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Everything posted by Ikhan

  1. So what if I google an obscure Political Simulator from time to time? It isn't like it is an ISIS recruiting website or something...
  2. Imperial Holonet Report 18th of Resol (June), 9013 ABM “Upon learning of these heinous crimes, the Emperor himself has decided to make an appearance in person, on Orbis III, to release a statement. This is very rare for the Emperor, or at least, it is now. Many years ago, he made many speeches, but those days are over.†a reporter said over the Imperial Holonet, the Empire’s main source for news in the new era. “We have received word that the speech will be beginning any moment, and so we will be switching over to the location. Our schedule will return to normal tomorrow at dawn.†he added before the location appeared on screens and/or holograms throughout the empire. Governor’s palace Orbis III Night was falling over the city, which, up until recently, had been called Richmond. The buildings, for the most part, had been destroyed and replaced with ones that matched the style used by the Akaata before the planet was first abandoned. However, the Governor’s palace, which was built inside of the region’s pre-Akaatan capital, remained the same. As light shone upon the building, an entity made of darkness appeared and moved towards the front of the building. Suddenly, as the entity arrived at it’s destination, it manifested itself in a humanoid form- The Emperor. Slowly, he stepped forwards and prepared to give a speech. “People of the Akaatan Infinite Empire, citizens of this planet we call Orbis III, there have been reports of kidnappings on this world. I have received word that several citizens our colony on the planet, most of them being Women and Children of Human origin. At the same time, we have also had some reports of Akaatans, our people, being kidnapped. Given that we have only just arrived, as well as that there are still several criminal elements left in our territory, it is only logical to state that these criminal elements are likely working together with those who have taken citizens from the following nations: Arloskva and Mogatopia. The prime suspect of these kidnappings, at least in the Akaatan Infinite Empire, is a group we are calling the “Flame of Justiceâ€, who have been responsible for bombings in major Populated centers on the planet. As such, we declare war on the Flame of Justice so that we may stop the kidnappings and attacks on Akaatan citizens. That is all.†the Emperor said before returning to his other form.
  3. Adrian Shephard with a terrible filter
  4. The Adenn’aaray, Grand Moff Vaiken’s flagship, Unexplored space Justice 2-class dreadnought The Adenn’aaray, one of the greatest (and largest) ships the Akaata had at their disposal, as well as two heavily modified Vengeance-class battlecruisers, had been sent on a mission to explore a previously unknown region of space and create an outpost in the region. The bridge, which had been strikingly modern in design, was equipped with the best technology that money could buy, having high grade computers, sensors which could cover a distance of two light-years, and the best holograms the empire had available, to name a few. Since this was Grand Moff Vaiken’s flagship, it was outfitted with this equipment so that he would survive and not render the military leaderless. It was for this reason, as well, that it was accompanied by the twin Vengeance-class battlecruisers. Due to it’s size (the vessel being 40km in size), the resources for the outpost were stored in two of the port hangars, leaving at least 16 hangars for landing craft, fighters, bombers, construction ships, and the sort. The region that the ship had been sent to, while mostly uncharted, was not completely unknown. There had been transmissions from the region which had been picked up by the sensors of preliminary exploration ships that early exploration ships sent by the Akaata- transmissions that sparked their interest in the region, which leads to today, and the bridge of the Adenn’aaray, where two signatures appeared on the ship’s sensors. “Sir, we have detected two heat signatures on our sensors. They are definitely not ours, but I am certain they are not of Aru’em make.†an officer, Lieutenant Kal Voc, reported. “Very well… Try to get me an open channel with either ship’s commanders, preferably both, of course.†said Grand Moff Vaiken, whose medals shone upon his grey uniform, as he walked towards the front of the bridge. “Of course sir, I will do as you wish.†Lieutenant Voc said. “Hang on… From what I can tell, it looks like the ship is possibly being evacuated.†he finished. “Well… Prepare my shuttle. Also, get some supplies ready to transfer.†Vaiken said with concern for the crew of the stricken ship. “Sir, the channel is open.†one of the communications officers said as Vaiken walked to back to the center of the bridge to send the message. “Greetings at te crew be bintar ships. Bic has, unfortunately, olaror at ner Ke'sush' ibac ogir has been an incident aboard solus be gar vessels. Sa such, Ni cuy' going at offer whatever aid vi liser. Vor entye par gar ca'nara. Grand Moff Vaiken, dayn (Greetings to the crew of both ships. It has, unfortunately, come to my attention that there has been an incident aboard one of your vessels. As such, I am going to offer whatever aid we can. Thank you for your time. Grand Moff Vaiken, out.).†Vaiken said over several different forms of communication in the hopes that both ships would be able to receive it. Upon finishing, he ordered that the ship close to a distance of 60km from the ships, so that it might be in range to assist the ships.
