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Lee Young-suk

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Everything posted by Lee Young-suk

  1. Yeah, Star Wars, Magical, Vampires and Wizards are great roleplay lores when you can make them look realistic as possible, not only a long-long paragraphs with full of imagination words and no realistic explaination. But It could be a very very poor RP when you use it without any logical sense. None of people will understand and it will look like a stupid imagination of toddlers. Let's prove that by read on someone's lore: There is a nation of Vampires, Werewolves and other fairy-tales creatures with Almost-God power and ability. And the leader declared himself as "Extension of God". But, they are religious even they are Muslims. As my knowledge Islam is prohibited Magic. It is very very contradict and cannot be understand by rationale people. He defeated United States of America, the world's largest military spending even after next five or six nations combined with military in almost all continents with their NATO and Nuclear Weapons. And win the not-logic World War III, a war without any logical reasons and full of imagination. How can we understand and accept that? Logically in mind of rationale people, if World War III occured, there will be a Nuclear Holocaust that will kill half or more the world population. And the enemy of America will receive Nuclear first. Plus, they will receive from France and United Kingdom. Overall, i agree with the Timeline idea. And No matter if we found a different timeline between nations of NatRP. P.S. If we look at Cheonsa's first statement, we could pretend that he is an Islamist Extremist as he dreamed to destroy USA, the West and their allies. Just like Abu Bakr Al-Baghdad. As for me, I am here to roleplaying as a Honorable President. I don't really care if my lore is FT or MT or Whatever. I will act as a honorable leader not as a fancy story-teller. I don't like to read night-tale stories
  2. Response from US Department of State Following the unstable conditions and relatively fast regime changes, the United States planned to increase our Humanitarian and Military Aid. The United States also recognized the Republic of Texas as the legal successor of the Commonwealth and Confederate States. We are also offered direct involvement of our military to help stabilize your country. We will contact General Zhao Wenhuan, USA as Commander of United States Northern Command to prepare his soldiers for future military operations within Texas Republic. -Masaru Kanagawa, US Secretary of State
  3. Statement from US Secretary of State, Masaru Kanagawa We see an excellent advance in the development of democracy in the Basparian Democratic Republic initiated by President Cameron. One of the best progress is to abolish the death penalty for prisoners. This is very rarely done by countries in the world including in the United States where the abolition of the death penalty faced by conservative groups in the Congress. We would like to ask how about the right to argue and the right to expression in the public at the Basparian Democratic Republic? And how about your views on the rights of workers and labor? We are glad to see a country where the leader respect the value of freedoms and away from evil authoritarianism. We are honored to sign the declaration as the representative of the Asian people who live with a large Freedom, Equality and Fraternity. -Masaru Kanagawa, US Secretary of State
  4. Direct Message from the Oval Office, White House Greetings, Your Excellency President Cameron, First of all, I would like to congratulate for the establishment of the Basparian Democratic Republic. The United States is always happy to see new nations rise and stand upright among the global political powers. As i cannot attend your great party due to i'm heading for an Election, i would like to send my State Secretary Masaru Kanagawa to attend the party and see your nation. The United States is looking forward to open a Representative in the Basparian Democratic Republic. And we are also looking forward for further cooperations which shall grow our respective countries. An official letter would be send. President of the United States Lee Young-suk
  5. Here http://flaglane.com/download/american-flag/american-flag-graphic.png
  6. It's easy guys, The fastest one who make his first post, will get his claim.
  7. I have a better and cleaner flag of mine. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg Also, it seems like there is something wrong in Thundera's section. I did not sign "Coastal and Air Patrol Agreement" but MDP.
  8. I have sent you a pm, and you didn't answer. I wrote the complain here, you didn't answer it again. How long i should be patient again? So, you need my help? Well, i'm gonna help you. Strange, the error is only happen to me.
  9. As we can see, Eva-Beatrice got her gifted lands from Featherine even she has not made any post about gifting lands yet. But for me, i have made up the post and don't see anything wrong. I still haven't get my claim yet even have waited for hundreds hours. Funny. The Magic of Friendship. Or the Magic of Having friendship with a map-maker so we can get a lot of benefits from it. This is very not profesional.
