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Everything posted by hidude45454

  1. Thanks :3 same to you, I'm better now Updated 5/1/23 ~6:00 PM GMT: Military Strength: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Totals): Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Averages): Summary: Just in case anyone was wondering if the Aurora war impacted this one at all. The answer is obviously no, not really. Probably the last update I post unless something dramatic changes
  2. stop falling for the bait guys :cheob:
  3. it is my privilege to have the honor of posting not one but two tiering report in one post. truly unprecedented territory Updated 5/1/23 ~8:00 AM GMT: Military Strength: Aurora vs. Midgard: Anti-Aurora vs. Aurora: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Totals): Aurora vs. Midgard: Anti-Aurora vs. Aurora: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Averages): Aurora vs. Midgard: Anti-Aurora vs. Aurora: Summary: Counting these as two separate groupings because different coalitions are involved in both conflicts. For the easier conclusion: Anti-Aurora outnumber Aurora in every tier and should have no issue winning their side. For the harder conclusion: it's yet to be seen if Midgard will be able to recover and win their side of it, too. Notably, CTO was not hit, and alliances like Camelot and Arrgh are still taking out chunks of Midgard, and with reasonable beige cycling you can keep a surprising number of people down at a time. Still, while Midgard are still not looking great for the most part, and have worsened in a number of tiers, they have improved in some others, and the fact they aren't completely zeroed out yet means there's still fight left in this. With Aurorasphere going down, if Midgard can militarize too quickly for them to deal with, the war could flip the other way. All three outcomes possible here!
  4. I am more in awe at the fact that you have just posted a several minute long North Korean propaganda video lavishing praise upon yourself in place of a North Korean dictator
  5. Sorry for late update. Sick :cheob: Updated 4/28/23 ~4:30 AM GMT: Military Strength: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Totals): Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Averages): Summary: As expected, Anti-Fortuna is pushing in all areas. Last I checked, the highest score person not triple slotted in Fortuna has a score of about 2500, if that says anything lol
  6. thanks for the alliance list i actually forgot to include one of these in my stat tracking
  7. Declaring war as a protectorate knowing you are facing certain defeat takes balls. I know not if this was the right decision or how you're currently performing, but respect nonetheless.
  8. Updated 4/27/23 ~3:00 AM GMT: Military Strength: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Totals): Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Averages): Summary: Seems like LoD are out and Midgard is sinking like a stone. RIP
  9. THIS IS A DNN EXCLUSIVE AND SHOULD BE CREDITED AS SUCH; JOIN DUCC NEWS NETWORK TODAY Aurora vs Midgard thread: Updated 4/27/23 ~2:30 AM GMT: Military Strength: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Totals): Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Averages): Summary: Anti-Fortuna coalition have a massive edge anywhere that's not C41+. Above that isn't won for Anti-Fortuna yet, as Fortuna still hold a total numerical advantage, and some downdeclaring is happening, but a lot of it is via suicides and navals so Fortuna seems settled knowing they are on their way to losing and dealing as much damage as they can on the way out. Overall, positive averages across the board for Anti-Fortuna. Also, worth noting both sides went dogfight first this war.
  10. Such an unbelievable hit to my ego that Aurora spent so long building itself up against GGO only for you to hit those scrubs without getting any of us involved 😕
  11. THIS IS A DNN EXCLUSIVE AND SHOULD BE CREDITED AS SUCH; JOIN DUCC NEWS NETWORK TODAY GW26 thread: Updated 4/26/23 ~8:00 AM GMT: Military Strength: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Totals): Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Averages): Summary: From splitting from Midgard, Aurora has managed to amass an impressive 500+ man coalition targeting just under 300. Due to Aurora and friends militarizing due to the Coven war, they both outnumber and outmilitarize Midgard in almost every tier minus a small difference in the C21-C25 range. As such, the war stats show this accordingly and without any further intervention, Aurora will likely be on path for an easy victory. Some notes: this doesn't include any stray raiders hitting Midgard. Also note that LoD hasn't been hit yet, putting the ball in their court to potentially change the war to some unknown degree.
  12. we have high tax join and give us all your money
  13. INT. FANCY RESTAURANT - NIGHT You, a nervous and excited person, sits across from Alex Winchell, the CEO of the popular online game Politics and War. Alex, a tsundere who is known for her quick wit and sharp tongue, is staring at the menu with a scowl on her face. You: "So, have you tried anything here before?" Alex: "Why would I bother trying anything? The food is going to be mediocre at best." You shift uncomfortably in your seat, trying to think of something else to say. You: "So, Politics and War, it's a pretty big deal. How did you come up with the idea?" Alex: "Why do you care? It's not like you're ever going to understand anything about the gaming industry." You feel your face flush with embarrassment, but you try to keep the conversation going. You: "Well, I actually really enjoy playing video games. Have you ever played anything other than Politics and War?" Alex rolls her eyes and scoffs. Alex: "Please. I don't have time for frivolous games. I'm too busy running a successful company." You take a sip of your water, hoping that the rest of the night won't be as awkward as the beginning. Waiter: "Are you ready to order?" You turn to Alex, hoping she'll take the lead on this one. Alex: "I'll have the steak. Medium rare." Waiter: "And for you, sir?" You freeze, not sure what to order. You panic and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. You: "I'll have the fish." Alex looks at you with disgust. Alex: "You can't even order a proper meal. How embarrassing." The rest of the night goes downhill from there. Alex spends the entire meal criticizing everything from your job to your fashion sense. You try to defend yourself, but nothing seems to appease her. As the night comes to a close, you're relieved that it's finally over. You stand up to leave, but Alex grabs your arm. Alex: "You know, you're not as terrible as I thought you were. Maybe we could do this again sometime." You're surprised, but cautiously optimistic. You: "Yeah, that sounds nice." Alex: "But next time, we're going to a restaurant that isn't so...pedestrian." You nod, feeling a mix of emotions: relief that the date is over, confusion about why Alex is acting so cold and hot at the same time, and the slightest bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, there's something there worth pursuing.
  14. I KNEW HoF was just an ODOO puppet all this time
  15. This feels copy-pasted from your recruitment message It also would've made more sense had I any clue who you were
  16. @Keegoz imagine getting tied up in abbad's basement lmao L Edit: also tfw it's episode 5 and I literally already forgot why Sheepy is doing this in the first place again
  17. Thalmor sounds a lot like Kev without the accent, really makes you think...
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