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Everything posted by EliteCanada

  1. Oh, I see. Yes they have, but is the reason actually religious? I think there may be some outside factors and influences at play even if it is a religious group. Even if the reason to join those radical groups is religious, would it be accurate to say that the majority of Muslim youth radicalize to that focal point? I'd think no. @Rozalia @Spite If one is saying that radicalism is across the board and the other is saying that it's mostly centred in the youth why not find a source to support that view? It seems like that would end the discussion with one clear winner.
  2. I would say neither are correct, but that an integrative approach would be closer to accurate. People are born with genetic predispositions that make it more likely that they favour certain things, but alas your environment, and social surroundings clearly have a key influence in you as well. Also, I think you may have the wrong definition of Nativism: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nativism. Don't think it has anything to do with the human genome at all unless it is a biopsychology term I haven't heard of. When designing a poll you have to include all choices and not just those you approve of if you want to see what other people think. Add a none of the above option. If you had a baby and did not interact with it at all, besides for feeding and clothing it, and kept it secluded from the outside social world would it have any ideas of morality or religion is what he's asking. That runs counter to your belief in free choice. Programming people to believe in God is not free choice.
  3. What precisely does "His affair" refer to?
  4. Those with way too much time on their hands
  5. lol, can you really be the judge of that? Don't you think you may be a little biased, or at least too close, to the matter to actually determine if that is so.
  6. If it's organized well it doesn't really effectively reduce clutter for a few reasons. 1) There's not all that many AAs that actively create embassies (a few dozen at the most). 2) If the organization of the forums is done well a few embassies being removed won't be noticed. tS has dozens of embassies by I find it easy to navigate and locate embassies I want to look at. Gotta make and title 'em sub-forums (is that what their called?) well. I also don't say this as a nation with a week's experience. I've played these kind of nation sims before.
  7. Oh, were you talking about the foundation of the religion of Islam? I thought you were referring to all present day Muslims as favouring the Islamic belief due to being uneducated. My mistake. With regards to radicalization I would fully agree that it [almost] always happens to young people, but I wouldn't say that for young Muslims the temptation for radicalization is specifically towards radicalizing towards religion, but instead perhaps countless other directions. I disagree as to the direction of the radicalization, not the radicalization in and of itself. I have no figures on this, but I doubt the direction is mostly towards religion. It could equally be towards state, or other beliefs (even if rooted in religion ut isn't necessarily to be an Islamic extremist). It would be nice to see some figures on the actual trend in Islamic states in regards to actual population of youth to those in extremist groups. Would be the only way to know for sure I suppose if there is actually a trend towards religious extremist radical groups. Even then confounding factors such as nationalism would need to be taken into account. Edit: Revolutionaries may also be fighting for nation and family, not just religion. They could have had family killed as a cause of the west (in their belief anyhow), or may believe that what they do aids their Islamic state. May have naught to do with religion. I would contend that the trend isn't one of religion, but one with other origins.
  8. Does it? Does archiving topics and embassies actually save space? I doubt that, they are still found on the forums through the archives. Can't be sure, but I don't think moving an embassy from one section to another saves any room at all.
