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Buck Turgidson

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Everything posted by Buck Turgidson

  1. That's not what's happening here.
  2. Well we are off the rails now and in firm troll territory now that Frezasan shoed up. Dude, you literally post nazi stuff all over discord, and I have constantly argued with you about your racism. I kicked you from Yarr, along with Cobber (Bunyip), et al for exactly that reason. I certainly do commend you on your mad troll skillz - level 11 stuff for sure. Anyone who doubts me is welcome to come to Hell's discord, and I will open the rooms where I have railed against racism for years. @Alex, please close this thread.
  3. I am back and my perspective has not changed. I think, though, you understand what is going on here. Should there be one standard, you either have to condemn Harry AND me or neither. And that standard would be for using the word White in reference to a colour block and nothing more. If you want perspective on racism, then almost everyone in this thread except Harry and me are guilty. Hence my recommendation to remove colours that can be easily confused with race. The Black colour block was until recently named "TKR Sucks Big Black Knights".
  4. Well, the harassment certainly doesm but you may not be aware of the history, and no, the expression is no longer racist. Furthermore, it was a reference to the White Colour block, and Alex already ruled that that was what Harry was talking about - I do not expect a double standard. To put this in context, Harry's move came less than a week after George Floyd was murdered, and just as global protests erupted.
  5. This was the outcome of Harry's reporting me for trolling. Then came the embargoes and harrassment and now this. Knock it off, folks, and try to be more sensitive about the world around you even if Harry can't. My comments here are in line with @Alexguidance on the meaning of the colour blocks, but I think it is beyond the grasp of the younger people playing this game..
  6. I did not message you first. You embargoed me.
  7. I was not bragging - it is a fact. I m literally the most well-traveled person have ever met. I teach at U of Glasgow and Warwick Business School, and they fly me in from Montreal to do it. I would have accepted Harry doing that in error if he admitted it - might have been an honest mistake. The problem is that everything he has done sine then suggests he is trying to hide being discovered - the right thing to do would have been to take pause. Perhaps you can explain it to him - I was literally having fun with him because we have a mutual friend and they have been trying to recruit me for more than a month now. I am 100% correct here. Really? When was the last time? Sadly, I clearly know more about it than you and of the two of us, I am not the one with the condition. I do volunteer work for autistic college students.Let's just leave it at this: I am right, and you can do your own research until you realise that. OK Reported
  8. How? Alexio15 was given explicit instructions to not contact me, and has now breached those terms. If you knew what he and his fellow harassers did, it would blow you away. I kept my side of the bargain - he has been sending my in game PMs all week, and I let t slide, but now it is clearly enough. Well, I am an educator so you will have to take my word on it. And perhaps research it yourself. It will help you a lot, even if you are high functioning. And BTW I dd not mean it in any negative way - I did say I was being serious about that comment and mean t. Not something I would joke about - my 9 year old son is autistic.
  9. Cool, so maybe you can advise him. Nothing wrong with autistic people - I actually suspect most people are on the spectrum somehow. But can you confirm thatnut understanding humour and sarcasm in particular is a tell? What on earth do i have to apologise for?
  10. Atleast racism s not one of them. I have fought racism my whole life as a member of 4 races. When people ask me where I am originally from, I answer, "Earth, how about you?" Ok here the proof of the breach of terms @Alex
  11. But that was a different expression, and you were the first to use it. I shot back at Harry for his exceptionally insensitive timing. The fact that he persisted rather than take a pause suggests I may have been right. This kind of argumentaton s commn among racist on Fox News - do something then deny it was racist. Is that what Hrry was doing, or will he admit that he was wrong and insensitive? People are literally rioting in the US and the UK about this... Have you seen the news?
  12. I am literally trolling you for being stupid AND dishonest.
  13. Ok so let's be clear n how badly this has devolved: 1) I called you guys out for something that could easily be construed as racism. 2) So you people preemptively reported me in fear that I would carry through on my trolling. Beat me to the punch. 3) then gang up on me for calling out potential racism. 4) and call me a racist because referred to your colour block, which was the problem n the first place.
  14. the expression I used was "Mighty white of you", not play the white man lol. That is literally a term referring to the race of a person of a specific gender. My embargoes were counter-embargoes against a bunch of people from the white colour block who didn't lke me calling them out for the insensitive timing of their push for the White colour block. How do you feel about that issue?
  15. I already posted this in less than potato quality, and it is obviously trolling. You know that in Spain, the word for 'Gentleman' is Caballero. Caballero originally meant 'horseman' or 'Knight'. Today, t means 'gentleman'. expressons change in meaning over time. The expression I used was indeed used in the Jim Crow era, and also meant 'that is civilised of you' - it dates back further than that by far. It no longer means the same thing - catch up.
  16. Judge for yourselves folks - Harry got emotional and accused me of being the emotional one. Now I am acccusedof racsm by racists over the same reason - an easily misunderstood connection between race and colour block. Thank you all for participating in this live broadcast to raise awareness about what is clearly a global problem. Ok so you meant it as a racist term. I just do not see the world that way and prefer to appreciate individuals for more than their categorisaton by race. Thank you for your transparency. I guess you will now say that is a common expression, but no one in my basement uses it so you are wrong.
