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Everything posted by Grimz

  1. Could you post that image again? Seems to be unavailable. Clearly you're not glorious. Anyone with positive rep is an establishment swamplord
  2. Well, I'm the owner of my profile. I think that's glorious enough.
  3. Facts Lie When They're On The Ground HaHaHa. And Your Facts Love To Lie Because You're At the Bottom Son, I'm At the Top
  4. You are Fake News. Anyone who downvotes or upvotes me agrees edit: ebeezy admits he's fake news 2018 confirmed halal egg
  5. Can't be the greatest if you don't exist :^) Lord will live on through my forum flag. I don't know who "HBE" is but clearly they're shit, otherwise they'd be the ones living on in glory through my profile
  6. Except the indisputable Number 1 alliance of All Time
  7. Sorry for the confusion, I do not own Lordran. I get this kind of thing all the time though; I'm a natural leader and people just assume I own the things that I'm a part of.
  8. It is indeed "litty litty tree fitty" as the kids say
  9. Sorry to hear you're leaving
  10. The intention of this thread is good, but imo it's just not a problem in this community. If you are a big !@#$ in general, you will probably not be allowed to stay in an alliance for very long anyway.
  11. I lol'd at that article. It's basically saying "People are mean to females on the internet just like they're mean to other males!!! We deserve special privileges!!! Sexists!!!" People look for offense in everything these days. The majority of people I know love to screw with each other; making an exception and saying "well you can't say that stuff to women, you can only say it to guys," kind of implies that they're too weak to handle the same kind of shit-talking we do to each other. That article, while preaching against sexism, is ironically sexist for wanting people to avoid saying the same things to girls as they'd say to their guy friends. Hate to tell whoever wrote that, but just because you're offended by something, doesn't give you the right to speak on behalf of your entire gender.
  12. You said that Arabs cannot be held responsible for the actions of their government. That is giving them a free pass. All throughout history, people have taken responsibility for the actions of their government and risen up against it. But here you are, saying that these people are very special and should not be held to the same standard that we've created for ourselves and other populations. You are correct about the events of the Arab Spring, but guess what happened at the end? People backed down. Kinda ironic that you take the Arab Spring as an example here, because the protesters who survived actually backed down facing death because they weren't willing to die to stop the atrocities of their government. Sure, you can call not willing to die to fight injustice "bullshit," but the world would be a very different place if many more people believed what you do. Imagine if people like MLK believed that risking one's life or freedom for justice was "bullshit." Your belief is not the norm sorry to say. Also, funny how you whine about strawmanning, which I never did, yet you're spewing ad-hominem attacks at me throughout your response. So not only do you have a double standard for Arabs, but you also have a double standard for yourself. Good to know. Also, I like how you see my latest argument, realize you can't refute it, and then edit your last post to say "I'm not gonna keep arguing with you" to make it look like that was your intention all along. If you don't want to admit you're prejudiced, that's fine. But just know that by constantly making excuses for people, you're only covering up the problem. You're not solving it.
  13. French Revolution. American Revolution. Haitian Revolution. Spain. Portugal. China under Mao Zedong's vision of Communism. I could go on. All throughout history people have taken a stand when things became too wrong. It is prejudiced to believe that Arab people are less capable of doing so, or are somehow not able to realize what their government is doing is wrong. As I mentioned in my original post, there are plenty of people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali who advocate for the reform of Islam and Arab governments, but are shut down from discussion by people in the US, because people here think things like "oh they cant change anything," "oh they're raised in that environment they dont know any better." Even though change through self sacrifice has happened all throughout history, for some reason people don't see it as possible when it comes to the Muslim world.
