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Everything posted by Lan

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUTnNKhF-EU
  2. Russias population is growing and Americas economy is reliant on foreign labor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia Go google my population? Did you even google it? https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=russia+population https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=russia+population+growth+rate But I got a pretty good laugh. Thank you.
  3. Months upon months (if not years?) of this existing means the game is statistically skewed to a point where its nothing like what it should be. It's not over dramatic at all. Its the truth. I understand its easy for me to say as a newbie, but still. Its true.
  4. Show me. As far as I can tell, my motherland is doing just fine. Meanwhile, Western Europe is collapsing all over itself. Its easy to speak BS. It takes effort to back it up.
  5. Somebody told me about this exploit when I joined. Shouldnt the problem be surely solved before doing anything drastic? Otherwise its pointless. But yes, once it is solved for sure the game should be reset. Even being new it looks obvious that this problem has gone unsolved for months if not far longer. That means there are now all sorts of resources within the game that should not exist.
  6. I hope that other nations come to my aid as well if National Socialists ever take over my government. The picture I posted is from Crimea. They sure do look upset.
  7. Lan


    Ignorant westerners arguing about things they know nothing of....... I for one am quite entertained.
  8. Whats wrong with democracy?
  9. You mean this is a serious question?
  10. Lan

    I'm done

    Since this is the internet IDK if this is sincere, but as an orphan I relate to this. The internet is ananymous, so its easy for people to be cruel without meaning or cause to boost an ego thats too big for them in the real world. I promise there are people out there who love you even without knowing you. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Nobody here knows you. Remember that and I bid you good fortune in life. Proshchay, drug.
  11. The unification of greater Russia is not a Putin idea. Its just an idea. Dlya materi Rossii!
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