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Everything posted by hidude45454

  1. THIS IS A DNN EXCLUSIVE AND SHOULD BE CREDITED AS SUCH; JOIN DUCC NEWS NETWORK TODAY (Also ty to @darkblade for getting these alliance IDs for me) Global War 27 thread: Updated 7/26/23 ~2:30 AM GMT: Rough Tiering Chart (courtesy @KindaEpicMoah and DNN): Military Strength: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Totals): Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Averages): Summary: Anti-Florida (ODOO + tS + Aurorasphere) outnumber Florida massively below C20 and very significantly above C40, but in the mid-high tier range it's somewhat close. Grumpy and tS especially will almost certainly make liberal use of downdeclaring to neutralize Rose/Singularity's strong mid-high tier, while Florida will look to try and secure that tier and survive elsewhere where they can. Already, you can see Anti-Florida taking an edge in the upper tiers and the ranges where they're downdeclaring, while also gaining a plane advantage in the tiers their disadvantaged in at cost of having less average tanks, probably due to Florida nations resorting to grounds out of lack of planes. All signs point toward an anti-Florida victory, especially since tS and Aurorasphere entered relatively uncountered and the coalition caught Florida slightly off guard, but I'll bring more updates regardless.
  2. The obsession over tiering in the past few years has honestly drained some fun out of the game. I get that it's a logical evolution but when everything has stakes attached to it, it means there's less room to screw around and actually make memories worth remembering.
  3. A long time ago, I wrote a forum post detailing how military salvage was a bad project no one should be getting: Now, however, the project has been changed such that you also collect resources used/lost from the nation you're attacking. This is a pretty big addition in that now, units killed gets factored into how much you save too. Since a lot of nations have managed very impressive unit kill stats, I decided to rerun the spreadsheet with this in mind: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sQKW3VFhHglBSkIUe6G-0e7UkhHGUL41_uZSjOLo_qk/edit#gid=0 First off, some observed changes from last time: API v3 made running this sheet far faster than before! Due to the deflation of resource costs, military salvage has been decreased to costing about 55m instead of 65m, but the cost of resources saved has decreased as well. The number of people in alliances has also dropped from about 5.5k to 4.5k. Ouch. Anyway, again assuming 50% of all destroyed/lost units are from victorious attacks, here are some fun facts: -There are currently 683 nations in the game that if they'd bought the project at the very beginning of their nation creation, they'd make positive ROI on, up from 124. -The average age of those 683 nations is 2082 days, or 5.7 years. The minimum age out of all of these is 201 days. Another improvement! -Between those 683 nations, the average days to ROI was 1281 days, or 3.5 years. The minimum days out of all of that belongs to TheDoom (again) at 103 days. Previously for him, this would've been 409 days. -Personally, if I'd bought this at the very beginning I'd have made a 279m ROI, up from 28m. Very cool! I think this gets even better for offensive-minded nations that destroy/lose far more than 50% of their units from victorious attacks. Still, take this with a grain of salt. Assuming the 50% number, statistically, 0 nations would ROI before 100 days, 9 before 200, 35 before 300, and 48 within a year. So for most people, it's still a slow burner. But now, I'd probably somewhat switch my opinion -- maybe it's worth getting for high achievers, or as a long term investment if all the better ROI projects have been bought already. Feel free to leave any questions, comments, or concerns, or tell me if there's something I've missed! In the changelog, where it says "Military Salvage now uses steel/aluminum used by both sides when calculating the amount of resources to add," I interpreted that as meaning when you attack someone and kill their units, you salvage rss from their killed units too, but I could be interpreting this wrong.
  4. Ur shit bloc: ||| Biggest bloc: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Source: the voices
  5. Cata announcement try not to be called Time Is Up challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (grats on retirement)
  6. Genuinely impressed CTO somehow even managed to negotiate this down to white peace and not even an admission of defeat, ngl
  7. >as they navigate the intricacies of macro to nano-level news >shedding light on the most pressing global developments pick 1
  8. Because no one else wants to say it: I think Camelot says no one else expects them to make it more than anyone actually says they don't expect Camelot to make it 🙃
  9. Just gauging interest in an idea like this. I think it would be kind of cool to have a place for people to post ideas in a continual thread rather than making new forum posts (or choosing to not post at all) for stuff that maybe doesn't require too much discussion (if at all). Anyway, if you have unpopular game opinions at any point, feel free to post em here, we'll see if the thread doesn't die immediately (which it probably will kek). I'll start off with a stupid one: on the test server right now, the default airstriking option has been changed from targeting infra to dogfighting. I can understand and appreciate the intention behind this, but I actually want to keep the default on targeting infra because it's such a basic idiot test as to whether people know what they're doing or not that I think it should remain there as a very easy noob filter
  10. I saw leader of Titans, Ragnar Lothbrok, at a grocery store in Washington yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. Don't support this guy.
  11. You guys are laughing until the whole internet is gonna look like this one day :cheob:
  12. I can't believe it's not butter Roberts!
  13. Anti-Horridism Obocchama Kun is more than just an alliance. Anti-Horridism Obocchama Kun is a people and a purpose. It is a brotherhood of like-minded players who wish to make some noise and have fun during times of peace and conflict - but also serve a higher purpose by contributing value and meaning to the game around them. Thus, Anti-Horridism Obocchama Kun is an alliance guided and held together by the core values of a true community, where those within make sacrifices for one another and stand together even in the most adverse of events. Anti-Horridism Obocchama Kun and the Orbis-wide community of Anti-Horridism Obocchama Kun supporters will never die!!!!!
  14. This tbh, might it not be prudent to observe how this changes for a while first? Plus, from how I understand it, low tier only had that many targets because of a bug in Sheepy's code; so the way I see it raiding isn't getting nerfed, there's just a return to status quo.
  15. Let it be known that I have also resigned from considering becoming Titans gov and would never work for an alliance as incompetent as Titans. Thank you for bringing this important message to the world Jimmy baily of Cortana President of Independent republic of orange Nations.
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