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Everything posted by Slimer

  1. Pete !@#$ing Seeger!!! You've won my heart sir/madam.
  2. What's your point? We remember you
  3. I had 5, but even if I swapped those out with 5 more factories, that would have been 1250 more tanks, kind of a pittance when all of my opponents had 12k+ tanks to my 7k Let's be honest, the deck was stacked from the beginning, but we're happy to run our pixels into your pixels and be good allies to TLF. We won't apologize for our strategies.
  4. What would your example be of 'so many ships'? Nobody's rolling with max drydocks.
  5. Folks, let's get back to brass tacks here... More commumemeism!
  6. i"M GOIGN FULL SAIYAN RN. You may have zero'd my thousands of tanks but when I rise I will rise in a most dramatic fashion (until I encounter the next bad guy I can't beat)!
  7. Wow you're getting real upset about pixels, eh?
  8. For far too long the wastoids, crankensteins and grimesmackers of Mensa have been allowed to oppress the workers of Orbis. We’re converting all of the energy from our shitposts and our a e s t h e t i c s into fuel for our tanks, which we will use to crush our enemies. Chu-chuuu~ Recently our allies in The Light Federation jumped to the aid of Rose, and we hereby trigger our optional aggression pact with TLF. In the year 2016 of our lord Ronnie James Dio, the Charming Friends now decide to be Cruel Foes to a particular group of bullies that call themselves Mensa HQ! According to facebook, today is friends day; In Orbis, we declare this to be the Charming Friends day! tl;dr: we’re fighting Mensa HQ Signed Mr Skeltal Madame Nietzschelloo - Lenin Mai Waifu Satisfriend of Boner Machine - Banksy
  9. You know what they say... Spy on your enemies hard, but spy on your best friends harder! I have a sleeper cell of shibas in ur base
  10. The Politburo has been formed, an engine built by the people to lead the Charming Friends into a bold new era!
  11. Yikes xD You can't have a collectivist revolution without an, umm... Collection.
  12. Yes, I'm the troll, not the sea of people starting threads about how they feel threatened by women and minorities. This is the most exclusivist forum I've ever seen or reluctantly been a part of, bar none. It's gross and I'm done.
  13. Is this forum nothing but whining about things that straight white men don't like? Already seen feminist bashing, 'muh reverse racism', and anti-immigration BS. Can't wait til the gross pentagram completes with a trans-bashing thread.
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