  10. Omg, why it is harder for me to expand rather than others. I still haven't get my claim.
  11. Statement from US Department of State It seems like the "Heavenly Emperor" is very offended with Press Secretary's joke. As what you can see from evidences that we attached. Terrorist Groups are still available in Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa. Do you think that pictures are taken from a studio? Do you think we are lying? And unfortunately, we don't believe empty words from a dictator who declared himself as "Extension of God" even you cannot give us any evidences of the destruction of Terrorists at there. We also don't believe on your story about the fairy-tales characters such like Vampires, Werewolves or Orcs in your country as you only told us in a long and wasteful words without any logical sense and evidences. Do you think Indonesia is only belong to you? You forgot that a lot of parts of Indonesia is not on your hand. There are Republic of Sumatra and other Undisputed territories. Seems like you didn't read the timeline carefully, We always work to maintain peace and harmony with other nations as you can see that we ended all disputes with Arloskva in peaceful settlements. And remember, that the terrorists from Middle East and their allies from the whole world were killed our citizens first and they also prefer us as "Kafeer" and allowed to be killed through their Jihads. Which nation that you destroyed? Or Do you mean you destroyed that nation through Genocide? I don't think goodness is on the side of a destroyer or mass-killer. Unlike us, even though the terrorists tried to kill, assassinate, and declared us as Enemy of Islam, We did not even destroy them. We liberate them from terrorist and we showed graciousness and friendship with them. As you can see from the pictures, we knew that terrorists are only half of them and another half is our friends who seek freedom. We can see who is the evil? A Destroyer of a Nation or A Nation who showed graciousness and merciful? We did not enact any sanctions. As we do not have any formal diplomatic relations and you are limiting Freedoms in your nation, Declare yourself as an Extension of God, Extra-judicial punishment, Developing cult of personality, and Mocking our Democracy that means disrespect on our people. It makes us remember with Joseph Stalin and Kim Il-Sung in the past time of darkness. So, it has filled all requirements to be listed on Dark Red Countries. And For Aka'ata, we also do not enact any sanctions on your nation. We didn't even said like that. Why Aka'ata put into dark red Nations list? Because of last outbreak and we still considered that Aka'ata is not yet safe for our citizens. And also there is no representatives from our country at there. That’s why we need to verivy first before make a statement. If you still wants a war, we will retaliate it. (OOC: It's free for you (Cheonsa) whether to write your comment here or not and if you understand, that question is not necessary to be answered. I always become peaceful, and using nice manner to everyone including you since your first appearance here. But you always force me turn into OOC'ly and show disrespectful)
  12. US Foreign Affairs Update Yesterday, the White House Press’ Center was crowded by about 70 Domestic and 30 Foreign Journalists. They were invited by the Executive Office of the President of United States to attend on a Press Release on Foreign Affairs of the United States through Special Invitation E-Mail. This can only happened in countries which respected Democracy and Freedom of Press. The journalists attended 1 hour earlier than the schedule. This also probably only happened to Asians who recognized as the most Workaholic Citizens in the World. Before the Press Secretary attended at the Press Room, the journalists were murmured and discussed about “Why the White House invited journalists? Since the Journalists always attended even when not invited by the White Houseâ€. Then about 15 minutes after that, the President’s Assistant for Public Relations and Communication (Easily recognized as Press Secretary) Yoon Tae-young attended at the Press Secretary and shouted. Welcome to the White House Ladies and Gentlemen, We are very appreciated your obsession on attending this Event. We might be recognized internationally as the Most Discipline people in the World. Then, everyone in the room was focused to record, write and listen. The situation was very silent In our country, Journalist and Media are one of the four powers that empowered the life of the United States beside the People, Government, and Military. And we recognized it by passed the Freedom of Information and Rights for Expression Act. Meanwhile, you can see who laughed the Democracy abroad but actually they are fear of losing power if Democracy entered their system. Then, His face becomes more relax after shouted a critic to leaders who laughed Democracy and Freedom Well, I would like to present some good news which might be added as Headline on your newspaper, magazine or online media. As I believe that some of you have not made a Headline yet and frustrated because of that. Some journalists smiled because of his statement. United States Established Relation with Thundera United States Flag Flies in the Front of US Embassy at Thundera Recently, the United States has established diplomatic ties with Thundera. The Establishment of diplomatic ties with Thundera marked by the opening ceremony of US Embassy at Thundera and at the same time Embassy of Thundera also did