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Everything posted by Rozalia

  1. Right, right. Conspiracy theories.
  2. Literally told Queen_M she can finish her wars if she leaves them alone in future. She turned this down as being able to hit someone's protectorate at will is simply something to be accepted.
  3. Why would I denounce out of game stuff here, in-game? All I see is a bunch of harassers who bring RL stuff in game and have called KT, Acadia, and now me Nazi sympathisers. This is the thing with you lot, failures with your politics in real life so think you'll be big men in an online game. Oh boy. If you think the Roz is going to bow to your threats, then you did not know the Roz. I'm very diplomatic but if you push it, then it will be done. Simple.
  4. Protect them or like others cutting the treaty and giving into the threats. Was going to get called a Nazi sympathiser either way, because that is an in-game thing that totally is a thing. Then they whine that they totally didn't do anything based on RL, it was all in-game they swear.
  5. This is rich coming from someone who could not see the most obvious of things (well you can I'm sure, you're just pretending not to) you and felt it was no big deal what you were pulling. Do you think that if you don't directly state your threats that no one can call you out on the obvious threats? Considering how you guys look worse whenever anyone sees what you actually say, you wouldn't no. As for SIR. After getting them in a room and trying to get it settled, it was made clear that they could not play nice so to speak. SIR wants to be in their own corner shall we say, but these guys want to harass them out and make demands they simply cannot accept, though I did encourage them to do so. Once that was ended I dropped the protection of SIR as it was obvious this would simply repeat otherwise, but clearly that mattered for nothing. You and Kosmo were desperate for me to state you guys were right, honest, and so forth because people are rightly seeing as not so.
  6. If you expect me to bow down to you and give in to these pathetic demands then sorry luv, ain't happening. You don't come in disrespecting us, throwing your weight around because you have Fark and Guardian backing you, attacking our protected people, and then act like you're the good guys. You got smacked as you deserved. Your alliance talks of making moves, being "dynamic" or whatever. Nah, you're just a petty group that tries to use the threat of your treaties to get what you want, but only on those you judge to lack the power to resist of course.
  7. Lordship after having taken so many defeats could no longer stand Roz Roz to continue to win. He pulled forces from places he had up to now not wished to and prepared a campaign. Dalinar, his first prince called in the commanders. "Brooklyn666 with the forces of Seven Kingdoms", sang Dalinar. Lordship's face was frozen, "Ugly little fellow, yuck". "Queen_M with the forces of the Thot people", sang Dalinar. Lordship's face became angered, "Heard they were killing the cock people... I like cocks. Darn that Rozalia, forcing me to tolerate these Thots." "Kosmokenny with the forces of the Fark", sang Dalinar. Lordship quickly made sure he was more out of sight when he heard this, "That guy is a lunatic, and he smells really darn bad. Please Heavens, let him be the first one to be killed in battle". "Hope with the forces of AIM", sang Dalinar. Lordship's face lit up when he heard Hope, a boy's name, but when he saw it was a woman he became disappointed. "Placentica with forces of Alpha", sang Dalinar. Lordship cracked a small laugh, "Thought he was dead lol" Lordship was very sad at those that had been coming in. He had forgotten how pathetic the lot under him could be. "Great Sage LordRahl2 with the forces of Guardian", sang Dalinar. Lordship was overjoyed. "LordRahl2 is the smartest man under Heaven, his wisdom legendary and those muscles... ummm, that smile, that hair, his strong legs, his height, even just how he moves with such grace... how he rides his majestic white steed. How he knows how to, and loves to have fun. It is like we stand before a God. A very sexy God. Far away the Roz heard of the coming armies, knowing that in the end Lordship committed a blunder. "These people will never learn. The Roz is eternal. A Legend cannot die. Even when he passes on, the results of his dickings will be ejaculated through time". ============= Attacks coming in, requiring both IQ and EMC to take down the Roz. I am honoured. Anyway, on to the serious business as SK was expected and irrelevant here. The hit on Stratagem was decided on the day. They spied who we protected (after Acadia left the picture), declared wars after we got them to stop, and then refused to stop while saying that they would declare wars whenever someone got into range. Why? Why would a small alliance like Stratagem act like this? Well they have their signed treaties of course and those makes people real "brave". So large disrespect on top of disrespect. Their whole thing was RL issues, racism regarding SIR's private views, which considering they aren't exactly clean themselves when we get down to racism is laughable. Anyway, spent the day talking to both Queen_M and Kosmo. A common thread between them for peace was I had to come out and tell people they were totally good people and not at all unreasonable and bullies. I suppose also that they weren't throwing their weight around because they felt they could push us around. This will not be happening. Queen_M, for the crime of hitting back on their attacks on someone we guaranteed the independence of wanted 500 millions. Again, will not be happening. They also wanted us to denounce SIR as vile mean people or something. Now RL is one thing certainly, I have combated them in talks very often in the past just as I will whenever a anti-white racist rears his head. In game strictly however? On that term it will not only not happen, but I will say they are far finer people than low cowardly characters like Queen_M and kosmokenny. Unreasonable, rabid, have no concept of the separation of in-game and RL, and think they have some right to harass people. Roz Wei does not care how backed you are to Fark and Stratagem both. You don't get to act as you did towards us and think that we're going to bow down and tell the world that you're swell people. You're terrible. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. https://pastebin.com/T27nWat6 ^ Logs for those who want to see how the process goes.
