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Everything posted by Masterbake

  1. Apparently there was a coup. I wonder if that means we can pouch him????
  2. ^^^QFT^^^ On an unrelated note I can't see my resource bar.
  3. You are kidding right?? Sometimes you have 24 hours notice, sometimes less. You are concerned about who is going to watch your children, who is going to pay the bills while you are gone and how your wife is going to take it. You may not have access to the internet for a couple of weeks. I don't think this has been thought through very well. The idea that someone is going to add putting P&W into vacation mode is insulting at best when there is so much to do in such a short period of time. The fact that they can get attacked and not fight back is punishment enough for having the audacity to put ones duty in front of a game.
  4. In other games there are many players that log on less than weekly due to RL. One group I would point out that would get screwed would be anyone in the military subject to active deployment. They would get screwed by a one week timer. In another game we had many members who were military stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. If someone leaves their nation unattended now they run a great risk of it being attacked anyway. If this is changed people will simply look for grey nations to raid and chase them out of the game. By leaving them in alliances you bring politics into the game if you raid someone affiliated with an alliance. I thought that was what this game was about.
  5. You have 3 nations with 45k hit you and you have 45K. You can only buy 15k to replenish. You are screwed. Simply mathematics. Make the rebuild 1/3 a turn then sure. 1/3 a day..... Sorry it's lame.
  6. Honestly I do not get why you have to wait to build troops in the first place. That seems lame. WMD's sure but ordinary weapons.. Lame. After someone Pearl Harbors you, you are screwed in this game. Not even worth fighting back as that keeps you score higher so higher nations can keep staggering you and keep you in a state of rubble all the more.
  7. Exactly. How about a nation is beiged after losing 'x' amount of strength or infra instead? 'x' being a %. If that means new really small nations are beiged easier all the better. With unlimited GA's wars would be over quicker and with more damage.
  8. Attacking allies to prevent damage is poor sportsmanship. Also the fact that beiging someone only happens with ground attacks and ignores all other damage from other sources is really not at all smart in the first place. I would use another word but I don't want to get warned over what should be completely obvious to a 2 year old child with half a brain. Either you are going to protect someone from a huge beatdown or you are not. If you are not just remove beige altogether. It seems that the only reason to include only ground attacks is to make it like some other game which it is not. This 'loophole' has been used by everyone but it is still wrong.
  9. The government of the US does indeed censor and does it quite effectively. It might let people watch sexually explicit and violent images but as far as reporting about itself censorship is alive and well in this nation. Anything that makes the Federal government look bad is censored for 'national security'. Always has been that way since World War I and will always be that way. Not a bash of either Bush or Obama. It is what it is. Try to get information about local government workings and you have to go to court and file a 'Freedom of Information' request that will slow the release of the information until it is not relevant. Anything that makes law enforcement look bad is censored in this way as well. Of all the Western 1st world nations the US is probably the most censored of them all.
  10. We do have refineries for gasoline and Saudi Arabia burns crude oil for electricity. http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=18111
  11. Goldie!! Your reputation precedes you. Welcome.
  12. In another game I was in an alliance that topped out at 800+ members. The infighting and posturing that went on in that alliance broke it up and not any outside threat. The logistics of running an effective alliance at that size almost forces splintering. I don't think any rule is needed.
  13. Wait we had an election? I thought we were a dictatorship?? Put Underlordgc back in there. We're doomed.. I guess change is good.
  14. Loved the Poultry and War Logo. Good job admin and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone else.
  15. You honor us with your musical tribute. **Needs more Vader** War is Hell.
  16. Did Placentica just get schooled? getting schooled Losing a contest/game/battle/argument in a humiliating fashion while the other person shows you how it is done. They remain as cool as a cucumber as if it didn't even require effort on their part.
  17. You? How dare you? You are obviously a nonconformist and a rebel!
  18. UPN is righteous, moral and lawful.
  19. Many toys were left out by TAC. They must pay.
  20. Welcome Nathan. Please do not hang your stockings by the fire.
  21. What is this other world you speak of and do they allow toys? Also welcome.
  22. Well no you may not. I would throw you in the dungeon for such nonsense if it were not for the fact that you have John Madden and Kenny Stabler as your avatar. Two of the greatest men ever to grace the NFL or any other sport for that matter. But no duck.
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