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Peter Quill

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Everything posted by Peter Quill

  1. Mods, feel free to move it "General Discussion".
  2. Posted in the wrong forum. Whoops. https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/9157-2015-canadian-federal-election-results/
  3. https://www.google.com.ph/search?sclient=psy-ab&es_sm=93&q=canadian+federal+elections+2015&oq=canadian+federal+elections+&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.105454873,d.dGY&biw=1024&bih=667&pf=p&gs_rn=64&gs_ri=psy-ab&tok=k89slzOcAf6bAx6GQtIBiw&pq=canadian+federal+elections&cp=27&gs_id=4&xhr=t#eob=%7B%22cr%22%3A%7B%22rt%22%3A1%2C%22rm%22%3A%22%2Fm%2F0d060g%22%7D%2C%22pr%22%3A%7B%7D%7D. Here's the live results, courtesy of Google. Currently, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are pummeling Harper and the Tories.
  4. Will be reported in next day's bulletin. Valko has made multiple statements regarding his wishing that Roz Wei jump in,
  5. GBC News Bulletin Serving Goand and the world. News Defense Secretary: Unknown if Goand will participate in Great War A scene from the battlefield. Defense Secretary Augustina Mariano has said that it is not yet known if Goand will participate in the Great War as a member of the Brotherhood of the Clouds. "As of the moment, because of the Big Freeze, we are not able to declare war on any nation for the meantime. But by the time we exit the Big Freeze, the war might even be over!" she said. "We just pray that Roz Wei never participates", she continued. Here is a list of War Declarations, courtesy of InGen. President John Brinks: "!@#$ SK! !@#$ tS! !@#$ those Dio cultists!" President John Brinks, who is notorious for his expletive-laden speeches, has condemned Seven Kingdoms, the Syndicate, and Mensa HQ in less than diplomatic terms. He says he is frustrated that Goand will not be able to participate for a very long time. "It's just so !@#$ frustrating that we can't rip their heads off!" he says, as he goes on another rant. "I mean, why?" He also condemned President Dimitri Valko of Ryas for supporting the opposing alliances. "Not only that, but the amount of Spongebob references he makes is too damn high!" He said. PM Pascua worried about President's remarks, PM shrugs it off Prime Minister Dylan Pascua is worried about President Brinks' remarks on SK, tS, President Valko, and MHQ. "With what he said, our country might be dead meat by the time we exit the Big Freeze!" he said in the recently-adjourned session of Parliament. "We don't have a strong military and BoC might get pummeled!", he added. Frances Viditum MP (Libertarian), however, dismissed the Goandian head of state's remarks. "I mean, let's face it, we have a parliamentary system, so the President doesn't do much anyway except signing bills. In fact, to save taxpayer's money, why don't we just get a robot that knows how to write?" she says. This edition of the news has been brought to you by Visit Goand 1996.
  6. Peter Quill

    Welcome Back!

    Yes! Blogs are back!
  7. Then you should definitely list your cabinet on the description on your nation, like what I did.
  8. You're right Eric. BRING US THE BLOGS BACK, SHEEPY! Please?
  9. So democratic Marxism is just like democratic socialism? Yeah, and I'm proud to be liberal scum.
  10. Umm..... Welcome, I guess?????????
  11. center-left on social issues (pro-choice, anti-war, pro marriage equality, etc) , center-left on economical issues (for capitalism but wants more welfare and more control, for antitrust laws) Or, in other words, a social democrat.
  12. So it's finally happening! The Democratic debates are happening tommorow! I hope Bernie kills it! Share your thoughts below.
  13. Sure. We will telegram your questions tommorow. Another deal. KNN and GRT will enter into a deal agreeing to share manpower, programming, and news resouces
  14. Get ready for a bigger World Service. With the new, revitalized GRT, we're no longer stuck to news. We will expand our programming: from commentary to drama to world news to interviews. But we can't do it alone. That's why we're looking for contributors who would like to write stuff for us (whether it be opinion or entertainment or talks, all news will be under us). We will still decide if whether we should give money to contributors. GRT World Service, coming again soon.
  15. Yes, America should keep celebrating a man who tried to wipe out every single living inhabitant on every place he supposedly found.
  16. Also, here's some things you didn't know about me but is listed on my profile.: I was born on May 6. I actually am a 14 year old, it just doesn't seem like it, given my frequency in posting on the General Discussion and the General Debate forums, and how I love politics and heavy stuff that teens my age wouldn't probably consider even for a minute. It's because of circumstances with my life, but that's a different story. As soon as we get out of the Freeze. PM me if I forget (I'll be back from the Freeze late this month)
  17. It is not able to transfer funds at the moment because of the Big Vacation Freeze. Please specify though.
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