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Andrezj Kolarov

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Everything posted by Andrezj Kolarov

  1. Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. - Quran 2:256
  2. Damn I loved that movie, I went in expecting a standard horror flick and instead got a masterful deconstruction of the entire horror genre.
  3. It's not like PW is a game you can "play" for hours a day. At minimum you could log in once a day for 30 seconds to get free 50k, and then once every 5 days to change domestic policy and/or buy a new city (or project) and infra/improvements. That's something you can do at home, not something that's so desperate you need to do it at school/Uni.
  4. Your "stance" is bizarre, for one the countries where "militant Islam" is the ruling government are the very countries "we" (which I assume is, the United States and the West) support the strongest, economically, politically and militarily (ie Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain etc). Why isn't the US bombing those countries?
  5. I think that's something rather political which would be better left to bilateral relations.
  6. The Slavs are an ancient and vibrant culture with a epic history of noble deeds. To this day the various Slavic peoples and nations share customs and similar (sometimes mutually-intelligible) languages, including the Cyrillic alphabet. The idea of this "Slavic League" is to encourage cross-cultural exchange such as; 1) organizing exchange student programs 2) allowing citizens of member nations to holiday in each others nations 3) setup optional language classes for the various Slavic languages of said nations 4) setup cultural clubs in each others nations, so citizens traveling/living/working abroad can have a "taste of home" while abroad etc The Slavic League shall respect the unique social, economic and political systems in the respective nations. The league is generally not a political organization, though it can make statements concerning Slavs worldwide if all member nations agree to it. To join the league a majority of each nation's citizens must be a Slavic people. Nations with a large Slavic minority may join as Observer states, but they have no vote. The league has a great meeting comprising the political leaders of each nation at the beginning of June corresponding with Green week. To join simply apply here. Members: People's Republic of Velika Grand Ruthenian Empire of Chernigov She Islamik Perubqik ov Khevin
  7. Where do you think Trump's wealth came from? It doesn't grow on trees. He'd only be giving it back to the people he stole it from.
  8. If he's a champion of the people then why doesn't he hand over his wealth to them.
  9. So do you think torturing someone for all eternity is a morally evil act or not? What about people who grew up in times and places where your favorite sect (Christianity) did not exist or was very tiny, so said person had no knowledge of your religion and thus didn't convert. Are you saying that person deserves eternal torture? Why would an apparently all-knowing and all-powerful deity need to threaten it's followers with eternal torture if they were all-powerful? That sounds like the act of a grasping tyrant. Why can't said deity provide evidence of his existence to his followers? Why can't said god eliminate hunger, disease, poverty and death?
  10. I don't, human society does, you can claim the inspiration comes from some old religious text but it's humans that write down laws and humans that enforce them, I don't see any divine intervention and you can't prove it. Also doesn't stop the fact that torturing a person for all eternity is morally evil, and anyone who would do such a thing is evil too. Why do you worship an evil god fist?
  11. Lol? Whites have more money, own more property and have more political power. The situation for women is even more extreme; considering that women are half the world's population, work two-thirds of the world's working hours (66%), receive 10% of the world's income, and own less than 1% of the world's property. Or are you one of those far-rightists who think special laws to try and uplift minorities and women are "oppression"?
  12. Says the reactionary who literally believes a righteous god would throw people into a lake of fire for all eternity.
  13. First, Hezbollah are a Lebanese group, they fight a patriotic struggle to defend Lebanon from foreign enemies, whether they be Zionist or Islamist, the Golani struggle is a Syrian struggle and only Syrians should be the ones to liberate Golan. Second, during the Cold War the Islamists (supported by Saudi, Gulf puppets and US) fought tooth and nail against progressive nationalist-secularist movements like Nasser's Egypt and the Ba'ath, this was evident right from the Yemeni Civil War where the Saudis used their tribal puppets to try and overthrow an independent Arab Republic in Yemen and impose a reactionary tribal monarchy in it's place. There was a movement during those times to unite the Arabs into a single state which could stand up stronger to Zionist and American imperialism, at one stage Egypt, Syria and Libya were a single country. You forget THAT AT EVERY STAGE OF THE STRUGGLE SAUDI AND FAR-RIGHT ISLAMISTS FOUGHT TOOTH AND NAIL AGAINST ARAB UNIFICATION AND TO PRESERVE OLD TRIBAL AND RELIGIOUS RULE. Is is bald-faced hypocrisy for the religious bloc in the Middle-East today to claim they're in favor of Arab unity when they have fought against it since the movement existed, they fight to enslave the Arabs to capitalism, the same capitalism which steals the oil wealth of Arabia to put it into the bank accounts of fat sheiks while the people suffer. Saudis only use "Arab unity" as a cover for chauvinist anti-Kurd and anti-Persian racism. Also stop trying to avoid the reality that the majority of Daesh recruits are Saudi and the majority of foreign funding comes from donations from rich sheiks. Saudis are fundamentalist Salafi, Daesh (and all the Islamists in Syria) are Salafi, it's all the same bloc. And last, Daesh is getting destroyed and this is evident to anyone, even looking beyond the propaganda. Keep saying that American is being "played", I'm sure you'll keep saying it even when Raqqa is completely encircled and (like Hitler) al-Bahgdadi is in his bunker ready to blow his brains out. Daesh have brought American imperialism back to Iraq and Syria even when it was nearly defeated, they are acting as tools of that imperialism.
