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J Kell

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Status Updates posted by J Kell

  1. J Kell J Kell J Kell J Kell...

  2. Bye Bye Paper

  3. I submitted a paper yesterday and I'm done obsessing over Ukraine for now. Now to write for Orbis.

  4. Two roads diverge in a Pixel Wood
    And I'm sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler. 

  5. New post in Orbis Central. Please read... It took me over a week..

  6. less than 12 hours away from the release of something I hope at least one person reads.

    1. Jacob Knox

      Jacob Knox

      I am here to tell you that your hope was not in vain, for I have read this message.

  7. Is it just me, or is Orbis hurting? Like the community is not healthy.

    1. Aglet Green

      Aglet Green

      The community is fine.  As a petty officious politician reminded me today, we need to look on the bright side of people.  Have you considered joining Rose?  You might find a happy community there!  


  8. Eh, Kev told me to write a song. So what if I did?

  9. Keller Branding is going to come back.  Looking forward to opening back up.

  10. J Kell J Kell J Kell...

  11. Psst, there is a new song posted in the General discussion (non - P&W related)

  12. J Kell got a new beat...   J Kell is ready to bring the heat...  Expect it next week...

  13. J Kell is coming out with a new bop this week.  Be ready to rise to the top 25!

  14. The lawsuit against the soup is hot!

    1. MinesomeMC


      Do I need to blow over it? 

  15. J Kell has stuff coming out, Cause J Kell is never done.

  16. Jkell Jkell Jkell

    1. zevfer


      Lit Lit Lit

  17. No new song this week...  I shall return soon

  18. When you plot the parodies of those you hate.

  19. Shifty has the best show on Orbis, so planned out, the guests are great, and just 10/10 overall.

  20. Christmas season is the time to realize just how much your friends are worth.  Mine are worth about 1 bottle of Old Spice.

    1. zevfer


      Im worth more then that

  21. Converted the parody Video to a radio PSA.  Listen to Good Job! on Friday to hear it.

  22. I have made a parody video and now wait for said individual to post something so I can make fun of them

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