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Western Feminism, Insane Cancer


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First off, I intended to say mad cancer or something along those lines. However in doing so I recalled that a silent hill enemy is called Insane Cancer, and it even looks like many Feminists so... there we go. 

So I was on pinterest, to post stuff on the lodge as I do. Now for those aware, because I searched for Muslim women, I now get Muslim related stuff on the page... namely all the brutal rapes and killings that Muslims are doing and other such things, pretty standard stuff. One I saw was on those feminist western women academics and the sort defending Muslim rapists.

I came across a certain academic which really interested me, a Dr Unni Wikan. Who basically blamed women for being raped, as they have to understand that Muslim men are used to modest dress and they must adhere to that, for diversity all women have to dress like bin bags I guess.

So I searched around. The results were largely blogs, some on anti-Islam sites, one of the J-Post. One of them actually lists the year for the saying of such things. You might think it would be recent due to the rash of insanity that the modern day has brought out... 2001. The insanity goes that far back apparently. Lets look at the J-Post one and what it says: http://www.jpost.com/Blogs/The-South-African-Jewess/Why-is-the-world-prepared-to-make-excuses-for-Muslim-rapists-but-unwilling-to-treat-Jews-or-Israel-with-any-sympathy-441253

The J-Post article, largely noting this to ask the question of "why are Jews so mistreated by comparison?", states it accurately enough.


The J-Post article, largely noting this to ask the question of "why are Jews so mistreated by comparison?", states it accurately enough.
"A hundred years ago women couldn’t vote, own property or simply walk around unaccompanied. Nor could they dress as they pleased. The feminist movement was born to address these inequalities by challenging accepted norms and by battling ‘male’ power, political and social structures and cultural beliefs and practices which discriminate against women. And in one summer it seems the feminist movement has come under perhaps one of the greatest assaults it has seen in the modern age. The attack is not from a quarter one would expect - from that of a male, conservative, religious culture (who were the enemies of old) but from those who are seen and believed to be products of the success of the movement itself.

How else can one explain Henriette Reker’s response to the sexual assaults on literally hundreds of female victims on New Year’s eve in her city of Cologne? Instead of the outrage, one would expect from Reker, Cologne’s first female mayor, (especially since she herself has been the victim of violent crime) reprimands were handed down to unexpected recipients: the victims. She suggested that it was the women and girls themselves who needed to change their behavior, so as not to provoke others who are culturally different from themselves. 

It seems that Reker’s twisted logic is not lonely. It is echoed by a Norwegian Professor of Anthropology’s (Dr Unni Wikan’s) idea, that in order to deal with the high incidence of Muslim rape of Norwegian women, the women need to “take their share of responsibility”. The reason? Muslim men find their manner of dress provocative. ‘Norwegian women’, therefore Dr Wikan has opined, “must realize that (they) live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”
"Reker and Wikan’s approaches are perhaps best described as suicide by multiculturalism. They illustrate just how far ‘liberals’ are prepared to go. It seems that these women are prepared to sacrifice the work and hard earned victories of the entire feminist movement in order to preserve the spirit of diversity. And such sacrifice seems to illustrate that without a unifying principle ‘liberalism’ has become pitted against itself. "

Now Feminism in the west is largely just a supremacy movement, one allied with Islam like other progressive causes. I would say it is a bigger enemy to women than even Islam. Thoughts? Do you too think that Feminism in the west, key thing to remember there, the west, is now just an out of control insane cancer? 

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I am not a fan of Donald Trump. I lean conservatively, at least I think I do though the tests say otherwise- I know, I am WEIRD. Just to get that out of the way before anyone tries to call me a Trump-tard or anything. 
I am also a foreigner, but I got my American Citizenship. So cool. I love America. Things here are awesome. So it confuses the damn out of me when people immigrate here, and instead of assimilating with the culture, the country, the Americans, they bring their own concept of how things work and try to implement them here. They say- Free healthcare, it is so bloody awesome. We didn't have to pay for anything there. It is just so awesome back there. I hate it here in America. They say that, ride BMWs, cause they can(nothing against that), and try to get the most benefits from the Government as they can. And they can- cause it is after all; America. 
Now you might as yourselves, what the bloodydamn does this have to do with the topic we are on?? Which is a suitable question, indeed. One that I shall answer. 
I problem I have is that immigrants come to this country, as I did, and they implement, or at least try to implement, values this country has never had, nor wants. A good example is the Russians. They really are Slavs, but most of them are Russians so ill just call them Russians. As I was saying, they come into the country, get into groups, start hating on how the American system works, and try to get the most out of the government they can. Now, not all do that, just most. But this isn't just Russians. You have Mexicans protesting our Anti-Immigration laws waving Mexican flags. Like WTF??? Look at your own southern border. Russians, Mexicans; I don't hate them, but they are just perfect examples of the point I am trying to get across.