opening ceremony. The Opening Ceremony of US Embassy at Thundera was led by Ambassador Richard Wen. The United States also signed Treaty of Mutual Defense and Trade Agreements with Thundera. The Treaties were signed by respective Ministers and Delegations at Capital of the United States and Capital of Thundera. The US Secretary of State Masaru Kanagawa gave a statement while signing the treaty: It is always become a great chance to see that United States engaged with other countries for sustain and develop prosperity of both nations. The United States will remain opened for any kind of Diplomatic ties with other nations and always looking forward for brighter future of respective countries. Meanwhile in the Embassy of Thundera, there is an interesting story inside there. The journalists were surprised by the style of Thunderan Diplomats. They are acknowledged as a “silent†and “calm†nation in the World. But, if we look inside at their Embassy they could be recognized as one of the richest country in the World. Thunderan Diplomats bought about 10 Mercedes-Benz E-Class with value about US$1 Million, 15 Antique Paints and Arts with value about US$ 1.5 Million, and Precious Carpets from Middle East with value about US$ 400 Thousands. Even though, the United States have already gave them with 10 Hyundai Sonata Executive Cars*. The United States also sent 5 Experts to Thundera for observing and purchase the newly built ZADS-III Missile Defense System as well observing the Thundera-made Helicarriers. *US Department of State always gave 10 Executive Cars for all Foreign Embassies as well provide housing to Foreign Ambassadors as the Standard. Discussion that Ended the Cold War US Soldiers Uploading Logistics into Cargo Aircraft to be send into Newly-owned US Military base at Guantanamo and Arloskva After a long-time cold war with Arloskva due to the effect of White Arloskva Policy, President Lee initiated a détente or relaxation of the relationship with Arloskva. The Détente Policy was supported by the the Congress with approval of 356 out of 650 Members of the Congress. Although, Some of them were criticized about the Establishment of Air Force Base in Brisbane. A new Air Force Base isn’t needed I think, it will only waste our budget as the operational expense will increase -Richard Cho, Republican Legislator The Agreements between the United States of Asia and Arloskva commonly known as Memorandum of Understanding between United States of Asia and Arloskva. The Agreement were discussed by President Lee and Minister of Propaganda Blair Cottrell. One of the important points on the Agreement are “Arloskva will cooperate with United States on War against Terrorism as well combating Trans-National Crimes in Asia Continentâ€. The Arloskva will also combating the crimes that caused by White Arloskva Policy as well give those who affected by White Arloskva Policy to get US Citizenship and ensure their safety until their departure to the United States. So, Nobody will wandering and becoming refugees because of the White Arloskva Policy. New Military Base Established at Guantanamo Bay and Arloskva Mobile IRBM Silos arrived at Guantanamo Naval Base As one of the points on MOU between United States and Arloskva, the Arloskva shall allow the US Air Force to open an Air Force Base near Brisbane to conduct evacuation mission and as a station for US Military. The US Air Force seems have prepared to send logistics for the Establishment of the Base. It is expected that 3,000 US troops will work on the Air Force Base. In the same time, the United States rent the Guantanamo Naval Base as the new Military Base for US Navy with amount of US$ 25 Millions for next 50 years. Some pieces of land in Guantanamo will be dedicated as Detention Camp for Prisoners of War. Especially, for Prisoner of Wars and Terrorists that were captured during Global War on Terrorism. Approximately, 89 POWs have been sent into Guantanamo and one of them is Jubair bin Ahmed Abu-Khattala, Son of Ahmed Abu Khattala (Perpetrator of Karachi Attack that killed 121 people (76 of them were US Citizens) and wounded 240 people (95 of them were US Citizens) long time ago). The US Armed Force also deployed 5 Mobile IRBM Silos to Guantanamo and established Guantanamo as Headquarter of US Northern Command (moved from Galapagos) and Headquarter/Garrison of the Seventh Fleet, Progress on Ongoing War Against Terrorism An Afghan gives a Cup of Tea for US Soldiers The Global War Against Terrorism (commonly known as War on Terror or WoT) have lasted for a long time. About 76,000 troops have involved in this war as well 200 Main Battle Tanks, 20,000 Humvees, 40 Aircrafts and 3 Ships. The war is targeting on several Islamist terrorist Organization such as Anshar Al-Sharia , Al-Qaeda , Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Abu Sayyaf Organization and hundreds of other “Designated Terrorist Groups by Department of Stateâ€. The theatres of Global War on Terror are Middle East, Central Asia, Nigeria, Bosnia, and Southeast Asia. Arloskva has decided to join the Global War on Terror based on the Agreement with the United States. Arloskvan Army will be involved in Major Operations such as Operation Inherent Resolve to capture and clean terrorists in Iraq and Syria, Operation Uphold Democracy to overthrow Terrorists-backed government of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and An Unknown Operation to conduct military aggression against Abu Sayyaf Militias in Philippines and Indonesia. US Soldiers Hanged Out with Afghans. When we can