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Posts posted by Leftbehind

  1. 36 minutes ago, HeroofTime55 said:

    Except for, you know, the whole part where we didn't take it when the opportunity did arise.  But keep spewing this hysterical nonsense.  I think the only people you're trying to convince are yourselves, trying to assure yourselves that you didn't just become pawns in an actual Swamp hegemony.

    I can't wait to see how the war after this one plays out.  Oh boy, it's going to be fun to watch.

    How little you know but how mighty you talk.

    We are not the ones running around complaining because we didn't get to have that nice easy war on HM and a deflated TCW. We are not the ones crying about how we are something we aren't. If you cannot accept the point of view as to why alliances were nervous about Quack than by all means exit the conversation. 

    I am not worried about a Swamp Hegemony and if they tried to create one I'd slap them as well. In fact, I'm confident enough to say we would burn Hedge to the ground before any of us would prop one up. This is simply that, ensuring that one doesn't take place.

    Like I said before, learn to take some ownership and give some thought about how three independent blocs came to the aid of one another. 

    • Upvote 4
  2. 51 minutes ago, Once-ler said:

    In a fight: 10 grown adults would be able to easily handle 2 grown adults. 10 grown adults would also be able to easily handle 3 adults and 100 3 year old children.

    I'd rather take the chance with 10 adults. My three year old beats the unholy hell out of me and thats all in the name of playing. 

    18 minutes ago, Lord Vader said:

    Did you just insult your own allies?

    Anyway, I too disagree with the comparison between us and IQ. I can also state that as a new leader in the field that both The Syndicate and The Knights Radiant have taken immense measures to ensure our sphere does not grow to be what you call a "hegemony". Many possible routes to peruse that would have grown our sphere in size were shot down.

    This whole conflict was launched with a purely defensive view, like stated so many times we saw a threat and acted upon it, only to find out the rest of the game had allied upon us and now we find ourselves dogpiled.

    Are you really going to complain about a dog pile when you tried to dogpile us? Don't be a hypocrite. Wars are never even so maybe you guys should take some ownership as to why this happened instead of being mad that it did. 

    It isn't a secret that Quack's size and ability made everyone leary that they could position themselves to be the next Hegemony. It is simple logic. For all your "immense measures" taken it didn't stop you guys from becoming so big that it would take at least two blocs in order to challenge you. Not one of the other blocs, be it Hedge, Rose, or Swamp has the ability to challenge on its own. Even a HedgeSwamp coalition would be a very uphill battle. So when you say that you watched your size I'm going to call nonsense on that. All you done was keep yourselves just under the bar.

    Like it or not, Hegemony is bad for business and you done nothing to prove that you wouldn't take it if opportunity arises. 

    • Upvote 2
  3. 15 minutes ago, Lord Vader said:

    As @Prefonteen said, we saw a threat, we acted upon it. 


    And as I said, will we loose? Probably; Do we regret it? Not one bit.
    It would be rather stupid of us to just sit back for another month just for you guys to dogpile us, at least this way we had a chance.
    Trust me when I say this is in no way a compliment, as for refusing to work with Sphinx, didn't all of Hedge start inside of tCW sphere? Some food for thought, but also an honest question.


    Not at all. Soup which was one of the alliances that formed CotL came from the Chaos bloc, our friends in Grumpy, KT and Guardian were all from KETOGG. E404 bailed on TEst when they found out how trashy they were and NP which was the other partner in the CotL merger had a failing out with Sphinx. Not to mention Soup disliked TCW. So please tell me why we cared enough about Sphinx and how he became the mastermind. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, Thalmor said:

    Like I'm sure many others, I'm lost on this conflict. Can someone make an MS Paint job, or map, or infograph explaining which alliances on which sides, why everyone is fighting, and who exactly attacked who? That would go a long way to explaining what's going on to people like me who don't pay attention to micro affairs. 

    I will be your best friend if you do this.

    Aurora got butthurt that some useless mirco left them mid war to join another useless mirco bloc so they declared war on said useless mirco. Now Pantheon joined the war of the useless. 

    I think that sums it up. I'd draw a picture but really I don't own a big enough box of crayons. 

    • Upvote 3
  5. 2 hours ago, Lord Vader said:

    This is getting to be one big swamp, where are all the ducks gonna go?

    Silly question. Swamps are wetlands so they will go to the swamp.

    Now more importantly how do you drink through the mask? Don't say you take it off because that's a darn lie. 

    • Haha 1
  6. Let the haters hate. Its not easy trying to start your own show and making it work in the long run. I've lived the mirco dream before so I can tell you from my experience that it is a long hard road to walk. But if you put in the work you will be just fine. 

    I truly look forward to working with you and helping you to become successful. 

    • Upvote 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Sir Scarfalot said:

    10 days war?

    I mean, yeah the combat is decidedly over but... am I the only one disappointed? While we absolutely needed to correct away from 8 month globals, this seems a tad bit of an overcorrection. Where were the twists? Where was the counterplay? Adaptations to evolving situations? Evolving situations at all for that matter? 😕

    Meh, I guess I shouldn't be expecting quite so much from TCWsphere, especially with how outnumbered they were. Well, GG, hope the next one's a bit more interesting. At least it wasn't toxic, outside of the inevitable small dramas of course. I'll agree with the general sentiment that that much is a very welcome improvement :)

    You are right. Hedge should have switched sides to spice things up abit. Next time.

