Written by JKell and Kev
(Verse 1)
I was cruising on the forums when out the corner of my eye I saw several pings just for me. They said I need to get some things off my chest and can you please help me come clean Now Here are some logs, it’s time to lift the fog of the coalition conspiracy Crack a knuckle, type it out, it’s time to light it up and blow the lid off this thing
(Chorus) Well there ain’t no rest for the Shifty, leaks don’t come easy I got plots to foil, I’ve got micros to kill there ain’t nothing in this world that’s safe No I can’t slow down, I can’t hold back although I know you wish I could No there ain’t no rest for the Shifty, until we destroy Orbis for good
(Verse 2)
Not even fifteen minutes later after submitting the post
When I saw the shadow of a Hippo creep out of sight
And then it swept up from behind, it slapped me in the face
It started speaking about SJW shadow fights
It said, “Racist bounty posts is what they are they are claiming
But I don’t think that makes much sense”
I told him, “I will post your claim, in an anonymous way but first
What other leaks have you got that are nice?
(Verse 3)
Well now a couple hours past and I was chatting in my server
The leaks were slowing down and I started to bore
And so I went through some thoughts and counted idea
And what I came up with I was pretty sure
I’ll make my own alliance and fill it with my adoring fans
And will persevere through all this strife.
But then I realized that leaks they are forbidden
Oh yes, my protectorate controls my life