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Everything posted by Clarke

  1. Dubayoo doesn't know what he is chatting about, you can see his level of maturity by looking at this thread: But yeah if you're unattractive then you aren't going to care much about how a girl looks because you won't get the most attractive girls, unattractive people who say looks don' matter are only using that as a coping mechanism. Sure get with the land whale who knows how to use their body and doesn't have an ok personality cos lets be real they don't take care of themselves and they're lazy, they probably have a bad personality, maybe not as bad as a more attractive person but can still be deemed as bad. That's really what this is about, men need to stop funding and helping women.
  2. They're just playing hard to get.
  3. I notice this is side tracking a bit and not really the point of discussion. I'm not really anyone to tell them that, the point is I as mentioned in my second post Men need to stop funding certain jobs.
  4. Being "professionally" hot is almost entirely down to genetics. These people never worked a day in their lives, they rely on their natural beauty to get ahead which is not exactly putting in the effort.What part of it is expensive for them? Being fit isn't exactly a hard thing to do and these people just need to stay slim which is easy. Make money for what? Standing around doing nothing.
  5. Well that's really it and that is the message lots of red pill channels discuss and others including the likes of Jordan Peterson regarding men being visual creatures. I think I said it someone here before but yes that is true women in general love attention, if a girl is healthy/fit looking you can bet your ass she will do things purposely for the attention of men even if she doesn't want to have sex or a relationship with that man, she wants his attention to be on her regardless. Yes we shouldn't fight against nature and that isn't what I'm advocating for exactly. My point is mostly this, if you're paying her for sex then stop you can get better sex from a sex doll. Don't be giving your money away just to get your dick wet, there is more to life than that. The model thing is bit more complicated but they're there mainly for men so its only for lusting over someone you won't bang. Porn is slightly different as its much cheaper but we can cut it out as well I suppose, if you aren't getting enough sex forget about porn, prostitutes and anything that funds attention seeking women, you just need a sex doll. My message is essentially this; Its the current year lol, men need to completely stop funding women they aren't in serious relationships with.
  6. Hi Made a slight mistake, include Guardian to that as well because we would have attacked them if we could at the start. DEIC/UPN did ok in destroying TEst but I think they were eventually going to overrun DEIC as we didn't have the mid tier (what we did have was inactive)to keep them down and they would have being able to up-declare eventually. UPN was struggling with keeping tS down, I think tS were winning in the mid tier a bit early on. If the war went on undisturbed I think history shows that we would have lost the mid tier and eventually the top tier. It wasn't exactly going smoothly, I had to start attacking whoever in range just to help out.
  7. Oktoberfest might have being a win if the alliances involved in it day 1 were the only ones involved in it and even that is somewhat questionable if the war dragged on.
  8. This topic is related to the following link: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/feb/02/formula-one-grid-girls-objectification-women Generally I disagree with the left but this is one area of the battle against objectifying women that I support. I'm against people using their sex to earn money as it isn't even for both sexes so when people lose their jobs because they're getting paid to be eye candy I support it. This is primarily about men, they're essentially paying the wage for some women to walk around and look attractive which is giving the women a lifestyle she really doesn't deserve. Prostitution is somewhat similar and is something men should also stop funding, these days sex dolls are a better alternative as they're much more attractive, cheaper and obviously safer than someone potentially riddled with diseases. Personally I'd rather keep my money in my wallet than to pay women to be objectified. Whats your opinion on women earning money from being objectified? Should it end in all forms?
  9. I never had much experience with people claiming to be victims until recently, in the last few years it seems to have really taken off and now I experience this awfulness of an attitude regularly enough. If its not women claiming to be victims then it is gay people, black people or <insert other type of people> and it in reality they're no more victims than anyone else. Life is hard and it makes victims of us all sometimes, blaming your flaws on someone else is just going to keep you bitter and less successful in life. I try my best to avoid such people and I would never entertain some supposed victim telling me how much of a victim they're. Getting on your knees and blowing someone to further your career doesn't make you a victim, you're taking advantage of a situation to advance yourself in life. I think this is worst version of it where people willingly do something and then for whatever reason say they were taken advantage at that time and are now a victim. I think it boils down to lazy people who want free stuff and pleading your case of being a victim is the best way to get it in our society atm. Nothing more than leeches from what I can tell. They want to have the cake and they want to eat it. Whats your thoughts on people who have victim complexes?