see a poor conditions on Islamic Countries in Middle East, A question appeared "Where is someone who declared himself as a Heavenly Mandate of God? Is his God forgot about the current situation in Afghanistan and Middle East so he is not give any mandates on them?" US Department of Defense expected that the war will end on before the 2017 Federal Election and the United States will withdraw its forces from all theatres but some troops will remained for peacekeeping and humanitarian support. Foreign Policy on Each Countries The United States Department of State enacted policy towards nations in the World with different Foreign Policy. Green Countries/Regions Policy : US Citizens are allowed to Enter and Trade with Green Countries/Regions. Permission to visit Green Countries can be granted from respective Embassies or Consulates without any barriers from Department of State. Diplomatic and Consular Access are available as well Protections. Countries : Confederate States of America, Arloskva Union, Thundera, Tomainia (pending), Evenstar (pending), United Rekkish Empire, Mogatopia, Republic of Sumatra and Other Areas considered Neutral, Undisputed and Unaligned unless otherwise endorsed. Basic Law : Foreign Relations and Diplomacy Act and Homeland Security Instruction Number 10. Orange Countries/Regions Policy : US Citizens are allowed to Enter Orange Countries/Regions by prior permission from US Department of State. These areas might be prohibited to enter due to Terrorism, Conflict, Crimes and Dangerous Natural Conditions. Countries : Middle East and Nigeria Basic Law : US Foreign Relations and Diplomacy Act Red Countries Policy : Citizens are not allowed to entering/departing Red Countries/Regions due to No Diplomatic and Consular Access as well Protection to these Countries/Regions. Special Permission can be granted from Department of State and there must be a clear reason to visit these countries/regions. Flights from Red Countries also prohibited to entering US Aerospace. Failure to do may result in Military Interceptions. Countries : Ottoman Empire, Meta Board, Hungadada, Sweden, Principality of Biscotti, Nihon, Aelonia, Ruhr, and United Kingdom of Cal Basic Law : US Foreign Relations and Diplomacy Act Dark Red Countries Policy : Citizens are not allowed to entering/departing Dark Red Countries/Regions due to extreme authoritarian regime, very dangerous criminals and terrors, or dangerous threats that may endanger life. Flights from these countries are fully-prohibited to enter US Aerospace. Countries : Aka’atan Empire, Holy Britannian Empire and Amenrian Empire. Basic Law : US Foreign Relations and Diplomacy Act and Homeland Security Instructions Number. 10. Closing Statement by Press Secretary Yoon Tae-young The United States never interested to gain Global hegemoney nor Superpower status in the World. We always work to maintain peace and harmony with other nations. Unlike other nations who always try to gain “Superpower†status even by abusing the use of War on Evil. As what we really done with Arloskva, we will always put Negotiation in the top of diplomatic priorities. As an old quote said “Diplomacy is the strongest weapons in the World, Thus a large military will meaningless than a strong diplomacy". Lastly, we have to thank for Kingdom of Wintery, United Rekkish Empire, Liastisa (dissolved), Imperial Empire du France (dissolved), Thundera, Confederate States of America, Arloskva and other friends that might I forgotten for our respective cooperations in the past and now. Those cooperations have built and developed us into a strong and peaceful community. We will always looking forward for brighter future between our countries. One thousand friends are not enough, One enemy is too many. And he shouted a joke with little offensive words to someone At least, our President doesn’t need to wait in a Café until saw a ghost or do nothing except drinking coffee in a lonely Wedding to establish relations with other nations. Written and Quoted by Mayu Watanabe, from NHK Broadcasting Corporation
  13. Statement of US Department of State We can see some leaders who have less competences, they are very fast in giving statements that are unfriendly on other countries and very fast in believing someone's opinion. This article is nothing more than an opinion article made by a Journalist that investigate and inspect the work of his Government. So, the truth on this article is need to be verify first. And I don't think that Ninjas are capable in monitoring our Intelligence since they are working everyday as usual. P.S. Makarov was a KGB not from our Intelligence, CIA. -Masaru Kanagawa, US Secretary of State
  14. Next time, We have to set a rule not only for "Farewell Gifts" but also for "Birthday Gifts" and "Graduation Gifts". Farewell Gifts are same as "Gifts" that has written on rules for a long time. I don't see a clear different between Farewell Gifts and Ordinary Gifts. As what happen in the reality, Almost people who gifted their lands are always back (Even a person returned and always "farewell gifted" her lands more than once). They also make new claims that possibly will be "farewell gifted" again. If we continue this, then the map will be fulled by a small number of person with having much lands. That's why the rules stated that Gifting Lands* are limited to 4 and the solution is "We have to enforce it". P.S. i said this based on what has written on the rules *It's no longer questionable affected for all kind of gifting lands since there was not written "Unless for Farewell".