  9. @Moreau III Valid enough points of contention. I respect those thoughts and how you articulated them (rationally, well and w/o the generic use of insults for those who may not agree with you (as some are apt to do)), but not running on a lot of sleep atm (so not going to respond to it yet or here), and that line of discussion was getting pretty lengthy and involved pretty long walls of text that were starting to get out of context to the OP and only promised to get longer. However, if you like we can continue this discussion in PMs. Jesus that generalization. Going to have to call you out on that one (even w/o researching the facts). Damn these generalizations though. Going to have to call you out on that one as well. Besides the part about Muslims I would agree with the rest, and all things should be taken with a grain of salt not just what Abu says. Interesting I was also into communism, likely for the reasons you mentioned in your second post, and shit like that when I was younger, but have grown from such naiveties and cringe back to some of my earlier ideologies. It does relate to the rape argument as sad as that is. It shouldn't, but in some places in the world (I believe the specific occurrence of the rape that was mentioned was in Saudi Arabia maybe?) it is an apt comparison. A sad time indeed when that is the truth. Besides that I would completely agree. Women are indeed people and should be able to wear as they please and the concept of "revealing" clothing and all that implies is sad. We have the concepts of those things, wouldn't go as far to say that they are achieved. I would agree with the second part however. Alas in a world of hate, greed, lust and sexism the "advice" of Abu, for some women, in some states, neighbourhoods and areas is legitimate as much as you wish it to be otherwise. Ever heard of the saying as religion as the opium of the masses? That's a valid enough concept and it defends religion with essentially that saying. And the purpose of existence is w/e you make it out to be, whether it be hedonism, utilitarianism, religion, or even searching for the truth. Edit: Also your quote came out weird. Not sure why.
  10. IMO he wasn't throwing stones in a glass house with what you quoted him saying, but instead criticizing the distortion/corruption (through distortion) that the Christian bible went through throughout the ages. IMO the corruption of Christianity/being Islamic is outside of the realm of discussion he was referring to. I believe the two are intrinsically related, but with a few, but significant differences between the two that makes it that they shouldn't be discussed together as though they are the same. Could be wrong.
  11. I believe you misunderstood what he was saying. He's speaking scripture not religion itself. The Christian bible having been made, and remade throughout the years by priests and popes so as to contort the "original" bible's message to meet the, sometimes, political requirements of the time. I have no idea if that's the case with Quaran or not however. TLDR: where the religion came from is not what he was referring to as you appear to have construed the message to mean
  12. Had a nice chat with Lysandre on IRC. Misconstrued a part of the Charter. My apologies. The Triumvirate part of the treaty I believe may have some issues still (later down the road), but really who cares what I think o/
  13. Yeah no to the first bit. The concept of free will contradicts there needing to be "His" permission for anything to take place. If that were so, the concept of permission, none have free will to pro-create and didn't He give us this power of free will? Question for some of the titles, but let's start off at one of them. If he is all-merciful why condemn any to an eternity of hell. I do not ask whether or not they deserve an eternity of hell, but how an all-merciful God could do this. The question is: how does an all-merciful god condemn some to an eternity of suffering. They deserve it is not an answer, for the be all-merciful you must give mercy to all (i.e., even those deserving of pain). Even if you consider He to be all-Wise, how could an all-Merciful entity do the aforementioned on that title alone. Can one be called all-merciful if they intentionally cause evil and suffering as punishment for our sins? Are the two ideas not inherently contradictions? That doesn't stop there being roots in each other, and so my question remains for Abu. I ask how he can call Christendom/Christianity as total bs if there are indeed roots. Then he is calling at least some aspects of Islam as complete BS as well. What I am therefore saying is that claim he made is the actual bs here. The bolded part is in direct contrast to what Abu said about not needing to ask to be forgiven if you are Muslim. Remember the point of my post was asking Abu how he could justify his statements, not what your beliefs are (though that would be an interesting talk). What do you mean by associating partners with Him? Can you clarify that; for I believe ik what you mean, but not certain. Here's to charity's sake. Even if I accept this sparing of the baby is still a violation of the order from God to destroy all. Any response to that? TLDR: We're created as an experiment to see if we will obey Him and naught else with our own free will. Damned be those who do not. Correct? Btw if the goal is to see who obeys him why not present himself to all in his actual all-powerful form and see who obeys knowing he exists. It is hard to obey without seeing as the old adage goes "seeing is believing." This is contrary to Abu's post. Most of what you said is. Is Abu misinformed and a false "recruiter" to Allah then? What would his punishment for misleading and misinforming over the word of Allah be would you think?
