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How hard it is for a new player to adopt this?


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  • 2 months later...

It can be challenging at first, but once you join an alliance (a decent one) they will teach you a lot about more in-depth aspetcs of the game.


Generally, if you're newer you'll focus on raiding and getting as much resources/money you can, an alliance will sometimes also help you with building and expanding as needed.

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  • 6 months later...
On 1/22/2024 at 8:21 PM, escapousdoorus said:

how hard it is to adopt this game?

Hallo, not at all if you follow a certain approach. Kinda easy. I can list out a few beginner steps to ease your pain.

1.) Explore the discord servers of multiple alliances and figure out what works for you.

2.) Check the community and populace of such communities to your liking.

3.) If possible, open a ticket on their specified server and politely inquire with their IA about the alliance, their programs, mentoring, etc. This step can help you determine who is most helpful and active at the same time.

4.) If you have never played the game before, join an active casual alliance to get the hang of things. Do not worry too much about anything; just relax and stick to one spot.

Remark: Keep in mind that joining an alliance is a competent decision in and of itself. If you join a strong, influential alliance and, for whatever reason, grow tired of them after a while, you might not be able to leave until certain requirements are met. Therefore, start with a casual one.

5.) Following step 4, you can attempt to join a more competitive alliance and enter government, which is one of the many tried-and-true ways to get good in this game. Continuous practical hit and trial experience trumps outmoded IA guides and mentoring methods.

6.) Keep meeting new folks and helping others, rest will come naturally. 

I believe this quick guide will at least get you started in the right direction.  

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This is actually good, helpful advice.  Any new player may get between 2 and 3 dozen in-game e-mails talking about the various alliances.  While on beige, it's best to do what Colossus says and to spend a day or two exploring the various discord servers.  

Most important is point #2: check that the alliance is to your liking.  All alliances are the same in the sense of what they are: a conglomeration of nations.  Some focus on raiding, some on farming or commerce, some on reading the books of Brandon Sanderson, some on piracy -- but all are a collection of people and you want to be with a bunch of people you are okay with.  

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/15/2024 at 9:59 AM, Aglet Green said:

This is actually good, helpful advice.  Any new player may get between 2 and 3 dozen in-game e-mails talking about the various alliances.  While on beige, it's best to do what Colossus says and to spend a day or two exploring the various discord servers.  

Most important is point #2: check that the alliance is to your liking.  All alliances are the same in the sense of what they are: a conglomeration of nations.  Some focus on raiding, some on farming or commerce, some on reading the books of Brandon Sanderson, some on piracy -- but all are a collection of people and you want to be with a bunch of people you are okay with.  

No I never said to spend 2 days on spam joining PnW discord servers, at most 2 hrs and that too if the said new player is picky otherwise any top alliance works these days since there aren't any options available. 

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