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Ibrahim (Banned)

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Everything posted by Ibrahim (Banned)

  1. Sword and block of wood *high five*? Death Penalty = Prevents Crime, but it should be done the tried and tested way. No injection BS!
  2. Bread and water? In the olden days it was a sword and a block of wood for the criminals.
  3. I don't care about a flag-waving opportunity, build a moon base or stfu.
  4. Death penalty is more humane than turning someone into a Zombie slave.
  5. That image has to be false. I am the most anti-liberal person you will ever come across in your pathetic existence
  6. Red Herring (logical fallacy): "something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue." You can make your case for the things you have listed but it does not change the fact that the act of homosexuality is severely detrimental to the public health due to the fact that it spreads HIV/AIDs which attack the human immune system. Similarity by making a point of bringing religion into this, as way of deflection, it does nothing to change any of the aforementioned facts which you have as of yet utterly failed to disprove.
  7. Your Political Compass Economic Left/Right: -2.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.21
  8. Why would I ever choose to be a homosexual? There needs to be death penalty for the act of homosexuality, in the name of safeguarding public health!
  9. The Knights Radiant will pay for you first 5 cities and give you interest free loans after that.
  10. I am very much pro life and anti abortion! Now try actually reading what you just quoted.
  11. The Knights Radiant. Normal Flag - Orange War Flag - Black
  12. I am not a member of that group, how about not jumping to conclusions and try asking me instead.
  13. Since you asked for my opinion: Sodomy is worse as you will likely get HIV/AIDS and that would have a very adverse affect on society as a whole. You said you are bi, correct? MSM = You get HIV = Then MSF = You give a female HIV. It's A Serious Public Health Concern: HIV infection in Australia, 2009–2013: MSM = Men who have Sex with Men IDU = Injected Drug Users MSF/FSM = Heterosexual Contact That's not the case with abortion which should be legal in the very few cases were there are genuinely good reasons like: Saving the life of the mother for example.
  14. So let me get this straight, you want to silence opposing views? And yet, you will be the first people to kick and scream about "freedom of speech" when you yourselves are silenced. Yes! I'm talking to you "liberal" atheists (possibly gay) #Hypocrites.
  15. They have nothing and they know it, but they insist on throwing stuff out there hoping it would stick Murderer/Rapist take your pick:
  16. What it shows is that when executions where high (though dropping), murder rates where dropping, and when executions hit rock bottom the murder rates immediately sky rocketed and when executions started to pick up again, murder rates began to drop.
  17. The above post has absolutely nothing to do with anything and hence i will not be responding to it. Murderer/Rapist take a pick:
  18. This is not about amusement! This is about deterring wannabe criminals and preventing crime before it even happens.
  19. They should take it a step further by broadcasting the executions of the criminals live on tv, very late at night of course (so kids have no hope of watching it), as a deterrence and they should not give the criminals "lethal injection" as that defeats the whole purpose of deterrence but a normal execution. Do that and then come back to me with prove that there is a high level of murder or rape and i will give you everything I own. Murder/Rape will become a thing of the past for the most part, guaranteed.
  20. Then take the one on the left from the "Bureau of Criminal Justice", they essentially say the same thing, and stop nitpicking
  21. Death penalty deters criminals and prevents crime and it would undoubtedly solve the issue rape for the most part. Not saying it would disappear altogether.
  22. 1) If you truly believe that moral judgements are false (moral nihilism) then why are you making a moral judgement? You either believe in subjective morality, moral nihilism or objective morality, you can't be hovering between all of them, as you're currently doing. 2) If you believe in subjective morality and you lived a hundred years ago and believed like everyone else that being gay was morally wrong, how could you say that at that time it wasn't morally wrong since morality according to you is subjective and not objective? I'm not going to make a third point for objective morality because if you believed in objective morality, you would essentially believe in God, which you don't.
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