  15. I think the rule on Gifting lands has already available since September 2016. We could prefer to Drecq's Application when he registered to NatRP (at that time the limit on gifting lands are two per month). https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12815-politics-war-roleplaying-applications-info-re-opened/page-26 It's written at there: (Map-wise, you're limited to a maximum of 50 provinces. If you go higher than that, I'll personally adjust it down until it's at 50, or ask you to re-do your own example until it fits within the 50 province limit. Note that expansion is allowed, but at a maximum of two provinces per month as to be as realistic as possible. This rule applies to nations under 50 provinces as well. Provinces are unable to be moved from one location to another. Gifted land is also capped at two provinces per month. Land gained by a nation as a result of war can be more than this.) Some people who left NatRP gifted all of their lands to at least one people or more. This can be considered as invalid and against what has written on there. And why we did not enforce this until Now? It's been written clearly that maximum amount of gifting lands are four (two at past). So that mean, All kind of gifting lands are limited on 4 per month. And i support that guy to remove those invalid gifted lands. Note: Abigail and Panzer's case is not the only one example i think. There are Eva-Beatrice to Lelouch and Featherine, and the recent is Nova Scotia to Nihon and also several others that i might forgotten. Another problem is, There is a person who played NatRP and then she decided to leave NatRP with gifted all of her lands for someone. Then she returned to join NatRP and make a new claim and then she decided to leave again by gifted her lands again. And now, she is returned again. Is that fair? One of the new map rules that should be added i think is "Erase the Farewell Gifting tradition" and enforce the rules. Farewell gifting lands with more than 4 lands must not available and we must follow the rules. And i also thinking that increasing amount of land to be owned is not needed for now. As nobody can presented a clear reason why we should increase that amount. Thanks,
  16. President Re-Activated Glopronash Program Written by: Simon Ross, Independent Investigative Journalist Founder of International Consortium of Investigative Journalist Database of a Glopronash Operative, Vladimir Makarov who have betrayed by becoming a Whistleblower for Journalists Glopronash Program (Ð“Ð»Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð³Ñ€Ð°Ð¼Ð¼Ð° мониторинга и шпионажа; Global'naya programma monitoringa i shpionazha) is a top-secret black ops program designed by former Eastern Bloc intelligence agencies led by the KGB of Soviet Union. The KGB, Stasi and other intelligence agencies were massively and randomly recruited people to become their operative agents globally. The recruited assets will be trained in the nearest Secret Station for future Espionage and Covert Operations. They were trained to able speak in more than 7 languages (their Native, Russian, German, English, Chinese, Arabic, French and others), Psychological Operations, Intelligence gathering, general knowledge about the world and as well semi-military training. Since the fall of communism bloc and dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Gloshpron Assets were transferred into SVR (Russian Foreign Intelligence Service) and used by the signatures of Commonwealth of Independent States. Thus, they are still active and recruiting for future possible use. The Gloshpron can only be activated by Former KGB and Stasi officials as well Eastern Bloc intelligences. There are hard barriers that should be passed to give command on the Gloshpron Assets which can only be passed by KGB and Stasi officials. One of the former KGB officials which able to activate the Gloshpron Protocol are Vladimir Putin (the remaining President of Republic of Russia), Ilham Aliyev (Former KGB Director of Caucasus) and Gennady Yanayev (Former KGB Officials and Premier of Soviet Union). Vladimir Putin and Ilham Aliyev were seen to having a close relationship with US President Lee Young-suk. After the Republic of Russia joined the United States and ratified the Union Treaty, there is a speculation that the United States is has been activate the Gloshpron Protocol. However, the Government and CIA officials keep silenced on this program. As part of Freedom of Information, we have to know about what our government has done. About the Glopronash Operatives Gloshpron operatives are very capable assassins and sabotage agents as they were trained hardly by KGB and Stasi. They leave no traces of their existence. A KGB whistleblower, Vladimir Makarov, states that while anyone can carry out an assassination, Gloshpron agents are meant to be "invisible". They don't make mistakes. They don't do random. There's always an objective, always a target. Vladimir Makarov Gloshpron operatives are highly trained in numerous killing techniques and the use of improvised weapons. They possess nearly superhuman levels of proficiency with firearms and other weapons. Their skills include sharpshooting, explosives, vehicle operation, and (advanced) hand-to-hand combat. All Glopronash agents have excellent observational skills, heightened target awareness, lightning reflexes, peak-human physical condition, escape-evasion abilities, and mental process which also give them the ability to think quickly and calmly in stressful situations. The Re-Activation of Gloshpron Operatives Vladimir Putin and US Secretary of Defense, Xi Jinping After a meeting with Former KGB Officials who also occupy as President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the United States Government is seemingly have an obsession to gain access to Gloshpron Program. Since the Republic of Russia has joined the United States, it will be easy for the CIA to gain access to the Gloshpron Operatives. Vladimir Putin also seems happy to give the access to the Central Intelligence Agency. What you are talking about is very serious to National Security of the United States. I cannot speak until the Government going to declassify it. But, i can ensure you that all of them are used for protecting our security and we will not use it against our friends and allies Lee Jae-young, Director of Central Intelligence The speculation also empowered by the establishment of several secret mass surveillance projects, such as ECHELON, PRISM and FAIREYE (No idea what are those projects as there is no information available). Those projects are believed for supporting the activation and operation of assets. Many journalists believe that ECHELON, PRISM, and FAIREYE are CIA projects to conduct mass surveillance on Worldwide Communication System (Internet, Mobile Network, Telephone, Messaging, E-Mail and various broadband services). ECHELON Station on Mallorca, Balearic Islands If the Glopronash, PRISM, ECHELON and FAIREYE are truly available, the Central Intelligence Agency will become invisible and increase their success rate on their operations. I believe that the United States shall use those programs to defend our security interests and they will not use that to espionage friendly nations Liu Weihan, Intelligence Expert of International Institute of Strategic Studies The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists will conduct an investigation on this Intelligence projects. However the citizens have right to know what is their government doing and gain information about this. We are also planned to leaks the information from the whistleblowers. Glopronash in Number § Approximately, there are 531,091 assets have been trained by the KGB and Stasi. They are currently lived in the World and doing their daily-life as usual. But when CIA activated one of them, they are a very good and the best killing-machine in the world. § The activation of assets are only known by 23 KGB and Stasi officials, 7 of them are deceased, 10 are remained unknown and 6 have live and settled permanently in the Unites States. § The largest use of Gloshpron agents were in Vietnam War. Approximately 1,091 Gloshpron agents deployed into Vietnam War from Cambodia, China and Laos. It was the largest deployment of Glopronash Operatives in the history *According to information from Vladimir Makarov, KGB Whistleblower Simon Ross, Independent Investigative Journalist Founder of International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
  17. Hey, why i still haven't get my claim? I have made a post about it EDIT: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/19849-executive-order-number-125-acquiring-new-lands-giving-a-new-hope-to-the-natives/#entry327931
  18. Direct from the Oval Office, White House Dear The Honorable Dalton Bradburry, Firstly i would like to congratulate for the people of the Commonwealth and the United States for the ratification this treaty as The US Congress have also passed to ratify this treaty. The United States is always happy to support and help our friends in this world. -President of the United States
  19. Statement from US Department of State We have never allowed our citizens to visit any countries without any formal diplomatic relations with the United States. As we do not have any Embassy and others Diplomatic Protocol with Holy Britannian Empire, There was no citizens of the United States travel, visit or settle in Britannian territory. The same thing also happened for all goods from the United States. There was no goods sent/exported into Britannia except goods that exported through black market. This policy will not affect nor having any influences on us, we will continue what have we done. This policy will only show to the world that the Government of Britannian Empire have never respect the International Community as they made a fake news to the world and enacting sanctions without any clear considerations and reasons. -Masaru Kanagawa US Secretary of State
  20. From the Bahamas, A Note of Strategic Partnership Flag raising Ceremony in front of US Embassy at Nassau, The Commonwealth, marked the formalization of relation between United States and the Commonwealth On the occasion of the 1st Anniversary of the Victory Day of the United States, US President Lee Young-suk and Prime Minister of the Commonwealth Samuel Fox agreed to sign Treaty of Mutual Security and Military Cooperation between the Commonwealth and the United States through a diplomatic channel by using a Teleconference, the first in the world. The leaders reflected on the shared sacrifice and dedication to defend freedom and democracy in both nations. The leaders also acknowledged that the Commonwealth and the United States will promote peace and stability not only in the region but also in the world. The relations will evolve into a strong, successful and enduring relations stated by US State Secretary Masaru Kanagawa. However, the United States also respect the “Neutral Foreign Policy†of the Commonwealth. The leaders reaffirmed the mutual responsibilities and steadfast commitments of the two countries founded on the Treaty of Mutual Security and Military Cooperation, which has served as the bedrock of the partnership United Territories of the Commonwealth and the United States of Asia Treaty of Mutual Security and Military Cooperation The parties of this Treaty, Reaffirming our desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments, and desiring to strengthen the fabric of peace in the World. Desiring to declare publicly and formally of our common determination to defend ourselves against external armed attack so that no potential aggressor could be the illusion that either of us stands alone in the World. Desiring further to strengthen our efforts to maintain the preservation of peace and security pending the development of a more comprehensive and effective system of security in the World. Have agreed as Follows ARTICLE I : SOLVING DISPUTES The parties undertake to settle any disputes in which may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered and refrained our relations. ARTICLE II : MUTUAL DEFENSE The parties shall defend each other if either of parties threatened by external armed attack. Separately and jointly, by self help and mutual aid, the parties will maintain and develop appropriate means to deter armed attack and will take suitable measures in consultation and agreement to implement this treaty and to further its purposes. ARTICLE III : MILITARY COOPERATION Each party shall conduct cooperation in military affairs through consultation, agreement or requests from either Parties. The cooperation includes Annual Joint Military Exercise and Weapons Development or other things that shall be discussed in the near future. ARTICLE IV : INTELLIGENCE SHARING The United Territories of the Commonwealth and The United States of Asia shall share intelligence data gathering from our respective intelligence community by requests or consultations. ARTICLE V : RATIFICATION The treaty shall be ratified by the United Territories of the Commonwealth and the United States of Asia in accordance with our respective constitutional processes and will come into force. ARTICLE VI : TERMINATION This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely. Either party may terminate it after notice has been given to other party. In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty United Territories of the Commonwealth, Prime Minister Samuel Fox United States of Asia, President Lee Young-suk Interview on Joint Vision for the Relations of the United Territories of