Just to recount of all of what I said, and how it connects to the topic; immigrants should assimilate into our society. If they can't- leave. If they don't want to- leave. Or else we will have beautiful countries and peaceful countries like Venezuela or North Korea. Cause if you come from where it doesn't work, and it works here, remember, what you have is the same shit, just in a different place. Don't try to give ideas of how things should work- do that in your own country. 

I would say Ukrainian instead of Russian and Venezuela instead of Mexico, but y'all are gonna ask what is Ukraine and Venezuela. lol

What I said is slightly related to topic, but if it isn't at all, sorry. I just felt like y'all needed to know. 

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6 hours ago, TheRebelMan said:

I am not a fan of Donald Trump. I lean conservatively, at least I think I do though the tests say otherwise- I know, I am WEIRD. Just to get that out of the way before anyone tries to call me a Trump-tard or anything. 
I am also a foreigner, but I got my American Citizenship. So cool. I love America. Things here are awesome. So it confuses the damn out of me when people immigrate here, and instead of assimilating with the culture, the country, the Americans, they bring their own concept of how things work and try to implement them here. They say- Free healthcare, it is so bloody awesome. We didn't have to pay for anything there. It is just so awesome back there. I hate it here in America. They say that, ride BMWs, cause they can(nothing against that), and try to get the most benefits from the Government as they can. And they can- cause it is after all; America. 
Now you might as yourselves, what the bloodydamn does this have to do with the topic we are on?? Which is a suitable question, indeed. One that I shall answer. 
I problem I have is that immigrants come to this country, as I did, and they implement, or at least try to implement, values this country has never had, nor wants. A good example is the Russians. They really are Slavs, but most of them are Russians so ill just call them Russians. As I was saying, they come into the country, get into groups, start hating on how the American system works, and try to get the most out of the government they can. Now, not all do that, just most. But this isn't just Russians. You have Mexicans protesting our Anti-Immigration laws waving Mexican flags. Like WTF??? Look at your own southern border. Russians, Mexicans; I don't hate them, but they are just perfect examples of the point I am trying to get across.

Just to recount of all of what I said, and how it connects to the topic; immigrants should assimilate into our society. If they can't- leave. If they don't want to- leave. Or else we will have beautiful countries and peaceful countries like Venezuela or North Korea. Cause if you come from where it doesn't work, and it works here, remember, what you have is the same shit, just in a different place. Don't try to give ideas of how things should work- do that in your own country. 

I would say Ukrainian instead of Russian and Venezuela instead of Mexico, but y'all are gonna ask what is Ukraine and Venezuela. lol

What I said is slightly related to topic, but if it isn't at all, sorry. I just felt like y'all needed to know. 

Sounds like you want your own thread with that. It's not hugely related to this thread... unless we're talking the insanity that has gripped the west I guess. You're an immigrant but became a citizen, excellent, integration and becoming a citizen is the goal of any good immigrant. Not as you say, waving Mexican flags around and completely disrespecting the country.

Lets be clear here. A Mexican who loves who loves America would say that yes, the illegals have got to go and immigration has to be stricter... or to be more accurate, to actually be enforced as it's supposed to. 

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Something weird has happened in the feminist v anti-feminist debates over the past... 5 years.

Before, feminism was associated with postmodernist and relativist deconstruction of morals and ethics while claiming objective universal ideas were patriarchic in compelling people to believe and adhere to what they didn't want to.

Now, feminism is treated as an ideology of safe spaces, micro-aggression, and being against free speech.  Their opponents are the ones saying what's offensive is a matter of opinion.