  10. Its time for communist scum to perish! 

  11. People forget that being a communist is just as bad as being a Nazi, if you support communist ideology you have no moral ground to stand on. That capitalism death video is nonsense as well but it seems to keep getting posted. Only some sort of cuck shares everything he has, this is the real world where individualism is key.
  12. That situation is a rarity and its not a problem either. I don't understand why you'd want to silence their voice. The forums are quiet enough so further limiting those who can contribute to activity isn't wise.
  13. It seems I need to up my game
  14. It's better than embargoing and it's simple enough to code. Has my support.
  15. Actually no its more complicated, baseball is a system and adding embargoing to that system is severely going to disrupt that system mainly by slowing down the rate at which games are played if people are embargoing others and removing their contact with other players. It would be like if your alliance had the option to remove itself from interactions with others, it disrupts the system. That is a bad change, anything that reduces war or in this case games being played is a bad change. This change sounds like its coming soon enough, its fortunate I started Baseball when I did to help you guys out of a mess. If you had experience with systems you would see the problem.
  16. I didn't know that but it doesn't make a difference. Its a bad change and I have a better change. It doesn't really matter if Alex listened to fools about implementing embargoing, I will sort this out and help him.
  17. A change is going to happen but not with bad suggestions like embargoing. I'm here now to help.
  18. Yeah me and others who casually play baseball will probably quit or rarely play it if that was to happen. Yeah I would have to organize with alliance buddies and others about playing together but then its not really casual anymore. However embargoes aren't the way to go. Well I did it myself, 30 clicks is bad enough to upgrade a single player but 250 clicks to upgrade a single player to 100. It doesn't serve any purpose other than to discourage you from upgrading and make you fear when the player or players retire. Its just unnecessary. We weren't here to debate the embargo suggestion and every time I told you its a bad idea I suggested a different solution which you ignored because you wouldn't compromise on the embargo issue, as in the embargo idea is bad and we need a different solution. This is competitive, life is competitive, the winner always gets the majority. How about the host that loses get 45% and the winner gets 55%. That's different that would be cheating, one can abuse the system without cheating by making full use of the mechanics. False, I split profits with everyone if they message me and if we come to a deal about cooperating.
  19. I said already we can come to an arrange but you chose you ignore me. I wouldn't say I'm lucky you're playing, you guys are the reason I started playing. You played 49,000+ games of baseball, you're trying to tell us you aren't abusing baseball and your keyboard to make money?
  20. No you weren't trying to compromise, you were set on embargoing as a solution. You only came to the table about compromising when someone else suggested giving the away team money, its like you were ignoring the OP and everything I was saying because you were set on embargoing people. Yeah I changed my stance from 90% of winnings to 70%/60%, I believe the person who wins the game should get the majority and 60% is a fair, the loser host still gets 40% if they lose or 90% if they win. Com'on you know the winner should get the majority, what that number is is up for debate.
  21. I'm not bragging, you asked if I like Baseball and that was my answer. I'm full of compromise, don't forget you were the stubborn one wanting to embargo people and unwilling to compromise with my suggestions then you left saying you wouldn't reply again like a spoiled child.
  22. It sounds like you only host games because there is no money to be made playing away games, you sound like you're one of these "leechers". If you aren't a leecher then you abuse baseball by playing with a friend so you make money faster. This change isn't going to affect you if you abuse the system, you can continue to abuse it. They all have the same idea that is two years old and is bad, yes I will shoot it down. I like it Baseball, my pockets are full.
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