  17. That was a racist thing to say, and the fact that you do not understand why makes this a teachable moment. You will come to understand why when you answer my question. Again, which races do not fall into 'someone of colour'? I am being attacked for making a play on words about a colour block. I will post the conversation with Harry now so you can understand.
  18. Just because a small number of children in this game have not does not mean that it is not used. I have heard people use the expression first when I lived in Alberta, and heard it regularly when I lived in Dubai. Never heard it in Quebec or Belgium through. As I said, it is an expression in the midwest. Want to hear more expressions from places outside your mom's basement? Try travelling. 'someone of colour' Do you really see people that way? I am a member of 4 races. What colours fit into your definition of 'someone of colour'? Rather, which races do not? Go on, I will wait for your answer.
  19. You are an idiot, and the fact that you still cannot admit that what you were doing was insensitive and apologize makes me wonder if I was right in the first place. Have you seen how all the people around you equate White with a race rather than a colour block? Judge a man by the friends he keeps. Today, it is generally used sarcastically in reference to underwhelming acts of generosity. So if you are calling me racist, what was this thread about again? Where do you stand on what Harry did?
  20. Like WOW. I know that the Midwest is not a race, but that is an incredibly prejudicial brush you are using to paint entire sections of 2 countries. I know it because I have travelled a lot, and because I know how to read, and have watched movies. It's literally as common assaying "That's was kind of you" in a sarcastic tone, or "Thanks a lot". You are the clown - you might have googled it before trying to report me. Super glad I did not accept to join your alliance. I checked each nation's colour block before posting that reason for the embargo. Only one of you was nation the white colour block, and I gave a different reason for that. What part of my reference to your colour block did you not understand? Harry already posted my conversation as understand it, but no problem to share it - ask him. It was super-obviously a joke, but he is obviously purposely trying to misunderstand it like you are. You have now called me a liar - the onus of proof is on you. You are clearly trolling to try to turn this into something more than it ever was - who is the main agitator? I wll go out on a limb and say it is one of the cabal I mentioned earlier, and you are just a stooge. I do not mean the following to be trolling: I work with autistic people, and not understanding humour and sarcasm in particular is a key flag for the condition. Seriously, look it up. I am aware of its historical origin, which is why I posted the link so you could understand that I was using it in the modern form. The expression is no longer about race. I have lived in 3 Canadian provinces, worked in 6 of them, lived on 3 continents, worked in 40 countries, and speak 5 languages. Believe me when I say I know far more expressions than some kid still living at home...
  21. This whole subject, including the embargoes that I was responding to, were about the colour block. I made no historical reference at all, other than to say it has been an expression in the English language for a very long time. I was using the expression as it is used today, which was a play on words because their colour block was White. Do you get it now or shall I repeat myself more slowly at higher volume?
  22. This is exactly correct. And it was my point when I trolled Harry - given what is going on, the timing of a White Colour block move could be easily misconstrued. I was actually trying to help him, and he was too thick to understand. I thought Cromwell would fill him in on my sense of humour, which is admittedly brazen. I will keep replying to this thread until it is locked, but after re-reading my responses, I think a trend isemerging.
  23. Your ignorance of common expressions does not make me racist. In fact, i wonder now if you are projecting. Why do you think white is a reference to race? Nope it is a common expression and reference to the White Colour block. Why would you think it is racist - very strange connection to make. f their colour block was Black, not an issue. If it was not, yeah it might be a racist reference. What was his colour block when I embargoed him again? Nor do you, and you are doing the same thing. Are you accustomed to accusing people of things you are guilty of?
  24. @Jackpoe I think if you investigate further, I am not the one you should be disgusted with.
  25. It was a reference to the colour block - you have been playing the game long enough to know what colour blocks are, haven't you? Also, @Dr James Wilson the expression "Mighty white of you" is a common expression in many parts of North America from Texas to Alberta - it means 'That's a nice thing you did'. Are you labeling the entire Midwest racist? @Alex I am being harassed by a group of people who have harassed me before, specifically Alexio15, Randy Savage (who used to go by the name Stephanie McMahon, and was banned for harassing me several years ago). Please consider this an official reporting, following my PM on the matter. They are harassing me in game, and making false reports like this one. For some reason, I received a strike at that time too, even though i was defending myself against a cabal of online bullies. For those who don't know the backstory, the TFP leader asked me to participate in getting everyone to join the White block a day or 2 after George Floyd was killed, and I trolled him in jest about it, threatened to report him and swore to destroy his nation (again, in jest - he is the leader of a friend's alliance, so I thought he understood my sense of humour, but apparently he understands very little in general). I meant to convey to him how easily his effort could be misconstrued, and call him out for his insensitive timing at the very least. It's enough. Please do something about this manufactured drama and in game harassment. You told us at the time, @Alex that we should not speak to each other, and Ihave held up my end of the bargain, and they have breached it. I am sure Historia s in there somewhere... @Thalmor You are right, "Mighty black of you" has no historical context and would not be a play on the colour block. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mighty white of you John Wayne uses the expresson in most of his westerns, and learned it when someone said it to me when lived in Alberta.
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