reason I was trolling them so hard in the other threads was because it was clear the other shoe was about to drop and they would be in the same position they tried to put Rose in. Where to go from here? Does Mensa double down and hit Alpha? Though few members Alpha could actually inflict some major damage while being overrun, and they also have at least one known ally over 1k average strength as well. Or do they have a deal with TC? I think the TC thing is more likely. For whatever reason UPN has a political hard-on for Mensa. They paid them a large sum of money to avoid a war they wouldn't have even had to fight. The main problem with declaring on Rose is their treaty with DEIC. However I know Clarke/Diabolos/Emily reasonably well, and based on DEIC's past actions I fully expect them to cancel their treaty with Rose. Even said in IRC that I'd bet money they will within the week. DEIC are bad allies to have unless you're UPN/BoC. They don't stick around when things get tough, but they're happy to be your ally when things are good and easy. Solid partners to have really. So what're your thoughts? Will Mensa leave their allies to the wayside after all that talk? Will they declare on Rose/VE directly? Will they hit another one of Roses or VE's allies? Will DEIC drop Rose? Lets post those theories! Not sure either Rose or Mensa will come out of this war looking very good personally, in game and/or politically.
  6. As an honorary member of Guardian, if the fine members of NAC are having trouble finding a target, I offer you some space in my defense slot (oh baby). https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=3767
  7. As much as we all know I love having people talk about me, can we get this back on track of finding out who !@#$ed this up so badly?
  8. Planned the Guardian co v TC, Rothschild, and GPA war. One of them was a victory with just the planning phase. But by all means, please try to make this thread about your crush on me.
  9. I'm just gonna keep bringing this up. You attack at a time no where near day update thus forgoing the attack and rebuy without them rebuying advantage for the reason I can only assume "to have more people online". Yet Rose has currently 58 Active wars. 7 of which are not related to the alliance war. 17 of which are wars declared by Syndicate against you. So 24 of those 58 wars are not your offensive. 34 Offensive wars declared. Tactically speaking you typically have your members fighting in at most 2 offensive wars. So lets give you a generous 1.5 wars per member rating... 92 members x 1.5 wars per member is 138 wars. You're 34/138, rounding up you're at about 25% of what you should be given generous requirements. So again I ask. Who the !@#$ messed this up so badly? The point of being the aggressors is to have your people online and ready to go at that time, so you have an impressive opening blitz before they can react. Get them on the ropes right away. Syndicate has declared half as many wars as you have at the time of me taking this data. You're messing this shit up badly.
  10. No.. Seriously. A DoW at this time? Who the !@#$ is running things, and why are they doing so badly? Like.. Did you want to throw away one of the largest advantages from being the offensive side?
  11. Declaring war 8 hours before game update time?
  12. Or you've strengthened it, their alliance. You've no idea what's been going on behind closed doors between the two of them. From what I've seen Vanguard is wanting Rose/VE to stay out.
  13. So you declared war on the piece of paper that says their allied? Cus that's what signifies their alliance. Now, if you attacked Roses allies (which you did), then this quote doesn't exactly apply. Remember kids, words are important!
  14. So you're accepting 1v1s? I have some experience in those if you'd like.
  15. Might have to remake TLG, the "not a cult" of paperless treaties.
  16. I picked a side? Didn't realize I was fighting already.
  17. I don't need to justify my involvement in the war if/when that happens. I'm just a grunt that will be following orders then.
  18. Yeah, Mensa really wants that title. You're making it too easy.
  19. Which theory? The one where Mensa is an idiot sandwich?
  20. This is my default mode, I'm currently on auto-pilot at a cruising altitude of your mother. Oh. Tactics. Right. TACTICS. Not attacking the bigger threat, letting them build up more and choose when where and whom they hit. You're right. TOTALLY the smart move. The power comes in the first wave, and you've wasted the first wave on what you've admitted to be the weakest targets. Thus you expect your allies to pick up the stronger targets when they hit you. Mensa sure are brave, noble warriors.
  21. Well then. Wars over. Mensa now owes Vanguard reps. Perhaps UPN will pay them for them.
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