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Everything posted by Wendell

  1. You're all over the place. First you disagree missiles shouldn't be buffed, now you agree they should be buffed. Smh
  2. Only reasons you provided was it benefiting pirates and you not wanting losers to get any extra hits in... Is launching a missile to beige an opponent an unfair tactic to you?
  3. Pirate man bad. Der Der der Seriously, lobbing three missiles at an opponent, pirate or not, is a viable option. And reducing 36 resistance is fair trade off for the imbalance of spies. If you are lucky enough to have 3 missiles ready at all times and not have them spied away.
  4. If I recall correctly the iron dome blocks on the basis on all missiles ever launched overall. Instead of locally calculating the chance a missile could be shot down every missile is assigned a number (like 1 or 2). This happens after the last missile launched by any nation. This is what was explained by Alex, and it's a needlessly roundabout way of doing something so simple. So this comes to your suggestion that missiles and nukes need about the same amount of waiting time anyways. As a former person person that actually plays the game I always choose missiles over nukes unless the person had over 2000 infra. So there just two solutions: Nerf planes again. Increase the damage of nukes and missiles. (And I know people will come under this post clutching their pearls and losing their powdered wigs)
  5. Alex: 1.I should integrate Discord buttons to increase user retention. (that still doesn't work due to server error) 2. I should just wait 49 days and apologize for removing beige, rather than using that time to come up with a new solution. 3. I should just get unpaid volunteers to do social media on Facebook. 4. I should ignore YouTube influencers to bring more players and just focus on a solution that is proven to not be working. 5. I should ignore graphical updates and have unpaid designers mess around with my site. 6. I should hire mods for my discord channel that actually don't help new players when they have questions but magically appear to give out countless warns and mutes. My totally not expert solutions: 1. Remove discord integration. Players choose not to be on discord and having a button does nothing. Instead, create a interactive tutorial that will get players broken in. 2. Mysterious disappearances after an unasked for rash change doesn't look good. Having nothing but an apology, after a month and a half, is infuriating. 3 & 4. Pay people to promote on YOUTUBE not Facebook. The audience you're trying to reach obviously isn't on Facebook. 5. Currently the site is pretty much everywhere. Cleaning up and consolidating different pages does wonders for the mind. 6. Train discord mods. They need to be customer centric not ban hammer centric.
  6. Too complicated. I'm just as confused on why the total number of spies killed per op can't be limited, just like similar ops (tanks, soldiers, etc.). And why this solution was the best instead of an easy one.
  7. Unnecessary formatting. This is what happens when people do not learn proper word processing. Unnecessary suggestions. We have enough treaties and to my knowledge trying to hit allies would result in an error. We also don't need another reason for people to just sign as many treaties as they can because it looks cool...
  8. LOL he's in Test. Thank You. I see no issue either. I think it's the fact people wanted a reason to hit UPN because it was in Col B. Under was one of the people that gave Col A a hard time in peace talks. But at this point, I think its quite funny. I hope this upcoming global isn't just a grudge war. We don't need 8-9 months of perma war because people still mad.
  9. It took him like 40 days to figure it out. At this point damage was done already that's very likely irreparable. Alex likes gambling obviously, people could just leave his game after that last stunt and he could have been left with very near nothing.
  10. I think Akuryo missed the point a long time ago. It amazes me why people even respond to him. I agree with this. This is the type of suggestion that does alot but actually just nothing. The last update already lessened the challenges this game offers. There appears to be no reason why this game should be easier. It is already easy for new players anyway. Just join someone like the immortals and you literally don't have do anything but click buy new city. And I'll say it till I'm blue in the face: Doing things for people is not activity!! Some people like this play style. But all it does is attract more empty headed idiots. Seeing how Akuryo turned out I think we need less of that here.
  11. What is your definition of too large to raid? We are talking about new players here not veterans at 35 cities. Yeah timelines like this don't matter. People are still too busy and whether the timer is 10 days, 7 days, or ten years, people will always be too busy. And besides there isn't much to do in this game besides beg Alex to act right for once so why is there such a hurry. This is just a game after all not a job. Saving up to get your nex cut is literally a thing of the past. Have you not seen the amount of grants given out for new cities. If you agree to be tax farmed you get all the grants you can dream of.
  12. You'd be surprised who actually thinks this.
  13. I detest this very statement. We aren't, we are civilised, we sit criss-cross applesauce and say "please".
  14. From the desk of the CEO Greetings all, Despite many headlines,the Acquuired Growth and Optimization Network(AGON) is totally not a terrorist organization. We totally don't threaten or take things that don't belong to us. We are not pirates or raiders. We are civilised and do things quite differently. 1. We have an internal bank where members can buy shares and get loans. 2. We have a innovative growth model for all of our members. 3. No taxes (unless you're inactive) 4. Great reputation. 5. Democratic We pride ourselves on being different and being able to prosper on fresh new models of growth for our members. COMMUNISTS ARE NOT ALLOWED AND WE HAVE PLENTY OF HELICOPTERS FOR THEM!! All members have a vote in election of government members and war declarations. Individualism is a prized virtue in AGON. Thanks for your continued support. For people that hate reading: AGON exists.
  15. So nobody is going to mention why this is in huge letters and bold?
  16. Which 300k score whale fest should I choose? Hmmm. Let's pick one with a cool name. Welp, looks like the all get an S score. Wooo! Congrats for winning!
  17. Anti semitism And possible multi https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=234947 https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=234944
  18. Terms weren't presented. Then why are they doing it.
  19. So why am I being flattered by having 100+ nations recognize hostilities with me. And on the forums too...
  20. LukeTP: Agon is too smol to matter. Also LukeTP: Yes, declare war on Agon with 100+ nations they are a global threat.
  21. Dear Orbis, I regret to inform you that Terminus Est has technically ended hostility with Agon by stating "We are too small to actually hit." Also, Terminus Est has not declared any new wars in the last 48 hours. (Technically the new wars were declared after Boyce said, the RoH doesn't matter) Additionally, when asked if Agon can continue to raid Terminus Est, Boyce states counters are fair but the overall war "doesn't matter at this point". Thank you for trying to attack us Terminus Est. Maybe we will meet again on the same side but right now hostilities between both parties have ended. Sincerely, Deulos
  22. You've got it!! That's the winning answer!! This is exactly what they want.... I am still able to declare on city 10. Do you know why? Because the chucks now build 2500 infra in each city. They have military builds like 7k tanks and 190k soldiers with 1000 planes and tens of ships. What did the score changes solve? Absolutely nothing. Who is responsible? Everyone brigading Alex with complaints about "uNfAir" downdeclares. (And you won't find them on the forums they do it in private.)
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