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Everything posted by Niklaus

  1. The Rosies probably put him as the head of the shadow gov along with Adama
  2. Sad to see you step down. I was really looking forward to Rose rising to even greater heights under you. For what it's worth, you were one of the most modest and kindest alliance leaders I have ever met. Congratulations to the successors and good luck o/ Rose
  3. A friend of mine uses Colloquy. Rooms is a good one as well.
  4. Information gathering by beiging can be done covertly as Tenages already mentioned. Just look at the raid history of the targeted alliance and if anyone of them was rogued recently and was beiged in the process, the war report generated thereby is available for viewing by any player. "Your spy attack on X alliance has failed and your identity has been revealed. You must militarize now as the war you were planning to declare on your unsuspecting enemies in a week will probably happen sooner now." "Alliance X, please ignore our spy attack. We were just playing with the mechanics and trying out our new toys!"
  5. Use a human spy Jokes aside, spying an alliance bank shouldn't be so easy. Take the tough route. Win a war.
  6. Do the images really matter that much that money has to be spent on them? I find that the current images serve the purpose quite well.
  7. Of course the other things are done too, if it makes sense strategically. If I have missiles, I will use them. Maybe alone or in combination with other weapons. I am not going to do GAs if I lack troops. Similarly I am not going to conduct air attacks if the enemy outnumbers me in aircrafts and I haven't halved his air strength yet. The goal is to do damage. And really, war is only truly interesting for both fighters when they are at somewhat equal levels.
  8. I'm happy to see peace returning to Orbis. To my fellow Orbisians who fought me in the war : All of you fought honorably, except one or two (especially the guy who sent peace after every GA), despite the odds being against you. Special shout out to Aenir and Vulcan. You two were really worthy opponents, especially Vulcan who required quite a bit of coordination in GAs to be brought down. I hope I also proved to be a worthy opponent to you. Alliance politics aside, I have nothing but respect for you right now.
  9. Well, I haven't tried making one myself so I'd know. I had heard from a friend that making phone apps was quite time consuming. I guess he meant apps with graphics, games type of stuff.
  10. No, he is just obtuse. Now it doesn't even seem to be on purpose.
  11. First, creating such an app yourself is very time consuming. Having one created is very costly. I don't think returns on this game are enough to afford such a thing. Second, it is much easier to open PW on a phone browser. Just bookmark it. Third, even if an app is developed. The potential market for it is very small.
  12. Ask and ye shall receive! http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4010-goodbye/ That thread is 3 pages of explanation. Enjoy.
  13. Just found that there was another thread having the suggestion of casualty ranking (http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3649-casualty-rankings/) Kindly merge this one with that. I don't know how I missed it. Anyway sorry for the inconvenience.
  14. GPA should do it. They don't have any other use of war system anyway
  15. Maybe have a casualty list or filter as you have of date created and score on nation list? Also, a graph showing increase in individual nation's casualties would be nice. Perhaps it could be integrated with the score change graph thingy.
  16. We can integrate it with the green shield type icon. If you can declare, it remains green. Otherwise it becomes a grey or red shield. No clutter this way.
  17. I don't think it'd be very complicated to code. A little time consuming maybe. But I'll let Sheepy speak for that. It does add a lot more scope for cutomization.
  18. Makes PW too similar to an other game.
  19. Make a system where you can make as many ranks as you want ( 5 levels at max, ordinary member level included) and assign powers as you see fit. This can be done by having checkboxes against the different powers. Simply create a new rank and tick the boxes of the powers you want that rank to have. In my opinion, this meets both objectives - to have officers in name only and to have officers in middle management which are shown on the main alliance page and have different powers.
  20. I like this. In addition, in the first 7 or 10 days of a nation, don't let there be any negative event; only positive ones (or make the probability of a good event 0.75; more than a bad event). This will give a boost to newbies and also help in player retention. It is not realistic but a tsunami or a flood at the start can really discourage a new joiner and such events in succession can even make him quit.
  21. I like the way it is. My reason is that ,for example, if you are going to roleplay as a military general and choose stratocracy, you will get advantages according to that. It only makes it more interesting and is realistic in my opinion. Say, you want to roleplay as a Democratic ruler, you can do it quite well even now. Ofcourse, you will miss out the reduction in infra cost if you don't change it while buying infra but that will be your choice. You can choose to prioritize your roleplaying over economics. If we adopt your suggestion, the government types will be just names; with no use to majority of the players. Though if your suggestion is adopted, it will equalize things and make it easier for hard core roleplayers to follow their character to the max as they will not have to worry about any sort of economic disadvantage. But such roleplayers seem to be in a minority right now.
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