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Noctis Anarch Caelum

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Everything posted by Noctis Anarch Caelum

  1. Term you guys have free reign to attack them & they can’t respond I would consider even more of a deal breaker. Not a real peace deal if attacks can continue imo
  2. Anyways, anyone opposed to IQ & calling this war Global; I’ll have no sympathy for if they get rolled later with no assistance. I think all of them will have brought it upon themselves & shouldn’t expect help when it’s them getting rolled. ?
  3. Is is impressive you guys are winning so effectively despite that & everyone who hates you guys sit on their hands doing nothing until taken out individually. Keep it up & you guys will win the game. Lol
  4. Maybe I should join Arghh then, lol. Attack who I want, with pretty much no consequences . XD
  5. One thing I hated in BC is they would let Arghh off the hook for attacking members, when I always thought a full counter offensive would be best policy. Maybe TKR might be more my kind of alliance, lol Then I don’t see why everyone fears them so much who’s not already fighting them, lol
  6. I think one issue with this game which isn’t really IQ’s fault is almost everyone not aligned with IQ had a losers mindset. So it’s either join IQ or just keep losing; since nobody not aligned with them thinks beating them is possible.
  7. Even if losing, I would consider anything past Article 1 & 2 unacceptable. So would kill any chance of me joining the alliances getting rolled if they’d actually accept terms like this. I would reject the terms on there being to many requests without needing to read them all if I was a leader on the side being offered these terms
  8. Not sure if there is any reason for me to keep playing & anything I’d like to do in this game. I’m open to alliance offers which might spark my interest. Although might just put my nation in vacation mode & take a long break since I don’t really have a reason to play anymore ?
  9. I think a peace agreement should include peace for all, especially if both sides used vacation mode & not.everyone who used it are terrible people who don’t deserve to be the included in peace.
  10. I guess I’m just not aware of what they did to really deserve these terms. If the losing side wants peace & doesn’t think the terms are unfair; then nothing wrong with accepting. Although if they agree to the terms & think they’re unreasonable; they mostly just have themselves to blame for accepting an offer they’re unhappy with. Would the alliance who needs to help another in their color politics rather do that or keep fighting? Then there are a bunch of other terms they need to make same decision on, although maybe progress can be made if they separate out which they’re willing to do. Maybe the other side should pick one or two of them they’re willing to do & counter offer with that. (This was posted as a discussion, rather than a take it or leave it proposition.)
  11. Someone posted an offer for peace if they pay after & that was newer. The issues with OP others have went over; I personally think it’s over complicating something which doesn’t need to be.
  12. I think terms can make sense if an alliance wants to try getting peace before they get rolled. Although if an alliance would rather just fight until given peace without terms despite being rolled hard, I think it should be a viable option. Would be lame if this place ends up one where the greediest alliances bandwagon on the winning side in wars just so they can extort those getting rolled for reps when they’re already down. So winning alone doesn’t make one entitled to reps, depends why you were fighting in the first place & if they should be paying it regardless for something they did.
  13. Personally I think it should just be agreed both sides don’t declare new wars after both sides feel they got enough hits in & neither wants to do terms.
  14. Seems like a lot of resources to me at least, but at least they’re simple & to the point without extra words. Guess it depends on if peace is worth the price. Also since that is his starting price, I would try negotiating that down to something they think is reasonable if they want to buy peace.
  15. I count that as part of damage deallt, but yeah. Things would be boring with no wars, but terms can take away fun for many.
  16. I think it’s best peace agreements can be summed up in one sentence & not a fan of people trying to make it over complicated when damage done should satisfy if your alliance fought well.
  17. Not much I can do for those who don’t want my assistance. Although was an interesting war, but seems my involvement will end when current active wars finish up. I still wish BC well & hope everything works out alright for them.
  18. Enough people already have nukes & missiles; would be unfair to newer players & just make catching up harder if requirements for projects are increased.
  19. I know scattered pieces of what’s going on & tuning in more now that involved. hopefully more coordination among those not on the IQ side to fight won’t be hard. (Since IQ is on offense, they already have their coordination worked out. We need to react & work together as a side; pull our coalition together & more organized) Don’t care if every city is ZIed, what matters is we win & delay the IQ hegemony from dominating the game with their periodic, unimaginative rollings. Let’s not waste this chance of the main Hegemonic Super Bloc splintering while in formation still (IQ/Vanguard Unholy Alliance). IQ wants to make people think they need to fear being rolled if they split from their agenda on rolling good people, better to hit them while they’re fighting us than wait for them to attack after they get all the foot soldiers in line with rolling whoever regardless of why. Edit: Although I’m not in a position to speak on behalf of the alliance & just my opinions are stated. Haven’t seen the supposed opsec we leaked even, but I would guess Golden Horde related from the thread)
  20. War isn’t really big enough to be a Great War yet, although likely at stage with those not in thinking about it or planning their entrance. I’m not privy to all the OPSEC secrets on who’s doing what, although even before we were attacked I didn’t think sitting out a global war with neutrality was an option. Best to choose a side & plan on fighting regardless. Us getting hit because our Gov withdrew from Vanguard rather than fight for the wrong side confirms it, (I believe we really got hit because our Gov decided to leave Vanguard over rolling whoever IQ/Co wanted)
  21. Personally I think the CB is weak & will happily burn as many invaders down as I can with me. Also don’t see why alliances are letting IQ pick them off one by one, I think a huge offensive making this a global war would spice things up some. (How many alliances are they at war with or soon at war with?) Although just my opinion, I don’t really mind fighting uphill wars when needed.
  22. I’ll listen if they say good stuff about me maybe.
  23. Forgave you for what? If you’re NPO, I’m hitting some of yours & will probably consider it even after if nothing changes. Also I thought the Vanguard withdrawal was dumb when I heard about, although I’ll remember the opportunist punks.
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