  5. We are pleased to see a competent leader back on the throne of Sweden, and as such, we will continue to watch the situation carefully as it unfolds. -The Military High Council
  6. So... Even after a year of our absence, your nature still remains violent, I can't say that this is a surprise, nor a very pleasant one... - Kal Ordo, Admiral of the Akaatan Infinite Empire (OOC: A bit short, I must say)
  7. Official nation name: Chernigov (Akaatan Infinite Empire would also work) Population (P&W numbers): 392,791 GDP per capita (P&W numbers): 1,021.42 Population density (sq. km): 75.25 Form of Government: Imperial Monarchy Politics & War Wikia link (leave blank if you don't have one): http://politicsandwar.wikia.com/wiki/Eternal_Empire_of_Chernigov Describe your Nation IC: The Akaatan Infinite Empire, or Chernigov as referred to on Orbis, is a vast empire spanning the multiverse. For millions of years, we have grown, our people becoming stronger by the decade. It is unfortunate, however, that we had to abandon Orbis for almost a year, and yet, finally, we have returned... Describe yourself in OOC terms: Just a guy with too much time on his hands. Have you read, and do you agree to abide with, the rules? (Yes/No): Yes (You must not have a history of continuous rule breaks in the national affairs subforum!) Where on the map do you want to be located? (Using real-world geography/nations, or a self-provided map): http://i.imgur.com/kjtDzJG.png Nation flag link (if you have a specific one you want to be used): http://i.imgur.com/WnWrFSI.png (Map-wise, you're limited to a maximum of 50 provinces. If you go higher than that, I'll personally adjust it down until it's at 50, or ask you to re-do your own example until it fits within the 50 province limit. Note that expansion is allowed, but at a maximum of four provinces per month as to be as realistic as possible. This rule applies to nations under 50 provinces as well. Nations are permitted to own colonies, but at a maximum of 5 with no more than 20 provinces each. Provinces are unable to be moved from one location to another. Gifted land is also capped at four provinces per month. Land gained by a nation as a result of war can be more than this.) (You are required to post at least once a month (no more than a month after your last post) in the national affairs subforum to remain active. This means creating your own topic, not just commenting on someone else's posts. Inactive nations will be removed from the map.) Don't ask why I am returning. I just am.
