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Leopard I

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Everything posted by Leopard I

  1. For my September Claims I would like to have these two provinces img host
  2. I tried to warn the people, the Chernigovans probably told the Russians, The Britannians did not believe me. I am a fugitive, I am an enemy of State, they are hunting me, they are after me. God protect my soul. My Name is Doctor Vasily Tikhonov, I have been working or I was working on the Russian Nuclear Program and was moved into the Aerospace division, I worked with ESA, Chernigovan, and Russian Scientists on the moon landing, but what I discovered was much worse. During my years I have begun to learn Putin's various methods on getting what he wants. It was time to reveal the real truth. Some of my ESA colleagues thought Putin wanted to build some military base or military space station, but I hit top secret KGB cables revealing top level protocols and missions that have shown us what Kaliningrad, Azerbaijan, and Estonia joined the Federation so swiftly and the disappearance of Azerbaijani President. It is without a doubt, I would be killed, so I quickly went to Chernigov where I met with a former friend of mine, who worked for the Chernigov Secret Intelligence Force, when I told him this information he quickly said it was impossible, He went to his Director and the next day when I went to meet him, he was gunned down in the broad of daylight, I acted normal not to draw attention running with the crowd, this was normal KGB tactics meaning the KGB were in Chernigov. I moved to Turkey where I met with a member of the Britannia Regional Leadership who said what I was saying was implausible, "The Russians aren't the best of people but they don't have the capabilities to even reach the moon, as for their expansion, that is up to them. It is not for me or my leaders to denounce them for moving into new lands. My best advice is lay-low I can see if the Chernigov are aware of the Russian Attack if your leaks are made you will be killed no doubt. Go to North America or Asia and become a ghost". I could not, I have a duty to my people, I must publish these leaks... (Cars race down the street) It was him the Ambassador, what was he doing. The RL got up and told me hid in the janitorial closet. Welcome Ambassador Kinovo what do we owe this visit to? Thank you RL (Blacked Out). The Russian Government is looking for a fugitive by the Name Vasily Tikhonov, we believe he may be in Turkia, if you see him please let us know. I will be sure to do so Ambassador, my regards to the President and your wife. The FSB agent walked just outside of me, I felt he could smell me. Mikeal lets go, said the Ambassador. You should ask permission before wandering around joked the RL, hope to see you soon Kinovo. Likewise. Vasily you must leave Turkia, I will get you a fake passport and a fake id card you must leave Turkia. (Text Message Caller ID (Unkown) (Russian Spetsnaz and Chernigov Spetsnaz after you, they are all over Turkia, we have an entire division looking for you, KGB is going ballistic over this, the ESA got kicked out yesterday, people are ending up dead left and right. Get out of Turkia and Europe) (Burns) (How do you know!) (Russian Embassy in Chernigov got hacked yesterday, top level intel got out, we secured it, killed 2 people who did it. But I was tasked with destroying it, now get going, my friend) Breaking News Russian Troops move into Greece amid Balkin-Greece tensions. I went to North America as the Britannian Said, but the KGB were ready, they were there. I tried to lose them, but they were on my trail. (Radio, Russian President threatens Meonesian Troops who move to "invade" Lebanon and Syria.) I lost the KGB for now, but they knew I was in North America. I can not trust anyone (News Paper) 2 KGB agents killed in what appears to be a Mafia killing. (Mikeal Gorbo,and Kyle Hendricks ) Kyle, he risked his life to save me. I must avenge them, I can not let this go on. (Upload 97%) Russian Troops stormed the building, I knew my days were over (Upload 98%) I tried to hold them off, as long as I could. (Upload 99%) As the blood ripped through my chest, I saw an update on my phone (Greece joins the Russian Federation) (Unkown number) (Operation Crimea in effect) Shoot the internet commanded what looked like their leader. (Upload 99%) (Uploaded Stopped Internet Connection lost) We failed....... Area cleared
  3. The Russian Federation is curious since the EFNA is there to protect international waterways, but sends in Military Vessels to protect ships? If you could clarify that? -- Russian Ambassador to Meonesia
  4. The Russian Government offers its condolences, We will be sending in Aid, Troops, and other needs to help our Ally Chernigov.
