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Everything posted by Yang

  1. Thanks, much appreciated!
  2. Rest in peace, OO, one of the more interesting things to come to Orbis.
  3. The game strikes me as a bit weird because it looks like the game mechanics are always changing. This is a really poor way of designing, but I understand that sometimes some things are OP. One principle I liked was from the Kittens game, which is to never nerf. You can add new features in and buff them if they're too week. The Uranium Enrichment Program and Intelligence Agency are great examples of uranium and spy buffs respectively. Things that are completely underpowered and not fun can be deprecated. Like no timers on the first free cities. What's not good is suddenly reducing aircraft damage or increasing navy damage. Nerfs should be done by adding something that obsoletes it. If you wanted to nerf aircraft, nerf infra, and buff missiles, you could an anti-air improvement that increases casualties to aircraft. The extra improvement slot would nerf the effects of infra, and the possibility of it being destroyed by missiles would make them more useful. If you wanted to nerf Fortify, you could add a "bombardment" attack to air and navy, which would do double Fortify damage. Instead of overhauling the mechanics completely.
  4. I disagree. It discourages newbies from joining alliances who are established enough to give starter cash. The larger starting cash now is a resource drain that prevents inflation.
  5. https://politicsandwar.com/api/applicants/790 If you look carefully, there's no comma after a nation. {"nationid":57724,"nation":"Atlantica","leader":"Loozianajay","continent":"North America","cities":5,"score":340}{"nationid":59099,"nation":"Naxiznevi","leader":"Silverfrost","continent":"Europe","cities":3,"score":184} should really be {"nationid":57724,"nation":"Atlantica","leader":"Loozianajay","continent":"North America","cities":5,"score":340},{"nationid":59099,"nation":"Naxiznevi","leader":"Silverfrost","continent":"Europe","cities":3,"score":184} Alternatively, you could also add the allianceposition from the /nation/ endpoint to the /nations/ endpoint, so we don't have to open up every single nations in a list to see whether they're an applicant. Thank you!
  6. Yeah, Alex, we give you trouble all the time but that's only because we love you
  7. ME ME PICK ME https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=54764 Still below 35 days. Would be at 5000 infra if I didn't get missiled. Native producer of uranium and all products needed to create nukes too, if you catch my drift And I'll happily credit you for funding the Yellow Nuclear Program with a permanent link in the nation description.
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