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Status Updates posted by Aksel

  1. Mispunctuations smells like cabbage. 

  2. Politics & War "Academy Awards" is such a dumb name. 

    Why not just Politics & "Awards" 

    Not to mention those choices are all garbage - I can't believe its still a thing to do it the way y'all are doing it. Sad. Trash. Sad.

  3. You gotta be jokin my ass

  4. Hello person below. I live and breathe Politics & War. I don't make time for anything in life other than this game and often don't get any work done because I'm too busy refreshing my nation page.

  5. You don't even know me.

  6. Imagine failing and then never trying again.

    1. Fulcrum


      The only winning move is not to play

    2. Aksel


      I meant in life! BUT even in a game, if you fail - why not try again if it is something you get pleasure out of? This is why some people have made 80 alliances in this game's existence. 

  7. Don't give up on your dreams!

  8. Looks like nobody also gave two shits.

    1. Dopes


      And not a single shit was given on that day.

  9. Have you called your mom and told her you love her?

  10. Bring back Four and Honey Monster - best mods in PW history.

    1. Alistair Wilson

      Alistair Wilson

      Honey monster left? Wow. I really have not been here for a long time

  11. My mom is currently accepting applications ⬇️

  12. Nobody knows.

  13. Why are we here?

  14. New Concept:


  15. Hey siri What category do I talk about upcoming changes to game looks/designs and get the community to weigh in and give ideas?

    1. 丂ħ̧i̧₣ɫ̵γ͘ ̶™

      丂ħ̧i̧₣ɫ̵γ͘ ̶™

      Pornhub video comments section

  16. hopes mad cuz nobody cares about his status.

  17. TBH: I love the HS vs SK stuff going on.

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