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Everything posted by Jacobs

  1. That's how much !@#$ I give.
  2. How about this? Go !@#$ yourself.
  3. I think this is something many think, but don't say. Like we have alliance presidents age 13. Ridiculous.
  4. I think this game has too many little kids/immature kids playing. I'm 17. About to turn 18 in a couple of months. I consider a little kid to be under 15. I think the game creator should do more to control who plays. Maybe like asking for age when you sign up. Or something! This is just my suggestion. I personally feel like this game is for young/mid age adults around 16 to 28. Not 13 or 14 year olds.
  5. Agreed. We need to be able to just send money. Everyone's nation should have a country bank. The game has so many updates that can be applied.
  6. Get over it. And stop whining
  7. What is bernie sanders going to do for blacks?
  8. Coming from a black guy, most of those comments on that thread were all white supremacist rhetoric, maybe from fox news or storm front? 1. What do you guys consider racist? Unlike MANY others, I know the actual definition of racism. Racism exists only when one group holds a disproportionate share of wealth and power over another group then uses those resources to marginalize, exploit, exclude and subordinate the weaker group. 2. Do you believe there a such thing as racism against whites? HELL NO! Well at least blacks can't. In order for a group to be racist against another they have to be able to have power and oppress others. Whites have been and continue to be the “dominant†race. Also, having a black president does not signal that racism no longer exists. 3. Do you find the Confederate Flag offensive? Not offensive, but indeed racist. Just look at the Confederate Flag Designer he Said It Is A Symbol Of White Supremacy – Not Southern Heritage 4. Thoughts on racial stereotyping? Yes blacks can have racial stereotypes towards whites. But guess what? That's only how far it goes! If you hold negative stereotypes about blacks. And ACT on those beliefs by practicing racism, something blacks can't do. You're a white supremacist! 5. Should racism be banned, or is it a necessary downside of free speech? I like to be specific and call it like I see it. I don't like using the word racism. Because it's too broad and many whites like to flip it and point the finger. Now white supremacist, for sure. Should be banned. And I'm not talking about the KKK, those are white extremist. BTW the KKK is a hate organization that should be infiltrated and gone already. Anything it takes to get rid of the KKK and any other white hate group should be done. Nothing like the black panthers and any other positive black group. If it wasn't for the KKK, the black panthers wouldn't exist. So blame yourselves and get over it!! If you don't want the black panthers, get rid of white supremacy. Now back to the question, white supremacy can't be banned. It must be infiltrated and taken down from within. Even if it takes using other whites to do this. It has to be done in order for the black race to survive. White supremacy is not a free speech thing, it's an action that impacts the lives of the global black majority on this earth. So yes, white supremacy should and will end. Whether any white supremacist likes it or not!
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