the Commonwealth and the United States of Asia Meanwhile, the US Secretary of State Masaru Kanagawa ® and Undersecretary of State for North America, Xiang Libao (L) of Department of State held a short interview with several journalists at Kim Dae-jung Building 127, Chungmuro Street, Namdaemun-gu. ­US State Secretary, Masaru Kanagawa The relationship between the Commonwealth and the United States is adapting to charges in the 21st Century security environment. We will maintain a robust defense posture backed by our capabilities which support both nations’ security interests. We will continue to deepen our strong bilateral economic, trade, and investment relations. The United Territories of the Commonwealth and the United States of Asia will work to achieve our common goals through strategic cooperation at every level. However, we will always respect the Commonwealth Foreign Policy of Neutrality. Simon Ross, From International Consortium of Investigative Journalists Dear Mr. State Secretary, is it true that the United States Air Force gave 15 F/A-15 Strike Eagle to the Commonwealth Military without any payment (For Free)? If yes, what is the background of this gift? US State Secretary, Masaru Kanagawa Yes, that’s true, we gave 15 F/A-15 Strike Eagle to the Commonwealth from Galapagos Air Force Station for free. It was given as part of Article Number III that Military Cooperation shall be conducted to strengthen each others. Kim Seo-woon, From Associated Press News Service From our respective views between Journalists, this treaty shall come to a Military Alliance and strengthening strategic position of the United States globally, Will the United States expand this treaty into a Global-Scale Military Alliance? US State Secretary, Masaru Kanagawa The United States will expand this treaty for peaceful and maintenance of global security and stability but the United States does not have any obsession to become a Superpower unlike other countries who try hardly to become a Superpower even by abusing the word “Defending the Goodness, Fighting the Evilâ€. Mayu Watanabe, From NHK Broadcasting Corporation Will the United States also sign this kind of treaty to Non-Democracy powers in the World? US State Secretary, Masaru Kanagawa Yes, the United States will always open for future negotiations with all countries with any form of government. Please remember that we cannot force someone to adopt Democracy as Democracy is derived from the people himself. Naturally, people will desire to live freely without oppression and limitation in Expression, Religious and Life and also remember the words Vox Populi, Vox Dei (Voice of the People, Voice of the God) so anyone cannot declare himself as Solely Mandate of God since this title is only applicable for the people not one person.
  21. Seeking a third wife Mr. Emperor? Questions Dear Solar Queen of Aelonia, Aelonia is almost unknown by U.S. Citizens as there are only few informations available about Aelonia in the United States. And it has been my duties as a Journalist to reveal and search knowledges and informations from arround the world. Perhaps from my questions it could open Asians eyes toward Aelonia. 1. Concerning your previous statement that you have a large military which can make you become a Great Power in the world. What makes Aelonia deserve to be a Great Power? 2. What is the mean of Freedom of Religion and Faith for you? And how do you practice it in your country? 3. What is your view on your economy? Market Oriented or Socialist? 4. What are your contributions on Global security and peace? 5. What is your Foreign Policy? 6. What is your opinion on Democracy and Freedom of Expression? 7. Will you step down and resign from your position as Leader of Aelonia if you are accused for doing bribery, corruption, or having a scandal? 8. What will you do to prevent yourself from doing corruption? 9. What will you do if one of your officials accused for doing bribery or corruption? 10. The last question, what makes you deserve to be a leader? Thanks, it would be great if you answer those questions clearly and wisely. -Simon Ross, Independent Investigative Journalist Founder of International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
  22. Statement from Karachi Air Force Base, Headquarter of United States Middle East Command As there is no clear information provided by the Britannian Authority on which teritorries are prohibited to entering (They only said "Near Middle East towards Kazakhstan". Which areas? Iran or Central Asia?). The United States Government will temporarily disobey this policy until a clear map of the prohibited areas are provided. Diplomatically, the International Community have right to know clearly about the reasons why those areas are considered prohibited as those areas are Neutral and free for international activities. -General Yoshihiro Noda, USMC Commander of United States Middle East Command
  23. Do you have a military? Yes, as it is mandated by our Constitution to defend and protect our vital interests. Does the army have any extensions (air force, coast guard, etc.)? ​Yes, they are: United States Army United States Marine Corps United States Navy United States Air Force United States Coast Guard All of them are maintained and controlled under civilian command through Department of Defense. What does your military do when not at war? Training, Deployed for Humanitarian Missions such as to Nigeria, Deployed for Peacekeeping Operations such as to Pakistan, Deployed for Non-Combatant Specialized Mission such as Joint Task Force - Indonesia and Philippines (for Combating Transnational Terrorists), Combating Trans-National Crimes, Deployed for Foreign Military Excercises. How large is your military? Large and strong enough to defend and secure our sovereignty and to ensure the protection of our citizens. Can women serve? Yes, the women able to serve in Military Police, Medical Corps, Corps of Engineers, Cyber Command, Transportation Command although they are not allowed to serve in Field Infantry and Special Forces. How old must you be to serve? 18 for Army (17 With parental consent), 20 for Marine Corps (19 with parental consent), 19 for Navy (18 with parental consent), 21 for Air Force (19 with parental consent), 18 for Coast Guards (17 with parental consent). Is there a draft, and how does it work? There is no Military Draft. However, President may call for Military Draft in wartime or upon the confirmation of the Congress. Do those who serve receive financial compensation? Yes, those who are serving will receive facilities from the Federal Government such as Salaries, Housing, Family Compensation, Insurance, and Free Medical Treatment. Those who have served or retired will get Military Pension Rewards with a sum of money based on their last rank.