I agree that feminism is a problem, but... 

...things are different today.  It's getting to the point that anti-feminists are becoming a serious issue.  

I say this especially because there are lots of legitimate victims of situational abuse and prejudice who self-identify as feminists despite not having the conventionally nonsense ideology.  These are people rallying to the feminist cause because anti-feminists are making anti-feminism look bad.

Also, a lot of 4channers who used to be perverted anarchists have switched sides, especially after Gamersgate.  They often accuse former anti-feminists of being pansies in ordinary socializing.

I'll just leave it at this:

Trump didn't confront feminism, and he won the election. Today's anti-feminists rally behind MAGA as well.

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22 minutes ago, Gabranth said:

On the point of integration, it is entirely a false premise under the guise of civic nationalism, a failure through and through. Between the Roman Empire itself all the way through to its modern western counterparts, the engagement of a foreign peoples to a cause that is beyond them will not succeed. You cannot have cultural homogeneity without ethnic homogeneity.

Back to the feminism point, yes feminism and the pursuit of... Diversity? Whatever these people want to believe, it is a detriment to their overall wellbeing. The movement, even from its inception was born on a false premise - that men and women are equal. Call me a misogynist but if you do so you're missing the point, men and women are not the same and to consider men and women equal to one another in every respect is dishonest. Regardless, that doesn't touch on why 'feminists', which should really be known as agenda-pushing lemming drones, continue to push an agenda which is to their detriment. I can't fathom why academics continue to support islamic integration when it has given 0 positives, there is simply nothing to be gained but death. Still, they do it anyway for the purposes of cultural sensitivity, I suppose? I mean, if you were to have an islamic community in your nation (which I wouldn't wish upon anyone), then you should hope for it to integrate into your society, and no matter how many programs get put in place they just seem to seperate themselves and put themselves in islamic enclaves. I mean, my own country federally supports the funding of islamic private schools - a blessing they wouldn't give to other religious schools, mind you - and the reason? God knows what reasoning the bureaucrats have for such a thing. Comes back to feminism and cultural inclusivity, sensitivity and all that I guess. Whom knows, it's something I could never get my head around. Some false internationalist crusade to brown out previously white nations.

Funny vid for you to enjoy anyway


The movement was born as a marketing campaign, not a political movement.  The BBC released a documentary called Century of Self with a segment called Happiness Machines that proved this.

The goal was for psychologists to hook together the debtor-consumer-worker society by reducing people to their primitive animal instincts via mass media, and this was back in the '20s.  It sparked with recruiting debutante suffragettes to smoke during the Easter Day Parade while smoking "Torches of Freedom."

You can watch it here: 


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10 minutes ago, Dubayoo said:

Something weird has happened in the feminist v anti-feminist debates over the past... 5 years.

Before, feminism was associated with postmodernist and relativist deconstruction of morals and ethics while claiming objective universal ideas were patriarchic in compelling people to believe and adhere to what they didn't want to.

Now, feminism is treated as an ideology of safe spaces, micro-aggression, and being against free speech.  Their opponents are the ones saying what's offensive is a matter of opinion.

I agree that feminism is a problem, but... 

...things are different today.  It's getting to the point that anti-feminists are becoming a serious issue.  

I say this especially because there are lots of legitimate victims of situational abuse and prejudice who self-identify as feminists despite not having the conventionally nonsense ideology.  These are people rallying to the feminist cause because anti-feminists are making anti-feminism look bad.

Also, a lot of 4channers who used to be perverted anarchists have switched sides, especially after Gamersgate.  They often accuse former anti-feminists of being pansies in ordinary socializing.

I'll just leave it at this:

Trump didn't confront feminism, and he won the election. Today's anti-feminists rally behind MAGA as well.

??? What serious issues do the anti-Feminists do?

12 minutes ago, Gabranth said:

On the point of integration, it is entirely a false premise under the guise of civic nationalism, a failure through and through. Between the Roman Empire itself all the way through to its modern western counterparts, the engagement of a foreign peoples to a cause that is beyond them will not succeed. You cannot have cultural homogeneity without ethnic homogeneity.