    In all seriousness, I do agree with you there wasnt a big "wow" event for the viewers. I personally, didn't forsee one happening this war simply because of how the world is now. It was important to us in Hedge to show the wars don't have to be the mess that we had before. We went in, achieved our goals and got out. Was it shorter than expected? Most definitely but thats ok. 

    So thank you to Swamp for all your hard work. It was truly a pleasure. Good luck in the future. 

    TCWsphere you were fun to fight against. Thank you for keeping it classy and respectful. Hope the rebuild is as quick as this war. 

    • Upvote 3
  8. 7 hours ago, Thalmor said:

    If they were successful in driving me, my friends, and my past and present allies from the game, we wouldn't be around to forgive them. Just a thought.

    At least with The Commonwealth, it can be argued that they switched sides and helped to try to make things right. Camelot, UPN, and Acadia should be targetted before TCW (in that order)

    Grudges are dumb and there's no utility in them, though. I don't think we should just forgive and forget either. Rose allying up with Camelot so quick was weird. 

    Why, would an alliance like Acadia be on the list when the main players are no longer with us? NG, George, Curtis, and so on are all gone. What is left are the people that just want the same thing that we fought for last war. The right to exist. If we fail to turn the other cheek than we are no better that the ones we fought. 

    When the war ended and the fallout from the IQ bullshit started to settle I had to make a choice. Move on with my life and play the game or Hate the ones that are left. My choice was easy to make, I moved on and decided to help rebuild a gutted alliance because those members, like me, deserve to play the game and get a clean slate. Like it or not "Rolling" these people will only push more out of the game that had nothing to do with it. It will lock up the idea that they will never get a fair shot and to me that is unacceptable. 

    • Like 1
  9. 39 minutes ago, HeroofTime55 said:

    As far as we're concerned, this shit took place well before EM joined our alliance.  We aren't thrilled by it, by any measure.  He's very lucky he wasn't banned or wiped, and if he had been, we wouldn't have flipped shit like NPO or anything.  We'd like to keep EM on the straight path for our part, trust me on that.  But he's been part of our family and we like the dude.  I don't see us kicking him to the street.

    EM also has apologized to the community.  I've not seen a post from Nokia doing the same.  So I struggle to see how people figure Nokia tried to make amends but EM didn't.  Nokia is the cheater in all this, EM broke the rules by facilitating but didn't actually cheat, and the money Nokia got never actually was removed from the game.  I know a lot of people really hate EM for reasons well outside this, and that's going to alter their opinions on this, and make him the focus of it.  And most of those people don't have the balls to do anything, but will yell from the sidelines.  So be it.  I'll get to crack some skulls for the Church, all's well enough in the world.

    It doesn't matter when he did it but that he did it. As much as I hope you can keep him on the right path, I sadly do not see it. He has been the center of accusations for a very long time so knowing that he's cheated once makes many people feel he has before or will continue to do so. To me, I would rather rid the world of people like nokia and EM instead of waiting for the next three ring circus they cause. 

    They are both cheaters and you will have to accept that. He may not have got the ingame benefit but he helped ensure that the cheating was possible. With all the bullshit that this world has been through the last few months it would be nice for us to just agree that cheaters don't belong instead of defending them.

    • Upvote 5
  10. 26 minutes ago, HeroofTime55 said:

    Nokia tried to account suicide and take EM down with them after failing to blackmail EM for an additional 4b.  The suggestion that Nokia did anything as an act of nobility here is a joke.  This only came out because Nokia was another 4b in the hole.  Should EM have middle-manned in this dumbass scheme?  Of course not.  Should he have fessed to Alex right away?  Of course, and I've given him an earful myself over it, it's been pretty dumb and I'm not defending what he did.  But he did not benefit in-game in any way, meanwhile the cheated money that benefits Nokia and NP/CotL is still in play.  This is merely an outlet that y'all finally found to attack EM over.  Congrats, I guess.  But he is hardly a "slimy eel" for it.

    If people want to evenly criticize all three of these folks, well, I have little problem with that, and in fact I respect the position.  The only issue I have is with associates of some of these players calling for the other's head.  Give me a fat break.


    We shouldn't accept cheaters or people who allow it to happen. All the people involved are clowns and does nothing but tarnish this game further. You guys defending EM or even allowing him into your alliance after all the nonsense is just enabling this kind of behavior. 

    Don't get me wrong, I can understand how you want a more "even" reaction towards the others involved. I sorta do as well but I can see how others feel Nokia has at least tried to make amends. No matter what the motives were behind it. Problem is EM hasn't shown any effort which brings us to this. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Coldcrown said:

    The only thing my alliance gives me is safekeep of resources and free access to locutus (i can use it for 15 million a week anyway)

    Than join a real alliance. There are many good alliances out there that allows you to do your thing but teach you how to play in a fun environment. 

    It's a two way street though so your participation is key. 

    You may also want to stop feeding the trolls since they can go all day long. 

  12. Starting to feel like the only person that thinks offshoring adds a challenge to the game. It takes teamwork to bounce the bank around and even though it's not a complex process people mess it up all the time. Which leads to glorious memes and banter. 

    I get why you want to end the unraidables but I dont think removing bank loot or offshores is helping make the game interesting. You might as well make it that a blockaded bankers can't send out aid if you wanna just throw things at walls to see what sticks. 

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