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For talking about new games together, or organizing cross-alliance tournaments.

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G - For Everyone
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hello! Here is a link so that you could challenge me at any point! https://chess.com/play/MishIgnatiev
  3. A new DLC of Crusader Kings 2 is being given away for free This time it's "Sword of Islam", enjoy ^.^ Link is: https://store.steampowered.com/app/203778/Expansion__Crusader_Kings_II_Sword_of_Islam/?utm_source=discord&utm_medium=social-owned&utm_content=post&utm_campaign=crki2_ck_20191114_ste_giaw
  4. So as people know, CK2 is now free to play If you sign up for their newsletter, you also get the "Old Gods" DLC for free ^.^ The link is: https://www.crusaderkings.com/

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