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Everything posted by VanSputia

  1. Yes...after the merge of BCOM & SK. VOC was the evil of orbis. Good times indeed. It's going swell my man. Found a little spot in the Rose alliance to nestle me in with. IRL, life's been great. Wasn't sure when I would come back due to how strenuous my work load had been, but I feel now is as best the time as ever.
  2. Hello friends and others, I am VanSputia. I played in 2014 with the Blackstone Commission and SK. Just looking for old friends from back in the day who I can catch up with.
  3. Who all is still around? Good to hear from you btw, and I meant before the final reset..not beta. Oops :facepalm:
  4. Hi guys. VanSputia. I've been gone for a very long time, and am really really behind on everything right now. Could someone give me an update? I left before Beta was done with the final reset..
  5. VanSputia was the name of a soldier my grandfather became close friends with in WW2, while fighting the Nazi's. They stayed close after the war, and VanSputia moved to the U.S., where he passed away in the early 90's. However, his nickname was "Sput" for some odd reason..not Van.
  6. The audio choice will have a recording of me doing the sermon on audio, and will also provide the written sermon. The written sermon part will just be the written sermon.
  7. Updated with new religions, also have an option on how everyone wishes the sermon is held.
  8. Made a poll. Individuals can request different religions, highest vote wins, by Sunday.
  9. I'm a Catholic, but I can take a vote and make it to where the people of Orbis decide which religion I conduct my sermons on.
  10. I know that many of us Orblings are not religious. However, for those that are religious, what would you guys think about a Sunday sermon posted every Sunday on the forums? I think it would be pretty neat.
  11. Al-Qaeda (Taliban is the government that use to run in Afghanistan) will always be a problem. I think, as an American people, we fail to keep up with all that goes on in the Middle East. To put it into simpler terms, Al-Qaeda is an Islamic terrorist organization, who follow an SOP (standard operating procedure) and follow guidelines that align to Sharia Law. ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant) is ruthless, and follow no SOP or guidelines. They do what they want, however they want it. Yes, Al-Qaeda will always be a problem. But the crisis is with the current threat, not the decades-old one. I pray for the soldiers who lost their lives in an effort to preserve and maintain stability in a region of the world where instability is all they have. Godspeed soldiers.
  12. Hello to all of the nations of Orbis. I would like to wish each and every one of you a prosperous and flavorful new year. This past year has been a true rollercoaster, and the experiences and opportunities I've been given in it have surely superseded my expectations. But now that the memories have been made, it's time to make new ones, and to make the best out of this year. My New Years resolution is an assemblage of To-Do's, as stated below; To smile every day. To be honest with myself. To show more compassion in this very short life. To say "I Love You" to my family & friends, while I still can. And I genuinely hope each of you follow suit with that. To be more open-minded, and more closed-mouthed. To push myself to the brink of impossible and keep going. To not sit around on the computer all day (ahem) To achieve even greater than what was achieved last year. How was everyone's year? And how are you spending the start of this new year? I'm going to be close to my family tonight, and enjoy the time I get to spend with them. I hope you all do the same. And may we not forget those who do not get the opportunity to spend with their families tonight, who are out on foreign grounds, watching over hilltops in Afghanistan. Those who are patrolling the ghettos and dark allies, keeping the wolves at bay. The first responders, the behind-the-scenes workers. The real face of the show. They are the ones who need blessings tonight. I hope everyone's night is safe and full of joy and enthusiasm for this following year, may God bless you all.
  13. My resolution was going to be to learn how to swim, and do so competitively. But I have conquered that feat today, so honestly, it's just to stay healthy and fit and on the right track.
  14. Though a bit liberalized, The News Room is a great show. F'n amazing.
  15. Ya gimp, get outta here. Hey buddy.
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