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Everything posted by Frederick

  1. You are really !@#$ing pathetic aren't you? I have all the information I need on Trump and he has not said a single thing that is racist. All my conclusions are a result of my observations and personal analysis; the result of months and months of contemplation. Spare me your condescending bullshit, because I can guarantee you I've thought on this more than you have. Of course regardless of the research I've done, your typical response will be "you are just dense and close-minded" or "open your eyes". Last !@#$ing time troll. Back up your claims with evidence or shut the hell up.
  2. It is the typical leftist strategy to utilize one of three primary tactics to achieve their ends: intimidation, social pressure, or giving the impression of winning an argument through straw-manning. On these forums, I have noticed that the third is the most common and heavily used by those such as Rahl and others I need not mention. They will keep assuring you that they have won with their typical condescending sneering remarks. While making them seem intelligent to the dull-witted and shallow-minded mob, it only shows their lack of a solid argument. Leftists and SJWs thrive on social climbing and this is one of the primary ways they achieve this; through pathetic bullying tactics and belittling. In the end, all they want is attention and it is best we do not give them this, else we will only encourage their despicable behavior. I take solace in the fact that Rahl and his ilk will be leaving the social hub very soon..for good.
  3. "Go look it up on google" isn't really an argument. Considering liberals think wanting to stop illegal immigration is racist, I don't believe you've any merit in your accusations of "racism". You can throw labels all you want but until you actually bring up evidence to dispute over, we are done here.
  4. If it is so "blatantly obvious" then I'm sure it wouldn't be so hard for either of you to provide evidence. Please do enlighten me on this "evidence" that indicates Trump's alleged racism/sexism. You liberals really need to abide by the same standards you hold others to. Such hypocrisy...
  5. You make the mistake of assuming that I must be able to fill his shoes in order to observe that he was a mere corporal in charge of an entire army. What I am saying is not that he is a failure but that a higher ranking officer may have done a better job in his shoes. Regardless, the fact is that he had the clear advantage and still failed to defeat his enemies. Operation Barbarossa was what turned the tides and if he hadn't needed to delay the attack, he could very well have been victorious. I don't appreciate your presumption of my "arrogance" when I simply point out an observation. I do not blame him nor do I consider him a failure, but the fact still lies that he made numerous mistakes which may have been avoided had someone else been in charge. I too do not like when others downplay a historic individual without looking at the context, but I am still willing to point out mistakes in the past, so that we can learn from them today and in the future.
  6. Silly Rahl. When you make an accusation, it is you(the accuser) who must supply evidence to support it. You don't just get to make a statement and then tell me to go "read up". That isn't how it works nor is it how it will ever work. Until you can prove to me that he is a "racist", a "sexist" or a "xenophobe" then I will simply ignore your childish troll attempts.
  7. I mean what do you expect from a mere corporal? A corporal was in charge of the most powerful armed forces at the time and couldn't even defeat his enemies with the clear advantage.
  8. You haven't asked me any questions while I have so far asked you why Trump is "racist", "sexist", or "xenophobic". You have failed to come up with a response probably because you can only call names and cower away from argument. Show me why these words describe him and maybe I will actually take you seriously. Otherwise, you can keep proving how much of a joke you are.
  9. I see you have no argument or evidence then. It's settled.
  10. You still haven't told me how he is "racist", "sexist", or "xenophobic". Typical leftist non-argument.
  11. Do you actually believe that bringing in 500% more Muslims makes any sense? "Hey, we are having problems with Islamic terrorism so maybe we should bring in 500% more Muslims." -said no rational human being ever.
  12. >Doesn't realize that voting Hillary means possible nuclear war with Russia plus letting in 500% more unchecked Muslims(who could very well be terrorists) >Claims Hillary is the option for stability and peace
  13. -"racist" -"sexist" -"xenophobic" I love how you couldn't help but use your pointless buzzwords. Cry more social justice white knight. Please do tell more about Glorious Leader's alleged "racism" and "sexism". As for xenophobia, who is to say it is a bad thing? A certain amount of xenophobia is what keeps us alive mate. Do you think we just let in anyone who knocks at our door? Would you let a possible terrorist into your home without more information about their origins and history? Try to utilize some critical thinking instead of slinging the typical emotionally-fueled leftist rhetoric.
  14. I lost it at the "We wuz Kangz" face in the corner.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c&ab_channel=klatica
  16. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." -Mahatma Gandhi
  17. It is not only the P & W forums but our very country that is on the line. We go in to win and that is why Rahl is scared. He knows that victory for us is inevitable and will try whatever he can to throw us off our tracks. Kek is with us. #God Emperor Trump 2016
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