  5. I like the themes going around, not just a bunch of RL nations. (Plot twist I am a Vampire!) Hm. It is a nice mix of races I wonder how that RP's out, havent read them much before... Thanks Oh, Thank you I will definantly be doing my homework
  6. Warmongering? Well it seems the Meonesian definition of invading a country, calling stating their leadership might blow themselves up resulting in an "invasion" is not warmongering then please excuse us. We never stated we would attack anyone until you threatened the nation of Syria which asked for us to support them. Let us hope you really seek peace and do not attempt to harm the governments of Syria. We do not offer any protection for your aid workers and they should be aware of the dangers that could arise, The Russian Government intervened at the request of the Syrian Government and if they wish for Meonesian Troops they can move into helping the Syrian rather than taking over.
  7. The Russian Federation is pretty much like any real life nation, it is the same tech level as Russia, I try my best to get the facts write and get proper images in my posts. I don't have any fancy weapons or planes yet! looks to my neighbors sees them waving with a 125. inch cannon looks at my revolver that shoots (bang) It is nice to see different levels of tech since I am always trying to reach the moon and everyone else is like been there done that We do have a modernized army, but as for me I am using Soviet-Era ideas for a bigger RP post to the 2008 military reforms but instead the 2006 military reforms for me .
  8. Hey People Seeing as I am very new, could someone explain to me what nations are Space Empires like the Chernigov yes I am aware they come from an alternate universe that shocked me too . What other Space driven nations are there? What are the different races in the RP World? witches, "aliens" and others? so far I only know about the witches in Rokkenjima (took me quite a while Thanks
  9. Sorry if this sounds really stupid, Is there any real difference from the In-depth and NATRP forum, and do my posts count as In-depth?
  10. "War can leave an area unstable, full of crime, and dangerous. Thus, we have sent troops to ensure that governments can be set up for the people that will be stable, and safe. Once we believe that the people are capable of defending and governing themselves, we will withdraw all support from these areas, unless requested by the newly set up governments in the area." The Coalition has successfully instated the Democratic Government of the Arab Republic of Lebanon, and has a sizeable army alongside 45,000 Coalition troops and I think 3,000 Coalition Advisors The Syrian Peoples Republic or Peoples Republic of Syria is the Social Democratic Nation in Syria with a sizeable army, 7,000 now to be 15,000 Russian Troops in their arsenal alongside 15,000 Russian Troops, aircrafts and paratroopers alongside 150 Missile Launches in the Cacauses and 5 Missile Cruisers in the Black Sea all capable of launching a missile at the area. We see no reason for more troops in the region and seeing an already stable government in Syria and Lebanon. Are you accusing the governments to be pro-terror? as well as going to "blowing" themselves up is not only offensive and rude but purely infactual. We will stick by our word that any Meonesian Troops entering Syrian soil will be attacked by the Russian Armed Forces and Syrian Armed Forces
  11. OOC: Oh I wasn't implying you are moving troops, I was just saying I was moving troops through your more advance and infustrcuturaly Advanced cities to get into our Black Sea base. Sorry if you thought I meant we both were moving troops
  12. OOC: No offense meant if any problems please contact me enjoy, and always let me know how to improve my RP
  13. The Russian Federation has suspended all diplomatic relations, it has not expelled or removed the Meonesian Ambassador, who has been summoned nearly 14 times at this point. furthermore all Russian plans to join the EFNA have been stopped and reconsidered till the Meonesian breach of Syrian and Lebanese sovereignty is resolved. We hope you will not force us into these actions but we will not allow Syria to fall once again/
  14. OOC:I like my speech xp thanks We are happy to see these recent achivements and hope that our process to join the Coalition will make it to their upper council soon.
  15. The Russian Federation Demands Meonesia to withdraw or else face a Declaration of War with the Syrian-Russian Defense Pact, not to mention the 7+ Coalition Nations who will defend Lebanon and Syria, I do not speak for the coalition but you will face a response from us. -- Russian President Vladimir Putin The 7th Expeditionary Force has been ordered to defend Damascus if any Meonasian Troops enter it, you have been warned and we will not hesitate to fire.
  16. The Russian Federation would be glad to support Novus and send in the 5th Expeditionary Force alongside helicopters and ships
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