  8. Rumors of the return A planet abandoned, a nation consolidating power, an Emperor shrouded in darkness, a people prepared for war... What had once been Chernigov is now something... different. Darkness had corrupted the nation beyond recognition, as it had the Emperor. Like all things, darkness had taken root in it. Citizens of many worlds not yet under the control of the nation, now often referred to as simply the "Infinite Empire", live in fear of the Emperor's wrath. In ancient days, the empire was one that believed peace was the only way to true success, however, violence is a part of our nature, something which was an integral part of Akaatan society. However, where there is darkness, there is also light, and where there is light, there is, of course, darkness. It was something accepted in the nation, as much as it had been hidden in years past. Only under the current leadership had both light and dark been allowed to thrive, which led to unforeseen consequences. The emperor, formerly known as Alexei Lysenko, had fallen into darkness and become immortal, at the expense of his humanity. He was now something else- A force entity. It is now nearly a year since Orbis III was abandoned, and ships not seen by the natives arrived in the system… The Aay’han, PW-1 universe The ship was silent as it had been since Orbis III had been abandoned, something which the crew had enjoyed greatly. Even the bridge was strangely quiet… That is, until a heat signature appeared on one of the screens. The officer in charge of tracking and communication noticed it and called the commander, Admiral Kal Ordo, over. “Sir, several heat signatures have appeared in the Orbis system. They are definitely not our ships, sir.†the officer said. “Hmm… Are you sure?†Admiral Ordo asked. “Yes, sir. They look to be… nothing like what we have built, yet somehow similar…†the officer reported. “Then it is them… Our ancient enemy shows it’s face after many eons… The Aru’em.†Ordo replied before walking to the center of the bridge. “I want a direct link to the rest of the fleet immediately.†he ordered. Suddenly, a group of holograms appeared before him. “What is it?†one of the captains asked. “Probably nothing.†Another replied. “I wish it was nothing, men, however, we have a situation. About ten minutes ago, our sensors detected a heat signature unlike any we have seen previously. Given that it looks familiar, but is not our own, we can only assume the worst- The Aru’em have returned. It is likely that they are going to attempt to destroy the population of the planet, or at least, enslave it.†Ordo said with concern. “Then we need to stop them.†one of the captains said. “But if they have developed inter-universal travel, we will need a larger fleet!†another officer said. “Your orders are simple. Destroy the enemy fleet and reestablish our presence on Orbis.†a voice said as another hologram appeared. “Under whose orders?†one of the captains asked sarcasticly. “The Emperor’s, fool. That you were given this post is a shame to the empire.†the voice said. It was Grand Moff Vaiken. “But sir! We do not have enough forces to take the fleet on!†Admiral Ordo said. “That is where you are wrong, Ordo.†Vaiken replied. “I am already approaching your postion. When I arrive, you are to perform a synchronized jump into the system, understood?†he added. “Yes sir.†Admiral Ordo replied. With Vaiken’s arrival, the fleets jumped to the Orbis system, where it was found that the ships were indeed of Aru’em make, and they were preparing to attack Orbis III. “All hands to battlestations! I repeat, all hands to battlestations!†Grand Moff Vaiken ordered as the ships approached the planet. Suddenly, the fleets opened fire upon the enemy, who quickly turned around to attack. “Here they come!†one of the captains said as enemy fighters approached the ships. “Launch all fighters!†another captain ordered. “No! Don’t launch them! We have a weapon we will be testing!†Admiral Ordo replied. “Prepare the Silencer!†he ordered. “Yes sir!†an officer said. For a minutes, the ship directed all power not going to life support into the weapon as the enemy fighters attacked one of the ships. “I hope you have a plan!†said one of the officers. “Our hull can’t take many more hits!†he added. “I’m working on it! The weapon is nearly ready!†Ordo said. However, it was too late for the captain, whose ship had burst into flames. “Save the natives! Avenge us! Kote! Darasuum Kote! Te racin ka’ra juaan kote! (Glory! Eternal Glory! The stars pale beside our might!)†the officer yelled as a large explosion rocked the ship, killing all aboard. “Ni Kelir gra’tuar gar.†Ordo said to himself. “Fire the silencer!†he ordered. “Yes sir!†an officer said. Suddenly, a beam of energy left a weapon mounted on the front of the ship, destroying all of the Aru’em ships in the area. “Parjai cuyir Mhor! (Victory is ours!)†Ordo shouted. “Now that this is finished, prepare the shuttles, and have our engineers board.†he ordered. “Yes sir, but, if I might ask, what are you doing?†an officer asked. “Finishing the job.†Ordo said as he looked up towards the planet.
