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Sir Scarfalot

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Everything posted by Sir Scarfalot

  1. IRL? One would certainly hope so. Ingame? Scroll up, look at the top of your screen, and check which word is written in huge red letters.
  2. That's alright bub, it's not a well documented mechanic so your ignorance is understandable.
  3. Cities do already get auto-deleted in this manner, through the mechanic of automated nation deletion after an absurd level of inactivity. If someone's active and has that little infra, then that's their choice to make.
  4. Well yeah, but he's literally a snek. What's your excuse?
  5. Alex and the moderators are not players (technically the moderators are players, but when they're moderating the idea is that they're impartial and a completely separate persona). "don't/do this or kick" is the 2nd most severe penalty that an alliance can levy against anyone. The most severe penalty is doing that plus also attacking the transgressor on the way out. Either way, a "stop posting or leave alliance" statement, obeyed or not, still constitutes an order with all that implies. ... ...Also I'm pretty ding dang sure you DID get the moderators to weigh in on your spam at least once, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Respecting the D of course. ...I don't even know myself how many layers of entendre there are in that sentence 😅
  7. Okay bub, I'll bite that bait. Let's see if it fits your definition. "A gag order is a legal order, by a government..." (Your alliance had a government, so that checks out.) "...restricting information or comment from being made public or passed onto any unauthorized third party." (That government imposed a restriction on your commentary, so that checks out.) "The phrase may sometimes be used as a private order by an employer or other institution." (While PnW governments have no legal authority on Earth, they are without doubt private institutions. They give orders, backed by their jurisdiction over warfare and alliance membership permissions. That therefore counts as a legal authority on Orbis*, so that checks out.) The only disagreement that you seem to have with the definition is that you consider "stop posting or else you can't be in our alliance" to not be an "order". It very much IS an order, just one that explicitly clarifies the otherwise unspoken (but still very extant) penalty for not following orders: being kicked from/leaving the alliance**. It is functionally identical to a legal gag order IRL: The authority (government or company) tells you to not do something. You still have the choice: Not do it, or do it and face the penalties that the authority sees fit to levy against you for your transgression. This is the same: You were simply told up front what the penalty would be, which changes nothing except makes you that much more of a jackass. *Orbis is the name of the planet on which our nations are canonically placed. The geography is identical to Earth, but there are of course massive differences such as the potential for overlapping territories, a physical inability to make war outside of certain boundaries, instant population growth, 2 hour days, et cetera. **Being kicked or leaving under your own power are identical in the context of this situation, since if one hadn't happened the other would have.
  8. Judging by the apparent drama, I'd have to agree. That downvote speaks volumes.
  9. As long as they replaced it with MLP, then it wasn't as bad as it could have been
  10. You can fit a hell of a lot of smuggled weapons and booty in those dresses, and any pirate worth their sea salt can kill ya with knitting needles.
  11. I uh what You drop a major bulk of your bloc in the middle of the war? Actually how is it that they aren't the ones with the rights to the name Swamp at this point? If anything they've dropped you
  12. You can input a negative number, just like you would when buying land but with a - in front of it. -400 means you sell 400 land. That said, literally never do this, there is absolutely positively no reason to do this under any circumstances. If you've overbuilt land, then just let it sit: you've already spent that money and selling land earns you essentially nothing. You can't recover that cost. You've just got a somewhat better city, which is not by any stretch a problem. Personally I have almost 5k land in one of my cities, I used to grow food there. Nowadays I don't, but w/e: it has extra population even when nuked relative to my other cities (when equally nuked).
  13. Well, it's not the worst post we've seen here this week. An apology from an alliance... is something that goes into alliance affairs, so it's legit if nothing else. Still, the existence of this post definitely constitutes a strong argument for the formation of a micro affairs section. I'll upvote because I actually unironically like that CB. More war = better, so don't hate on little micros trying to learn
  14. Even with that flimsy excuse, it's a story of a single sub-war between two combatants. That's Orbis Central at best, but realistically National Affairs.
  15. Simultaneously optimistic and unacceptably toxic. We're not disbanding, nor I should hope are Hedgemoney or anyone else. I hope you were just kidding, but please don't say that. Even in jest. Besides, it's just lame to name two consecutive globals the same way.
  16. Begging your pardon, but the image in question that you reported in the OP is most definitely of the French Revolution; the little badges on their hats are extremely specific. The image itself is actually a British satire political cartoon mocking the revolution and concomitant bloodshed, which was of course a well documented historical fact. ...Which is very much the opposite of "promoting" said massacres, at least as it was used originally; used here unironically it could potentially be interpreted that way. Meanwhile, you very much did state in your report that the image promoted genocide, so I can only imagine that's what is being referred to. For what its worth, the French Revolution doesn't quite fit the criteria of a genocide as defined by modern law insofar as I can tell, but is much closer to it than the entirety of the history of Viking raids/conquests. Image reference I found: https://alphahistory.com/frenchrevolution/reign-of-terror/
  17. I think that one's too long, alas. further suggestion: geeettttttt dunked on!!!
  18. Hehe, neat~ That said, nuclear power plants are designed to not explode even under extreme duress. The only way to make a Chernobyl or 3 mile island event happen is to sabotage the thing at an extremely deep level and change its core operating mechanics... while it's running. ...Which would be a rather cute suicide spy mission, wouldn't it? 😃
  19. ....If that's what your nation description looked like, then hell yes is there a problem with that: That's the 2nd least readable pile of words I've seen this week. Making it inconvenient to hit a nation is the reason that the rule and later change was implemented, by the way. It's not a matter of propaganda, it's a matter of using a mechanic in a way that it was very much not intended to. You can still have a youtube video up there I think? Failing that, you can have an anthem. Or just a, y'know, link. You can't have ten thousand memes making it take ages to load your nation page though, since that's literally cheating. ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. That CB wouldn't have mattered even when it was fresh; considering the war ended already it really doesn't matter and in fact skirts the edge of the forum rules.
  21. If you want to chronicle your nations' history, you can do that using the factbook. If you want to spam your nations' front page, then frick you too.
  22. hehe missiles go brr Wait this isn't the shitposting section? 😮
  23. Fear not, he's in my range now 😸
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