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Slot Filling

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Nation Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=184778

Ruler Name: Cino

Nature of Violation: Slot filling

bullet_blue.png06/06 09:41 pm - New Galactic Republic applied to join the alliance Eclipse.
bullet_blue.png06/06 09:40 pm - New Galactic Republic left the alliance Grumpy Old Bastards.
bullet_blue.png06/06 09:40 pm - New Galactic Republic declared war on Tri Poloski for the reason of "*Pirate noises intensifies*".
bullet_blue.png06/06 09:37 pm - New Galactic Republic applied to join the alliance Grumpy Old Bastards.
bullet_blue.png06/06 09:37 pm - New Galactic Republic left the alliance Eclipse.



Tri Poloski is in eclipse

  • Haha 3

:nyan:The Volleyball :nyan: 



..one, two, Jimmy's coming for you...

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