  8. You can't "recognise". You declared a war. I'd say Vince being RW is more fitting.
  9. Implying that RW has had a high rate of this when we have been in several such types of wars.
  10. And Hillary got the overwhelming minority woman vote. Hard to say exactly, but your claim there is not certain. Not to mention that if such a thing was the case, women not being to vote, then it would have changed how the campaigns went heavily. Not to mention the fact that Hillary unlikely wouldn't even been able to run to start with.
  11. Well as long it has no problems, and believe me it doesn't. Then that is good enough. Wonder just how big it is now...
  12. I think the massive Roz Wei flag is perfect myself. You know what they say, big flag, big whatever. Anyway, good luck to tTO's new leader and the alliance itself. I'm available to help if you want it.
  13. Nah nah, there was more than that to your post. You say "as long as there aren't players that hug their pixels so hard they're willing to honestly ally with proven discord spammers and nazi sympathizers just to bolster their consolidation and numbers" and... what? How does any of that make any sense in reference to us?
  14. You may be surprised. Anyway, you're free to see it that way but no one else has to.
  15. You don't get to dictate that again as said. Also said alliance is not a Nazi alliance, it is Roman themed and soon to be something else.
  16. They disbanded and their nations were largely deleted. You can dictate that this constitutes an endless state of war if you like. Most people will not accept your diktat.
  17. ... I'm going to assume this is on purpose. Nice joke mate.
  18. Victor Truchev was no match for the Son of Heaven's inspired assault and he had to flee, though blocked from going back the way he came he had to traverse through the lands of others. In each he passed through he found defeat at every turn. The Roz Wei commanders convened together to discuss the next course of action after having driven off Victor Truchev. AkAk spoke up first, "The next course of action is obvious enough oh glorious one. Our borders have expanded greatly and as it stands for Lordship to launch an attack he has to attack from the mountain fortress of Missourah, in fact Victor Truchev's forces invaded from there. With his defeat it can be expected that the Radiant Army will now decide to mass their forces in large overwhelming numbers before coming down on us like a mighty avalanche. As such we most certainly should defeat Lordship's minions at Missourah before they can become a much larger threat". Heinrich seeing his moment to chime in spoke up once AkAk was finished, "Missourah has long been ruled by the Mannax family your Awesomeness. The current head William Mannax is a known plotter, possessed by greed. Him and the deceased Greene made a lot of money together. Word is in an effort to gain influence with Lordship he sent his daughter Minion Rouse Mannax to seduce Lordship, which failed as... she didn't have any meat on her shall we say. However she had gone to the Radiant Castle with her brother Andrew Mannax and apparently Lordship became quite taken with him instead, made him one of his 'Princes'." The Greatest, Rozalia, heard all that was said intently before rising from his seat and with a look of enchantment he finally spoke, "I remember hearing long ago that this Mannax family uses what is called 'Democracy' to make decisions on what they do in their lands. That they 'vote' hehehehehehe" The laughter from his grace caused the whole room to erupt in cachinnation. When it began to subside the Roz continued with scorn in his voice, "What a barbaric, savage, and stupid system! Lordship shows his low character by tolerating these animals who we will put to the sword as they deserve". The forceful words made the room cheer, "Roz! Roz! Roz!". With everything that needed to be said spoken, Roz Roz's forces made the long and arduous journey through mountainous terrain to reach Missourah's Tyranimus Pass. When the Roz's soldiers started complaining about the hard climb which came accompanied with the fast pace taken, Rozalia announced that he would remember them for their contributions which greatly encouraged and willed on the soldiers. William Mannax ordered his son Andrew Mannax and commander Gavin to lead troops to defend the pass. Andrew Mannax and Gavin had defensive structures built in the mountainous areas, spanning over 30 miles, to deter Roz Wei's advance. Led by the Son of Heaven however such defenses were as if paper, and the Roz Wei forces tore through them with ease. Andrew Mannax was killed in action after being chased down by Henrich, while commander Gavin fled for his life. As the Radiant Army fell apart before the Roz, reports came in that a 'Shifty Stranger' had appeared before the army after a blinding light. This figure wished to talk with the Son of Heaven. "oH sOn oF hEaVeN, yOu fIgHt wItH gReAt vIgOr aNd I hEaR yOu hAvE bIg rOzAlIaN pEnIs tHaT sAtIsFiEs wOmEn aCcRoSs tHe lAnD. hOwEvEr dO yOu tHiNk mErElY dEfEaTiNg ...LOR...DSH...IPP wIlL fReE tHe wOrLd fRoM eViL? nOt fAr fRoM hErE A gEnOcIdE iS hApPeNiNg, tHe THO... TTT... PEO...PLE... tHeY sHoW nO mErCy aS tHey kIlL tHoSe nOt mUcH dIfFeReNt tHaN tHeM". The Roz listened to the stranger and asked questions of his subordinates on just who these 'Thot People' were, because he did not know but it certainly didn't sound good, the name and what they were said to be doing. He was told by Ryleh, an expert in all manners of things strange, that the Thots who are killing, and the Cocks who are being killed were once very much a unifed people. However in the past