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New Project idea


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Something to increase unlootable cash? It would definitely come in handy for people that fight using guerilla tactics in losing wars. The scenario it would be used in is if you stack turns and then buy max military to do some attacks, but due to low infra, you don't make enough money in a single turn, and due to being in a losing war, you keep getting looted.

Don't want to make it too OP of course, I'm not saying to make it anywhere near 100M unlootable. But I think anything that gives the losing side a bit more opportunities to fight back is good for the game. It still wouldn't be a strong enough project to flip the tables for the losing side, and would need good planning and coordination from the alliance using guerilla tactics to be effective.

The percentage of the game that would be able to use it effectively would probably be quite small actually, but those that know how to use would appreciate it a fair bit - making it a good project for nations that specialize in fighting back in losing wars.

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It’s already balance as it is. If your worried about cash and resources. Simple solution, don’t carry too much to begin with, build nukes and missiles on same day and launch them, or do flash buying units, use them to attack 10 minutes before day change, decommission immediately after day change to prevent units being destroyed and save resources. Keep repeating the process. Another guerrilla tactic is building soldiers only as they are cheap and suicide onto your attackers and tick no munitions, it’s cheap and will destroy the enemies soldiers as well as their tanks. You can also just stick to nuke turretting and declare as many raid wars on none active players as even none active players still generate cash and resources in order to keep replenishing your loss whilst under blockade and continue the guerrilla warfare. I mean i can go on and on as there are heaps many more ways on doing guerilla warfare. Another one is if your getting cycled and under constant blockade, stack up beige timers by declaring on random actives from different alliances and they will beige you and you can get yourself out of a blockade/cycled. Increasing the amount of unlooted cash/resources will just nerf raiding and destroy raiding as a whole. So no thank you.

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Hallo, I am totally fine with every update no matter how controversial if it helps in fighting back for the losing side under dog-pile meta during GW's without being harshly punished and limited by the typical FarmVille mechanics of the game. Though we need more balances w.r.t rebuy time, casualty rates, updec-buffs etc. Also, I would like to add that touching & pinning down whales should be a thing for supporting smaller alliances if harsh down-decs exist rather than nerfing the whales. Mechanics should support competency, activity over quantity tax-farming fodder gameplay. I also believe raiding should be buffed within immediate effect to build an incentive for maximum conflicts against idle bank sitting. 

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I also forgot to add that if your concerned about losing too much loot, there is also a War Policy called Moneybags which increases the level of un looted cash and resources by 40% that a raider can actually loot from you. So pretty much the policy is already in place and therefore there is no need for a project to decrease the amount of cash/resources a raider can loot. You already have a policy for this. 

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