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True King

No Matching Nation
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Everything posted by True King

  1. The Nazis won the war in their timeline; although Japan is still its own country and you have no idea what you're talking about. The characters I posted are part of the Kerberos Organization & aren't Nazi at all.
  2. You're being ridiculous if you're trying to say posting any fictional characters which took any inspiration from German Armor into full body armor is a bad thing. Killzone, Fallout next on your list of Nazi inspired fictional characters which aren't Nazis?
  3. They're not Nazi; they're Kerberos Panzer Cops from an alternate timeline. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_Panzer_Cop lol
  4. You guys are an Enemy of Liberty because you are the Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence & Sadism; your existence is a contradiction to a free society. Doesn't hide who you are very well just using the abbreviation, but you're the same alliance imported over. Not sure why your leader tries to deny it, might as well be open about it. lol
  5. In case you really don't get the reference, in your DoE he included, "Also, Noctis Anarch Caelum (hereby referred to as Methrage), will be the first contestant on our Enemy of GOONS list. " Pretty much starting things off dragging in stuff from CN & first username I used in CN for fun (Would get people like goons riled up, which was funny for a while). Although complaining that I call you guys by your CN name when that's what you guys started as soon as you created GOONS here; either you guys can take the joke or you were never joking yourselves in the DoE, lol
  6. Making fun of would be better word maybe or pointing out his hypocrisy.
  7. You can now begin ignoring my threads and posts as well then.
  8. The amount of reaction I got with this post was funny, although unless it escalates into something more; mostly consider this an inactive raid which escalated & might fight you guys a few rounds if you guys don't want to escalate it further (or plan to try fighting us until we disband, which someone told me you guys plan. Although not putting to much weight into second hand information) Also the parody flew right over your head of the GOONS DoE & your attention toward me in it.
  9. You guys and your bloc did end up partially allying or non-aggression with Doombird Doomcave; surrender top tier control to them & letting the game die without one last epic battle at the very least. So you guys sort of failed at the end in lacking ambition to fight the only power outside Oculus which could have been interesting. So I was kind of disappointed when I decided to give CN another try & saw all the major power had already given up on the game before even attempting to bring them down.
  10. Guess if somebody has a bot where they can just keep updating where all the pieces are as the game continues, it wouldn't take long for them to input everything needed for the bot to tell them where to go next. Although I don't have an experience with Chess Bots, so not really sure how good they are. Although you're probably right. Would still be fun doing one, but should probably keep the bets not very high due to the potential of cheaters using AI.
  11. Bluebear can’t really control what former members do & even current members without going against their principles.
  12. If you give people 2 min to make a move, doubt they’d have much time to ask a bot what to do each move; although maybe. Although if everyone just bets 5-7m; would mostly be for fun.
  13. First people’s confidence in the two party system & corrupt media promoting them needs to be destroyed enough, people leave the major parties in mass. Also Libertarian Party needs a candidate with enough charisma or good ideas to really generate excitement behind their candidacy; where people from all political spectrums who favor personal liberty vote for them over the establishment candidates. So what the Libertarian Party is doing in making sure they have ballot access everywhere isn’t a total waste of time at least. Edit: Also I think Gary is alright. I remember when Ron Paul was running & I was supporting him was invited to be a delegate for Gary Johnson if I came to Vegas. Although I was supporting Ron Paul at the time & don’t think Gary Johnson will ever pull off a Presidential win.
  14. Kingsglaive, a Libertarian Alliance where we help new members grow into powerful warriors & maximize member freedom. We help active members with free City Grants, Projects & eventually in attaining Nuclear Weapons. Members have access to guides & other tools to give you succeed. Its our goal to eventually have every actuve member with 15+ Cities & Nuclear Capabilities . Exterminate the Heretics and other Enemies of Liberty. Allied with the Libertarian Shadow Defense, Libertarain/Anarchist Nexus, The Scandinavian Empire, Persian Empire, Deathly Hallows & Anonymous Friends! Preamble The Libertarian/Anarchist Nexus will consist of both individuals and alliances, with different commitment levels depending on what they can offer or meaningful connections they establish within the community of free men and women who uphold Liberty & Opposing Tyranny. Membership Levels As a Libertarian Libertarian Monarchy, our members and divisions have full autonomy in their actions; although we come to together to help those who cherish freedom and oppose Tyrants. Anarcho-Royalist Kingdom (ARK) Leaders & Influential Individuals who help . Anarchists Cloud High Empire (ACHE) Primary Anarchist & Libertarian Alliances; who promote freedom over Tyranny. Anarchist Monarchy Mind Omniverse (AMMO) Assisting those who favor freedom from Tyrants who'd like to stomp out all the good in this world before it grows. Viking Anarchist Scandinavian Empire, (VASE) Anarchist & Libertarian Individuals who are connected with the Libertarian/Anarchist Nexus; who are able to fight; whether for pay or favors. Libertarian Intuitive Noosphere Knowledge (LINK) Individuals may provide free off shore banking services, Intel, offer military and financial assistance, loans & other indirect support to LAN. Noosphere Outer Sanctuary (NOS) Individuals who may or may not consider themselves to have any organizations outside their immediate alliance, but may know someone who's a member & potentially may help in the future. Enemies of Liberty Goon Order of Oppression Negligence & Sadism (GOONs) Kingsglaive Discord: https://discord.gg/zu7c4Gr Kingsglaive Alliance Link: https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=6109 Libertarian/Anarchist Nexus Discord: https://discord.gg/R7mdNHu If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything. Agora, Anarchy, Action! We invite all Liberty Minded alliances and individuals to come join us or get in touch, so we can build an Empire on the common purpose of preserving freedom in this world. Join Kingsglaive to Fight against Tyranty & advance good!
  15. If you can give me access anyways, then maybe I can help mediate/watch if you think it will get interesting. I’ll do the confidentiality agreement not to repost. Got me a little more interested in what’s going on with it.
  16. These negotiations sound like a job for Ace Attorney at Law; actually glad not to being involved in that.
  17. Well, they used the name of an alliance at war with BK when it disbanded as well I think? Thought I heard something like that.
  18. Maybe if Coalition A demands a surrender instead, don’t budge a few month or until both sides reach a middle ground of almost white peace instead of this? Maybe it’s to soon.
  19. lol, Arrgh can switch AAs as easy as any other alliance if they want to hit your from a different angle. Them not feeling bound by any alliances conventions is why you can't destroy them and they have friends scattered across alliances everywhere (and former members).
  20. Want to help get something setup? Can try both depending on demand and have a server for it.
  21. Or let people do 2 info ops instead of the other ones. Kind of limited for those, mostly killing spies & destroying nukes people can be hit with kind of an excessive amount daily. Whoever decides to start killing the spies first pretty much gains that edge for the war. Lol
  22. Don't really have high expectation, but will stick to my word though on keeping it limited to GOONS up until the point they decide to make it a coalition wide thing. Up to them if they feel like expanding, but lol @ agreeing on any surrender terms ever if they bunch the wars together. ?
  23. Might as well make them unlimited the other way then, is pretty limiting the amount
  24. War has barely just begun, 5 year war ftw.
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