  14. Good job ignoring the vast majority of my argument. You've managed to perform logic chopping and present a false equivalence all in one sentence! If you'd bothered to read the rest of what I said, you would realize that people *do* have a say in what happens with their governments. And your bit about Trump is a hilariously false equivalence because you've misconstrued "government" with "person in government." Also, Trump does not throw gays off of buildings or tell women they can't drive. Food for thought. If those people were not sexist, they would not continue living in a country run by a sexist government. It's as simple as that. And here you go again, implying that Arabs get some sort of free pass because they could be thrown in jail for standing up for what's right. Guess what happened when the British government tried to milk the US colonies dry without giving them much in return? A revolution that many laid down their lives for. Guess what happened to Martin Luther King for standing up for racial equality? Thrown in jail, murdered. Guess what happened to the many whites who were NOT trained soldiers, simply local militia, who decided they wanted to fight for what was right? Wounded. Killed. Guess what happened to people like John Brown, very religious people who wanted to see the end of slavery? Murdered by the government or tortured by slaveowners. Guess what happened to god damn Galileo for telling the church it was wrong about the Earth being the center of the universe? Arrested and outcast. And guess what happened to members of Antifa who showed up to protest against the Nazis in Charlottesville? One got hit by a car and murdered, others badly wounded. People in the US lay down their lives every single day for what they believe in, so the question is, why don't you apply the same expectations to other cultures? Because you believe they're less capable. You are thinking of Arabs as these poor, helpless people who are simply incapable of taking a stand for themselves, and that is why I made all of those points. I did not strawman you; I challenged your very belief system because it is based on the notion that Arab people are somehow incapable of taking the same stands that we've seen all throughout history, that they get some sort of free pass for supporting sexism and outright murder. Strawmanning involves creating an argument the other person didn't make and then refuting that, but you see, you made every point I argued against indirectly. Your belief that the Arab people are incapable of challenging their government stems from the fact you believe they're weak or don't know any better, and I demonstrated why that believe system is very wrong. Once again, you are the problem.
  15. If you pay taxes to a government that kills homosexuals, rarely prosecutes rape against women, and voids women of basic human rights, you are part of the problem. How is it equal that, in the United States, we will take a stand and say things like "white people who don't speak out against Nazis are part of the problem," but when other cultures commit similar atrocities, we turn a blind eye? You're calling me "racist," but you're basically saying that we shouldn't call out the same atrocities in other cultures that we'd call out in our own because they don't know any better. I would definitely call that implication racist, or prejudiced at the very least. If I may, I suggest you read a very popular play known as "Death and the King's Horseman," as it tackles this very issue. It portrays the British colonizers of a region in Nigeria as extremely sexist, but at the same time, portrays an equal amount of sexism from the Nigerians as well. It's intended to make you realize that, if you are willing to call something out in your own culture, you should be willing to call something out in another culture; otherwise, you think of them as lesser and that they simply don't know any better. Even during the height of slavery in the United States, you could find anti-slavery works constantly being published by white people in the US, and many white people died fighting the institution of slavery. We have plenty of Muslim women immigrating to the US and advocating for reform of Arabic regions and the Islamic religion itself, but people like you brush them off and say "you shouldnt question their beliefs," because you have this weird notion in your head that they somehow don't have the ability to reason, or are somehow so lesser than us that they can't rise against horrible practices done by their government. An example I would like to make is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Muslim woman who immigrated to the US and has been a vocal advocate for reforming the religion ever since. Brandeis University invited her to accept an honorary degree for her work on women's rights in the Muslim world, but guess what happened? People like you protested and said she didn't have a right to criticize Muslims or the Arabic world, and the University revoked her invitation. Even though vocal criticism of other religions, such as Christianity, and criticism of regions perpetuating harmful religious practices, such as England under Catholicism before the Reformation, have turned out for the better, you believe for some reason that these people are so weak and sensitive they should not be criticized in the same way we'd criticize our own people or practices. You, are part of the problem.
  16. Thank you for this post, Kynlo. I think we are really shedding some light on the issue of sexism around the world. A message needs to be sent that, if you perpetuate sexist ideas, you cannot play this game. I also agree with the people in the public chat earlier who were proposing we enact a ban on players from Arab countries. It's unacceptable that they support governments that kill homosexuals and won't even let women drive cars. Banning them from PnW won't do too much overall, but the more things we manage to ban them from for supporting sexist notions, maybe we can be the start of something bigger. President Trump already initiated an anti-sexism movement against Arab governments with his travel ban, but it's up to us to ensure that his efforts don't go to waste. Women should not be belittled; that's like making fun of the disabled kids at your school. Just because people are beneath you does not give you the right to mock them.
