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Lail Das

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Everything posted by Lail Das

  1. Enjoy the first embargo against your alliance, courtesy of everyone you betrayed in REG!
  2. There's already a cap on resource trading (99,999). I don't see why making it stricter would help. Remember, realism is irrelevant unless it's the real world.
  3. They share it with Regicide, and 57898 is a Regicide member.
  4. Thank you. The new image link is: https://i.imgur.com/lPNCtaM.gif So the permanent ad should be:
  5. Perhaps Regicide could get a gift of one hundred million dollars from one of them?
  6. There is no connection between Paragon and the Paragon Bloc until we finish negotiations with VE. 😛 EDIT: This was a joke.
  7. Oh well. A link is probably more effective than a real ad anyway.
  8. It's the Paragon alliance... unless somehow being in the Bloc let's us get free money...
  9. I bought a player advertisement and it was approved. Several hours afterwards, my account page, the advertisement list, and the ad test in the "Player Ad Purhcase Request" message all showed nothing but a link to my alliance. I do not know why, but this is not meant to happen. The ad consisted of a GIF with a link to my alliance. Thank you in advance.
  10. Paragon as an alliance isn't in the war range of any of your members! They have like five score!
  11. Worst case scanrio VE and The Syndicate are destroyed because Knights Templar forgot which Paragon they attacked. No big deal.
  12. But it's not the Paragon Bloc. Look at the Treaty Web and you will see it is the Paragon alliance.
  13. Perhaps I could receive an additional forty thousand food?
  14. They ARE apart from the bloc. I don't know why. Ask one of their Kings.
  15. India: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2014/10/muslim-india-look-jews-kolkata-synagogues-2014101372153836885.html America: http://www.trbimg.com/img-5890fc4a/turbine/ct-ct-ohare-intlterminal20-jpg-20170131/1400/1400x788 United Kingdom: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2015/01/uk-jews-muslims-team-hate-150127091540305.html Canada: https://cajmcanada.wordpress.com We get along quite well in most of the world.
  16. The apostrophe changed the meaning of the sentence and made me support it even more.
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