  24. Statement from US Department of State First of All, We would like to congratulate for the foundation of a new Democracy power, United Territories of the Commonwealth and for the appointment of Prime Minister Samuel Fox as the Head of Government. A New Government means A New Hope for the people. The United States is looking forward to establish an Embassy in the newly build capital of The United Territories of the Commonwealth. Through our Embassy we could open a diplomatic channel to discuss any issues faced by our respective country and for future cooperation. Note: An official letter from US Government would be send. -Masaru Kanagawa US Secretary of State
  25. Executive Order Number 125: Acquiring New Lands, Giving a New Hope to the Natives US Army Soldier Patrolling on the Street at Vladivostok, Primrosky Krai The independent territory of Primrosky Krai and Eastern Siberia Oblast was annexed by the United States of Asia on May 20th, 2017 marked by the arrival of 10,000 soldiers on Eastern Siberia and 4,320 Marines on Primrosky. Since then, these territories have been administered by as two de facto part of United States of Asia although there was only administered by military. On May 18-19, President Lee convened an all-night meeting with Masaru Kanagawa, the State Secretary; Xi Jinping, the Defense Secretary; General Kazune Shinseki, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hwang Kyo-ahn, Homeland Security Secretary; and other Senior Federal Officials to discuss the economic and political crisis which almost led to the rise of Islamist militias in Eastern Siberia and Primrosky. And at the end of meeting President Lee had remarked that “We must start working on rescue and help the Eastern Siberia and Primrosky before they fallen into militias hand.†On May 20th, President of the United States issued the Executive Order Number 125 which allowed the United States Armed Force to take an “immediate action†upon those territories. May 25th 2017, Five days after the occupation by US Military, the Federal Government held a referendum to allow Eastern Siberia and Primrosky whether to regain their independence or join the Union. The majority of voters (67,30%) voted to join the United States of Asia. The referendum is considered as “illegal action†by several members of opposition in the House of Representative. "...Underscores that the referendum having no validity based on our constitution and can be considered as an Illegal action...†– Renho Watanabe, Republican Representative. Meanwhile, the Secretary of Defense opposes the “illegal action†label, by defending the referendum as complying with the principle of self-determination of peoples. Then, the President said that Eastern Siberia and Primrosky will be unified into a single entity named “The Republic of Russia†(due to domination of Russian ethnic) thus become the Sixth republic to join the United States of Asia. The Treaty on Accession of the Republic of Russia into the United States of Asia will be signed between representatives of the Republic of Russia and the United States of Asia on May 30th, 2017 to lay out terms for the immediate admission of the Republic of Russia as Union Republics of the United States. After signing the treaty, Defense Secretary said that they will immediately militarize the Acquired Lands by building Military bases and installations including the establishment of the Fourth Fleet on the Sea of Japan. US Navy Warship, USS Freedom arrived in Vladivostok The Federal Government also planned to make Vladivostok to become a city hub on Yellow Sea by building 210 Schools, 10 Universities, 1 International Airport, 1 International Port, 10 4G LTE transmitter and establish new FTX (High Speed Rail) route from Vladivostok into Nagato until Seoul Capital. The Federal Government also planned to connect Vladivostok with Interstate Highway AH4 (Vladivostok-Nagato-Yokohama) crossing the border with the Kingdom of Wintery thus the United States will immediately contact the Royal Government of Wintery to gain permission to build it.
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