  9. Quick Note: BBM - Before Battle of Malachor ABM - After Battle of Malachor Pre-Civilization Era 20,000,000,000 BBM - Time begins at this date with the beginning of the multiverse. 17,000,000,000 BBM - Most universes, including the CH-1 universe, have formed by this date. 13,772,000,000 BBM - The PW-1 and PW-2 universes are formed. 13,000,000,000 BBM - Chernigovan Home Galaxy, also known as Hettyc Prime, is formed. 10,000,000,000 BBM - Chernigov Prime, often known as Kal'kad, is formed. 8,000,000,000 BBM - Life first emerges on Kal'kad. 50,560,000 BBM - Humans, also known as the Akaata, evolve. ​Pre-Chernigov Era 7,725,000 BBM - The first Akaatan settlements are established. 7,500,000 BBM - The Akaata first contact the Aru'em, a race of grey-skinned humanoids that shared the planet. 7,000,999 BBM - The Akaata and the Aru'em discover space flight. 7,000, 000 BBM - The Akaata and the Aru'em go to war over an unknown cause which is presumed to have been resources. 7,000,000 BBM - The Akaata conquer the Aru'em who go into exile off-world. 5,000 BBM - Kal'kad is completely transformed from a jungle planet to an ecumenopolis by this date. 4,000 BBM - The Precursor to the Eternal Empire of Chernigov, the Grand Republic of the Akaata, is established. 2,000 BBM - The GRA encompasses fifteen galaxies. 1,000 BBM - The theory of the multiverse is proven to be true. 900 BBM - The first voyages through Inter-Universal Space. 800 BBM - The force is discovered. 700 BBM - Evidence that the Aru'em survived the war is found. 600 BBM - Work on a weapon of mass destruction, the Mass Shadow Generator, is begun. 400 BBM - Most of the CH-1 Universe is under the control of the GRA. 200 BBM - A period of instability in the GRA begins. 25 BBM - Revan, the first emperor of Chernigov, is born. 3 BBM - Revan begins a revolution in the GRA. 0 BBM - The Battle of Malachor occurs, entire planet is destroyed by a Mass Shadow Generator. Chernigov is established. Chernigovan Era 1 ABM - First colonies outside of the CH-1 universe are established. 2 ABM - First contact with the Sith Empire. 3 ABM - Emperor Revan disappears. 10 ABM - Emperor Revan reappears. 20 ABM - Emperor Revan dies, beginning a long line of rulers until the current Emperor. 8,770 ABM - PW-1, and by extension Orbis III, is discovered. 8890 ABM - First visits to Orbis III. 8991 ABM - Alexei Lysenko, now known as the Emperor, takes the throne. 8995 ABM - First colonies on Orbis III. 8999 ABM - First war against a native empire on Orbis III. 9000 ABM - Turn of the Millennium, 9,000 years since Chernigov was founded. 9005 -9010 ABM - The Emperor falls to the Dark Side. 9011 ABM - The Emperor becomes Immortal. 9012 ABM - Vitiate, the Immortal Emperor of the Sith, is destroyed. 9013 ABM - The colonies on Orbis III are abandoned and the citizens are transferred to the colonies in PW-2. ​ Important Names Multiverse - Everything that ever has been and will be, basically what holds every Universe together. CH-1 Universe - The Home Universe of the Akaata. Hettyc Prime - The Home Galaxy of the Akaata. Kal'Kad - Formal name of Chernigov Prime. Akaata - The race that most of Chernigov is made up of, also called Humans. Aru'em - The race that the Akaata drove off of Kal'Kad. Inter-Universal Space - Also known as the void, it is the space between universes which only a small number of nations can get through. Battle of Malachor - Decisive battle in the creation of Chernigov. Mass Shadow Generator - A superweapon capable of creating a Mass Shadow so powerful it can completely destroy planets. Sith Empire - Formerly the greatest threat to Chernigov. Orbis III - A world in the PW-1 universe which is covered in many weak nations. The Emperor - The ruler of Chernigov, a man who most fear to speak his name and one of the most powerful force users in the Multiverse.