Back to the feminism point, yes feminism and the pursuit of... Diversity? Whatever these people want to believe, it is a detriment to their overall wellbeing. The movement, even from its inception was born on a false premise - that men and women are equal. Call me a misogynist but if you do so you're missing the point, men and women are not the same and to consider men and women equal to one another in every respect is dishonest. Regardless, that doesn't touch on why 'feminists', which should really be known as agenda-pushing lemming drones, continue to push an agenda which is to their detriment. I can't fathom why academics continue to support islamic integration when it has given 0 positives, there is simply nothing to be gained but death. Still, they do it anyway for the purposes of cultural sensitivity, I suppose? I mean, if you were to have an islamic community in your nation (which I wouldn't wish upon anyone), then you should hope for it to integrate into your society, and no matter how many programs get put in place they just seem to seperate themselves and put themselves in islamic enclaves. I mean, my own country federally supports the funding of islamic private schools - a blessing they wouldn't give to other religious schools, mind you - and the reason? God knows what reasoning the bureaucrats have for such a thing. Comes back to feminism and cultural inclusivity, sensitivity and all that I guess. Whom knows, it's something I could never get my head around. Some false internationalist crusade to brown out previously white nations.

Funny vid for you to enjoy anyway


You aren't entirely incorrect, but you go overboard so are wrong as a result. You need to understand that it is not all or nothing. History is full of people who have integrated into states all over the world. Under good and reasoned immigration their second, third, so on generations will not be any different than the rest. Of course if we have multiculturalism than obviously it won't work. 
A strong ethnic base is certainly a stabilising factor and should actually be wanted to a certain degree, people the natives and the immigrants both start to class when numbers start inching closer to each other. Simply how things are.

It started over voting rights and such. It was nothing about men and women being equal in all respects, because they ain't, men and women are different. Physically being the most obvious. As for why they do it... well, the alliance. Remember, all these groups love to be in grand coalitions with each other. An idea they have is they betray their own cause if they attack someone they deem below them, the most popular case being Islam.  

I actually looked up the numbers on integration and religion one time due to Starbuck doing his usual nonsense. Islam is below every other religion it's incredible. Last place in everything, but integration wise it was really bad. What happens when your religion is Islam and the country you're in shields you from everything. 

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Just now, Rozalia said:

??? What serious issues do the anti-Feminists do?

There's a certain rudeness among anti-feminists that wasn't there 5 years ago.  They lack manners, decency, and respect while reveling in survival of the fittest mentality.  Everything's about rugged individualism and forming a new "Old Boys Club" that didn't used to exist.

Before, anti-feminism was about being gentlemanly in contrast to the decadence and debauchery of punks.  Now...

...it's like it's embraced decadence and debauchery itself.

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Just now, Dubayoo said:

There's a certain rudeness among anti-feminists that wasn't there 5 years ago.  They lack manners, decency, and respect while reveling in survival of the fittest mentality.  Everything's about rugged individualism and forming a new "Old Boys Club" that didn't used to exist.

Before, anti-feminism was about being gentlemanly in contrast to the decadence and debauchery of punks.  Now...

...it's like it's embraced decadence and debauchery itself.

If 4channers are who you're looking at then I'm not sure what you expected. 

There is no threat even if they act as such. It doesn't matter how gentlemanly you act in front of an insane feminist, that alone is sexist and an attack. 

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Just now, Rozalia said:

If 4channers are who you're looking at then I'm not sure what you expected. 

There is no threat even if they act as such. It doesn't matter how gentlemanly you act in front of an insane feminist, that alone is sexist and an attack. 

Oh I certainly agree there's a lot of the older feminists out there.  If you try to build a bridge with them now, they dismiss you arbitrarily.  They know you're old fashioned, and don't care to get over their egos out of spite.

They just want to play the victim while empathizing with the self-identifying feminists now who are actually victimized women.

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Just now, Dubayoo said:

Oh I certainly agree there's a lot of the older feminists out there.  If you try to build a bridge with them now, they dismiss you arbitrarily.  They know you're old fashioned, and don't care to get over their egos out of spite.

They just want to play the victim while empathizing with the self-identifying feminists now who are actually victimized women.

There ain't much in the way of women who are victims due to the system being sexist towards them. Women in the west have never had it better and the fact that some places are quietly having to do affirmative action for men shows how it has even gone way too far.

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