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Everything posted by Clarke

  1. A few alliances have more SJW morons than others, not sure about Charming Friends as I haven't really seen them but I suppose they could be the worst snowflakes but they just don't talk publicly about it much. Others probably hold the title for SJW's. Charming Friends is an interesting case, I wonder how many minority members are in it and what positions they hold.
  2. Ultimately this isn't just a problem with power positions that morons are demanding diversity on but the demographics as well. Such things however overpopulates the Earth faster which destroys the environment quicker and causes climate change faster which should all be concerns of leftists. At this point I think war may be the only answer, either that or wait for the space exploration age.
  3. "quota of mediocrity" This reminds me of the Oscars, sometimes they're diverse and other times not so much. Obviously its a problem when they aren't diverse, this needs to be fixed immediately. The media would still be illogical on this subject if that was the case.
  4. Trump's cabinet is apparently too white and too male, there isn't enough women, minorities, Hispanics, LBGT and anyone else who wants to be a victim group. Its like a quota of mediocrity that needs to be filled. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/09/donald-trump-administration-cabinet-picks-so-far http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-cabinet-so-white_us_585176a8e4b0ee009eb4c799 http://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/13/politics/donald-trump-cabinet-diversity/index.html http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/10/13582730/trump-cabinet-advisers-white-men The first thing that should be pointed out is that apparently only stupid people would support Donald Trump and probably work for him as well, all the smart educated people are Democrats obviously so obviously the reason there isn't more non-white men is because they're on the other side, the "intelligent" side. Their thoughts on his cabinet and Republicans in general not being more diverse aren't very logical, think back to this. This need for "diversity" such as displayed in these articles highlight the problem with the west (white countries specifically) that Black Pigeon Speaks explains quite in his video when comparing them East Asian countries/cities. Swedistan is probably the best example of the problem with the west today and the problem the US had for a long time. I guess there is a couple of questions from this depending on the type of person. Do you think East Asian countries should be more open and embrace higher crime and such and welcome the death of their people and culture? Do you think the need for diversity/mediocrity can be defeated?
  5. I wasn't talking about Pizzagate but I got his reference, I just emphasised how it had nothing to do with Pizzagate.
  6. I was talking about Norway as well and possibly other countries.
  7. That would be high status, power position. Should we move the subject onto the leftist pedophile rings. I didn't say liberals either since I'm a liberal, leftists.
  8. Yeah it should be pretty clear this caecus guy is an idiot now. Don't mistake celebrity status for that, his status is the main reason. I reckon it could have being racism as well for why Bill Cosby got away with it for so long, sorta like OJ Simpson. Nothing worst than leftist morons using a problem they're causing to make an argument for another problem.
  9. Well not the entire world, I can think of one large group that aren't really against them.
  10. I'll reply since this was an interesting response, especially the last part. I didn't say any of those words, perfect example of your imagination making stuff up.
  11. We aren't talking about the same thing, something you seem confused about. How you're able to produce several sentences out of this I have no idea, I can see the angle you're working however as it was evident from the first post and you seem to be only continuing it, rather desperate if you ask me. I'm only testing to see how serious you're and it seems you're mostly having an argument with yourself, I wouldn't have bothered replying to the first post but I have a curiosity to see how far you would stretch it too make sure, I'm convinced now.
  12. I'll have to disagree, I'm not sure how the hell you came up with the post you did. The first issue about your stupid posts which you acknowledged was sorted. After that the rest of you post was barely relevant to anything I said except for the fact some of the words were the same such as "nation" and "economic". There wasn't a whole lot of substance to your post and it very much wasn't a "classic" however what you done was a classic, making a point about something I never said as if I said it and then making several lines of inquiry on a phony point. Ultimately if I had to guess you got lost in your own ignorance to make yourself feel good.
  13. If you took away closed economic systems from the post then I can't help you.
  14. I'm not sure this Caecus chap even has purpose posting as it seems to be mostly poor jokes here and again, perhaps he's just getting ready. There is a difference between the economics inside the nation and outside the nation, companies should be paying for selling their products in another nation. It would be no different than a company leaving to another planet and still selling shit and expecting our planet to just accept that, ah no thanks this planet gets treated better than that you pig.
  15. A sad state of affairs on Orbis, not just this garbage.
  16. I dare say this thread could be a bit sexist regarding the quality of the average teacher who is female. I don't think the argument about the income is all that valid and certainly not enough to make a difference, ultimately it will be more of a burden on the tax payers. A lot of females pick career choices with less potential to advance, they quite often go for the less skilled work that has less of a demand for high quality. Possibly they choose it for the stability, the issue with stability is that you can't take risks that reward you. I don't think such a job demands high pay, its questionable if the quality would increase as just because someone on paper achieved more doesn't make them a better teacher. Not every teacher or every second teacher can be good, just average. I do think there should be incentives for teachers to perform better but not for people to get into teaching, those incentives could be anything.
  17. Love it, brings back great memories.
  18. If you screw up you can't expect others to help you, in other words if you're cuck why should others become cucks because your level of cuckness is unstable.
  19. Mass Immigration is basically replacement level immigration that replaces the existing population, I'd use Lebanon as an example of how mass immigration destroys a country.
  20. If you said what he wants your argument would be weak but you're being very dishonest by making it so general. The fact is that it isn't so general.
  21. I'm sure most people in most jobs would say they don't get paid enough, they're merely complaining about what everyone complains about.
  22. I'm still waiting for the evidence that Roz and I insult people the most. I think it is cute you try to separate yourself from the equation.
  23. You don't seem to learn https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/13266-biannual-political-compass/page-1#entry245562
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