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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/24 in Posts

  1. I'm not sure how you can look at a formula which accompanying chart has Lime skyrocket from lowest value bonus to highest value bonus, and go "Damn, this is really what we should be going with". I'd like to think that that alone would highlight the issue with the formula as is. A good portion, if not most of, whale nations can't even spawn treasures given the 15-65% range. The largest nation sits a 15035 score which caps it at 9772. While whalehood is defined by city count and not score (and with scores fluctuating as well), if you take Grumpy as a benchmark, most of their nations can't spawn a treasure. It similarly excludes Eclipse's upper cohort (C45 and up). Rose's a bit more mixed but their larger/largest nations are similarly excluded. t$'s largest nations are likewise excluded. At a glance, roughly 45 and up with fairly tall infra can't spawn it due to score inhibition. I imagine that this city count would lower as people presumably move back to 0350. In most cases (whenever they didn't just happen to spawn in their alliance), alliances get those treasures by buying them from whichever smaller alliance spawned them. That's why there's a concentration of them along the larger alliances. This is doubly true given that the price floor for treasures tend to be fairly high (usually something like 300m), and becomes harder to justify paying for the smaller an alliance is. I recall being hard pressed to justify the cost for one in Requiem (a small upper tier, edging whale alliance), as it didn't leave much of a profit margin after the fact. I struggle to see how your proposal is going to address concentration in the top alliances when it it doesn't affect why this concentration is happening (larger alliances/economies benefitting from having them, smaller alliances benefitting more from selling than keeping), or how this concentration is happening.
    1 point
  2. Thanks for those who have given input. This is where we are at with the proposed changes thus far: Colour Calculation Changes Step 1: Eliminate all people not in an alliance from counting towards the color bonus. Eliminate all people city 10 and below from counting towards the color bonus. (Can still benefit from the color bonus). Step 2: Adjust the Turn Bonus formula from: Turn Bonus = (Average Daily Monetary Net Revenue / Nations) To this: Turn Bonus = ( (Average Daily Monetary Net Revenue * 0.75) / Nations) Step 3: Instead of raising the cap to 150k, change the cap to the following formula. Currently this is around ~111k with the above changes. New Turn Bonus Cap = (Total Aggregate DNR/Total Nations) Step 4: Create a second bonus with the following formula: Recruit Bonus = (Total Nations <c11 on Color/(Total Nations <c11/5)) * New Turn Bonus Cap Step 5: Add the revised Turn Bonus to the new Recruit Bonus. This is your final Color Turn Bonus. What this accomplishes: Removes the need to bully nanos off of colors. Gives nanos free reign to choose any color and receive it's bonus without impact. Remove the need for training alliances that don't benefit from the main alliances bonus. Creates value for lower tier nations and nanos for larger nations and alliances, giving them slightly more power. Larger alliances can court smaller alliances to increase their recruitment bonus. Allows for multiple approaches to gain increased bonus without changing the system to benefit one style of play over another. Create a cap that automatically scales over time as the game grows or shrinks, and pins the recruitment bonus to a value that adjusts to the ebb and flow of player count. Treasure Changes Treasures have increasingly become very rewarding to only large/wealthy alliances. To the point where treasure ‘sniping’ has made them almost an exclusively a mechanic for top 8 alliances and whale nations. The following is to try and balance that out a little. Further updates on treasures may come in the future that further link them to colour blocs. Treasures now only spawn in nations with the same colour as their alliance. A nation must be on the colour for at least 14 days for a treasure to spawn on that nation. Removal of continent requirement for treasures. The two treasures that spawn in any nation (Hoa Hakananai'a & Holy Grail) will now instead spawn in a nation on the lowest colour bloc at the time of its respawn.
    1 point
  3. The Orbis Islamic Frontier is an alliance in Orbis that supports peace among all Muslims. This Alliance is the Academy section of Islamic League Of Power. According to the Emir of this Alliance and Caliph of Islamic League Of Power, If anyone attacks one of us the other one shall counter.
    1 point
  4. Why is there no delete button?
    1 point
  5. We weren't gonna let this be another Team-3 scenario. We archived that shit before we lit it up!
    1 point
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