  10. Okay, here's my first sig: What? Are you expecting something?
  11. Evaar'la Vercopa Colony, Chernigovan PW-2 Crisis in the Colony Life had been normal in the colony, which was nearing one-million in size at the time. People walked the streets of Prime Colony #1, which the citizens had nicknamed the "Barrier" since it had finally gained a wall around the outskirts. Meanwhile along the coasts of the Black Sea, one of the first under-water colonies was being established, officially as a research facility, but unofficially the home of the Emperor's voice in the PW-2 universe. However, Governor Noll was busy managing the infrastructure of the new colonies on the planet, which had yet to prove difficult. While in his office on the planet, a familiar beeping was heard- His holo-communicator. Quickly, he took the transmitter and activated it. "Ah, Admiral Kal, what do you wish from me? More importantly, why are you calling instead of Governor Norac?" Governor Noll asked. "I... am Governor of Chernigovan Orbis now. Well, former governor now. Governor Norac... committed suicide earlier today. The colony is dead, our citizens are seeking shelter as refugees, and your colony is, unfortunately, the safest place for it." Governor Kal replied. "Norac's... dead? I must report this to Grand Moff Vaiken immediately! Oh, and before I get too carried away, you have permission to settle here." Noll replied. "Thank you, sir." Kal replied with relief. "And just a suggestion, please announce this to the nations on the planet, just so they don't think of this as a threat." he added. "Yes, yes, I will do that, and by the way, as compensation, I will give you a high rank in the colonial government." Noll said. "Thank you once again, sir." Kal replied with surprise. "Its my pleasure."Noll said. "The pleasure is mine, sir." Kal replied before cutting off the channel. Upon this occurring, Noll called Grand Moff Vaiken in order to give him the news. For several minutes, he discussed the details of the catastrophe and the recovery from such an event. Upon finishing the call, h walked over to a holopad in the center of his office and began the message. "Ke'sush' at an be tion'ad ibic message concerns. A colony o'r shol'shya oyu'baat has suffered an incident, solus which vi Kelir not let occur tug'yc. Sa such, te citizens be ibac oyu'baat ganar been transported olar, vaii val Kelir populate te me'suum ti those be cuun own kind. Ibic cuyir not a buildup be cuun military. Val cuyir simple refugees, naas else. Par te emperor! (Attention to all of who this message concerns. A colony in another universe has suffered an incident, one which we will not let occur again. As such, the citizens of that universe have been transported here, where they will populate the planet with those of our own kind. This is not a buildup of our military. They are simple refugees, nothing else. For the Emperor!)" he said over the holotransmitter before retiring to his quarters for the day.
  12. The Evacuation of Orbis... Chernigovan Orbis Around Chernigov, alarms sounded as an announcement was to be made by the colony's governor, Grand Admiral Norac. As the governor of the colony for the past 18 years, he had seen it through many a challenge. However, even this new emergency was too much, even for him. Throughout the colony, holograms and screens turned on as Norac prepared his announcement. "Dear citizens of Chernigovan Orbis, for eighteen years, we have tried to settle this planet. It is true that for most of that time, things have been peaceful, but like all things, it must come to an end. I have just received word that a series of terrible events have occurred over the past rotation, in which the following have happened: A genetic modification station in the Philippines has had a containment breach which released what could be one of the worst creatures that this planet has ever faced, a hypermatter containment facility near what the natives used to call Kiev has overloaded, spreading fallout over much of the surrounding area, and unfortunately, our territory in the cape of Good Hope has suffered a major catastrophe which we have not been able to name at this time. All we do know is that everyone in that region has died, so we presume that the hypermatter reactor in that region has overloaded. As a result, I am issuing an Evacuation order of every citizen on the colony, code: Basilisk. All citizens are to report to the spaceports in their nearest city where you will receive your next orders." Norac said to over the holotransmitter. Slowly, he walked back to his quarters, where he met an officer he had went to the academy with many years ago. "Governor, shall I prepare your personal shuttle?" the officer asked. "I am no longer governor, Kal. As of today, you are governor of this colony." Norac replied as he walked into his quarters. Upon reaching the other side of his room, he opened a cabinet in which sat a small blaster. Slowly, he took the weapon and walked out onto a balcony overlooking the capital. "Thus ends an era... My love, I am coming home." He said as he looked at a picture behind him. Slowly, he put the weapon to his chest and pulled the trigger. "Kote... Darasuum Kote... (Glory... Eternal Glory...)" he said in his native language before collapsing on the floor as the first ships left the planet. And so ends an Era for Chernigov. (OOC: Thank you, everyone, for my time on NatRp. I hope to return in the future, but for now, I will be posting specifically in Organic Rp. Farewell, and may this forum prosper.)
  13. I can't believe I am saying this, but remove Chernigov from the map. Give Thrace to Hellenis and the rest of Cyprus and Antioch to Turkey as a gift. Thank you, and I will hope to see you around for my eventual return.
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