in an effort to exert more control Don Juan promoted the Thots over the Cocks, to keep Cocks at attention. This turned the Thots and Cocks against each other and now it has lead to this. Ethnic cleansing. The Roz opened his eyes after listening to Ryleh's telling of history, "As you talked I thought this was beyond even the depraved Lordship. Just something about the Cock people made me think he was not to blame this time. So I must once again correct one of Don Juan's misdeeds... very well. We will put an end to such depravity from these Thots". Seeing that all was right the Shifty Strange vanished with a light after uttering the strange words, "Ayy Lmao". ================ Teutonic Order business is done pretty much, when wars end all will be good. We wish them luck and are open to helping them out if they wish it. Avalanche, just fighting some NPCs. Now on Stratagem it gets more serious. To begin with this nonsense began when Acadia got removed from all this, so the implication of the lack of respect towards us starts from there. Then there was the timeline on events. Spy attacks to begin with, so I talk to them and then later others get involved to resolve the matter. All good, all sorted. So they launch attacks right after stopping the spy attacks. Okay then. I talk to Queen M and offer for them to hit the guy they have for a round and then just move on, not push this RL nonsense again. This is turned down. They think that it is acceptable, after all the attempts at showing them goodwill, that it is acceptable to state that they will simply hit the members of SIR whenever they get into range over this RL nonsense. I have been more than reasonable on this matter but it seems that either at their base, or due to their paper, they have no respect for me and Roz Wei. As such what is happening has happened. I'm still open to talk, however it should be on better terms now. More respect shown. And hopefully this issue can be resolved. SIR want to move away from even the Roman theme that can be taken as fascistic I know. They want to be left alone by you guys and keep their head down. People have a right to play a game without being harassed. By acting as you have, you are the ones who come off badly here.
  19. A lot of people who don't normally post here posting... ummm... you can certainly do that better than me Lightning I'll say that. Anyway. Women are generally considered to be more vulnerable to the listed arguments however as Sketchy says, the number of men involved in that is large. These sort of things certainly won't appeal to women to change their minds. I much prefer simply stating the truth, like for example on the Islam issue I just say that as a man it'll ultimately be fine for me. I support Polygamy anyway so cool, I get something I want, in addition respect from the women is then... so much easier to gain shall we say. It is them who'd suffer under such things as women. The statement that women being allowed to vote means things are shifted towards X, Y, and Z is true enough however. It is like if America suddenly gave all the illegals voting power, guess what that results in. The obvious. The economic end... well, last time I honestly answered this I got called a woman hater but whatever, nothing new, the truth is if women were outside the workforce then yeah, sure, things would be better for men. More jobs available, women would naturally become more dependant on a man so hooking up and staying hooked up becomes easier (and that would raise the birthrate sure). However, to give fellow citizens such an uneven go at life simply based on how they were born is not right or just. The real question is more if voting at all is really the golden goose it is made out to be. After all groups make use of it to get things that are not a benefit to people as a whole, the huge corruption is well know, it results in wide shifts back and forth on policies that means there is constant failure as the goal is never what works, but to put in place what belongs to my side and what the groups under me want.
  20. These characters be it them or Ibrahim and his friends have passed through many alliances where it was no secret. A lot of people generally are willing to let it be as long as it doesn't get taken into in game. Ibrahim for an example in his prime talked all numbers of crazy stuff in the social hub however when it came to in-game he stuck to posting propaganda of images passed through this site where things in the photos would have the TKR flag superimposed on them (and have it look good). Iron Guard made a show of it all and paid for it. If Ibrahim decided to make a show of himself and his friends I'm sure they'd pay for it too. In regards to SIR, however the people might be, there is a difference between in game and RL. In a purely RL political sense there is more worth in facing their arguments instead of trying to run them out anyway. Islamism, the other conspiracy nonsense, I've taken it on myself extensively when it has come up in the past.
  21. Iron Guard was very open and brought it very much into here and on in-game matters. SIR has not. Key difference.
  22. The screens they have on that are of Iron Guard. Because an angle you guys have is "protecting Nazis". the implication being clear enough, that there is some level of sympathy there from Acadia/me. Nah, I protected Ibrahim and his lot too who are on the other end of the scale there. Even your own alliance, right from the start I said I wouldn't mind helping if I could help on something you'd do. The lines between RL and in game is not something you want to break.
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