  14. BS, Daesh and Nusra haven't launched a single raid in the Golan against the Zionists, despite occupying the area near the border. The only groups and state/s that are truly fighting against Zionism are Iran and Hezbollah, which Daesh and the Islamists are sworn enemies with. Not to mention that the most recruits and money for Daesh come from Saudi Arabia and it's Gulf puppets, which themselves are in the sphere of US imperialism. Daesh use American weapons, drive American vehicles and wear American uniforms. The US/West have been fighting progressive nationalist/secular movements in the Middle-East since the Cold War by supporting right-wing Islamist movements. Many Islamist groups (like the Brotherhood and it's affiliates) have their leadership living in the US or have been educated in the US, like Egypt's former President Morsi. Daesh (and Islamism in general) is a tool used by American/Zionist imperialism to wipe out progressive movements and enslave the region to world capitalism, they do this by reviving tribalism, empowering religious clergy and wiping out women's rights gains in order to bring the Arab countries back to a semi-feudal existence. Daesh's tactics, executing people live on camera, raping and enslaving women and other atrocities are everything the US needs to justify continued invasion in the region, which was coming to an end with the almost complete withdrawal of US troops. Now because of Daesh the US have all the political capital they need to continue invasions and occupations. It's not about what people say, but what they do. Saudi/US/Zionists/Islamists all fight on the same side against Iran-Hezbollah-Kurds.
  15. The fact that spammers are bothering to come here is a sign that PW is becoming truly popular.
  16. Daesh or Western imperialists, I don't know who I despise more.
  17. Velika would like to ask that the Siesta's wear some pants.
  18. OOC: I like how everything Atim posts has comedy overtones, I almost cracked up at the statue destruction parts.
  19. The chilling hypocrisy is certainly something to be seen, after creating a pact to stop so-called "leftist aggression", you then go on to invade a sovereign state without any provocation. We suspected the "Anti-Socialist Pact" would be a nothing more than a front for aggression, but we didn't think you would give the world an example of this barely a day later.
  20. So it feels a bit unrealistic for soldier casualties in battles to be all deaths, so this idea is basically instead of all deaths it would be split between different types of casualty, ie if the nation suffered 50,000 soldier casualties it would be: 50000 (16897 dead, 9560 wounded, 5976 missing, 17567 captured) This wouldn't change anything about war mechanics, they would all still be "dead" for game purposes, it would be just how it's displayed in battle reports. EDIT: Oh, except for airstrikes on soldiers there would be no "captured" casualties obviously.
  21. Does Trump himself not want to expel existing illegal immigrants from the US? Ok, I can agree with the integration part, and [Western] Europe does definitely have a problem with not even requiring immigrants to adopt the culture/language/values of the host country and forming their own "parallel" communities, but I don't see how the immigrants themselves are the problem, many people on this forum and elsewhere talk as if immigrants are some kind of barbarian invasion taking over. Most of these people were desperate, had nothing, no money or property, were fleeing war or persecution (many of those wars were started by Western countries), or they were fleeing economic disaster and poverty brought on by the systematic looting and exploitation of their home countries by the IMF, World Bank and various international corporations. Are you really going to blame these people? What would you do in their shoes? Also, I think it's hypocritical to support strict border control and restricted immigration at the same time as supporting the global capitalist system, capitalism requires unfettered movement of labor irregardless of national boundaries, it also requires an underclass of slave laborers to produce all the nice cheap goods which the Western middle-classes like. It's all well and good to say you oppose modern slavery, but then to go on buying all the cheap goods produced by that slavery.
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