  17. Even if that were true, which it's not seeing as how Nazi ideology is completely wrong if you believe in moral absolutism, you're trying to use whataboutism to distract from my evaluation of the person I replied to. Saying "yeah but what about you?!?!?" doesn't make what I said false, it just shows you can't logically dispute what I've said, so you're trying to distract our audience from the fact I even said it. Also, nice strawman. No one ever mentioned Niagara Falls being racist, that is a ridiculous example. My evaluation of Arryn being racist stems from more than the name, but also the fact that the House never mixes with non whites, has terrible relations with the most prominent House led by minorities, and has zero members who aren't white. You try to throw me off with whataboutism and a strawman... House Stark is not sending their best folks! SAD!
  18. Actually, I think if anything here has been proven, it's how adept my research and analysis skills are. I've never watched Games of Throne, yet I know more about the show than any of you! And lol if you actually think I care about "embarrassment," keep on going through life afraid to embarrass yourself; I'm sure you'll make a ton of friends being too scared to speak. Keep listening to that voice in the back of your head that says "should I say this?!?!?! will people like me!?!?!?" The fact that you're so fixated on pleasing the society around you is pretty funny. Are you really "taking the high road" if you wrote a reply to me bragging about taking the high road? Do you see how ironic that is? That's like saying "I'm the most humble person here." It really sounds to me like you're just trying to take the popular position in this thread for upvotes and internet affection. Your other post in this thread was merely a poorly-thought-out insult directed towards me, do you know what that says about you? It says that your primary motivation for participating in this discussion was simply to call to everyone's attention that you have the "right opinion;" you're doing it because you see a mob of people disagreeing with me, and you want to join that mob so people will be more accepting of you, so they'll think of you as "one of us." Once again, you're proving that all you care about is pleasing the people around you because you're too scared to take an unpopular position. Not only that, but you have such a need for attention and societal confirmation that you posted here just to gain that attention, when no one even mentioned you. I am honestly not trolling at this point. You should not focus so much on having society at large "confirm" your opinions; it'll make you a lot happier in the end. You'll wear yourself out trying to please everyone. Also, for the record, if the #1 alliance in the game is embarrassed, I wonder what that makes your alliance? I have ascended
  19. "One cannot lose that which one does not possess" -The Buddha
  20. Which is why it was the perfect plan
  21. Attention everyone: I am offended and will no longer be accepting Vexz's PayPal payments for me to continue bumping this thread
  22. See, you know that you're projecting support for white supremacy, so you resort to making ad-hominem attacks. I think I've done all the arguing I need to do at this point; you've dug your own grave
  23. I don't doubt that they're using the name from the Television program, but just because a TV show decides to portray white supremacy doesn't it okay for you to imitate it. Tell me something, does this "House Arryn" on Games of Throne have any members who are not white? Nope. Do they mix with non-whites? Nope. Maybe they have minority friends... right? Nope. House Martell hates their guts. It's funny how you're the one who watches the show, but the true meaning of the House "Arryn" has apparently gone far over your head. Please explain how House Arryn is not code for "Aryan" when the House contains no minorities, never mixes race, and has terrible relations with the biggest minority House. I think the show makes it pretty obvious.
  24. Companies that have the wrong political interests won't get public support though, not in the US' current political climate. People are realizing that Republicans are no different than their slave-owning ancestors and are tearing down their statues, burning their homes, etc. I don't advocate violence, but I don't feel sorry for the people killed on the right/republicans since they're the ones who are choosing to be on the wrong side of history; people who are on the wrong side of history are the only ones who are in trouble. Many people consider the "slippery slope" argument a fallacy. Germany has banned display of Nazi flags, symbols, etc. and they didn't magically become a police state because of some mythical slippery slope. There's nothing wrong with censoring people who have the wrong views. The only people I see arguing that Nazis shouldn't be censored is, you guessed it... Nazis. So in other words, I trust Google to be on the right side of history and censor right-wingists because the people of the US will rightfully take up arms otherwise.
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