  14. He can break the standard META. I believe.
  15. Solid response. Elaborate, eloquent and well thought out. 10/10 all worries and criticisms removed (not that anyone really cares about my lowly opinion(s) ). o/ What I'm saying is why not have it as part of the Charter so none of your own members make a mistake through accidental ignorance,
  16. Indeed. Even if the AA fails you learn from your mistakes. Best of luck. o/
  17. TLDR: you want to raid smaller AAs while being protected from larger AAs. Nothing hypocritical there (don't raid us pls, but let us raid you if you're smaller). Nothing at all. Also do you still allow for raiding of AAs with less than six members, but larger protectorates? Unlikely I believe. Also you claim to be peaceful, but you raid entire AAs (smaller than six members)? Please you're only looking to get rich off the backs of smaller nations and AAs while being under protection by Arrrgh! from larger ones. So a triumvir is chosen by the other two triumvirs. Sounds pretty circle jerk and potentially homogeneous (depending on the attitudes of the triumvirs). How is the head triumvir chosen precisely? I get that a vote is involved, but what if there is a lack of agreement within the triumvirs? What if there are differing attitudes with the triumvirs is what I am asking. How would you remove a triumvir if there was an issue of competency exactly; just the head triumvir decides all by his lonesome? I see no potential issues there.
  18. Alright so if you truly aren't RPing, or trolling I have a few questions and comments to one of your posts. If I were to have a son, or daughter, and beat, sexually abuse, and scorn (as well as doing anything else you may see as evil) him, or her would he, or she, be deranged in thinking I was evil? I am his or her creator after-all. Many religions have roots within each other; even Christianity and Islam, thus to call Christendom and Christianity complete BS is to call your own religion, or at least some aspects, complete BS. So Allah doesn't actually forgive if you ask. He either forgives if you are a Muslim (w/o asking for forgivenance) or he doesn't if you aren't Muslim. A few questions. Referring specifically to the second bolded section; so they disobeyed God by not killing the baby (after all Allah sent the Angels to kill them, but they spared baby Iblis). How exactly were these "Angels" able to exercise free will and display disobedience by sparing the baby. Second question; if the Angels were ordered to destroy the Jin why were they driven to the depths of the ocean. Another display of disobedience it seems. Third question: what is the point of creating an entity with free will if when free will is displayed that counters Allah's "word" it leads them to be destroyed by the wrath of Angels? What is the actual purpose of free will if the created entities are to be destroyed by commiting actions that are not approved of. May as well only create Angels who can obey and display no disobedience and tell them to act within certain approved of parameters and enjoy themselves. Allah condemned Iblis to hell where he would reside for all of eternity for one action? Seems like the actions of a forgiving God. Also, to the following point: Is it really showing mercy to allow someone to live for xxx amount of years of peace to then be sentenced to hell for the rest of eternity? It seems to me that knowing your fate after this "mercy" period would be a torture in and of itself and no display of mercy. Often the thought of a punishment is worse than it itself. TLDR: story full of plot holes and contradictions.
  19. Man and woman should be free to travel as, how and where they please. If a man or woman wants to travel nude, or dress as "sluts" because they prefer, that dressing style, that should be intrinsic rights of all men and women everywhere. Suggesting otherwise is despicable (not that you are (yet); I speak only generally). It's sad and despicable to live in a society where style of where gets one raped and abused in some societies and cultures around the world (even if the most civilized). I long for a day when people will be able to do, and believe, as they believe without ridicule, hate or actions taken against them. A sad day and a sad society where these type of recommendations are required. Although I'm no feminist, although I ofc believe in equality, I find it sad that if I wanted to I could wear equally "revealing" clothes and nothing would happen to me; then again I do live in a relatively small Canadian town where many in my neighbourhood know me and would only perhaps laugh or think I lost a bet. Also, what you refer to as "slutty" is probably just comfortable wear for a hot summer day.
  20. Holla, and welcome to PnW!
  21. I suppose you missed the part where I said I've heard of your... Err, what's the word to call what you have? Hmm, well I suppose I'll have to use AA to refer to what you "have." Heard implies from others, so in order to respond to your claim of only reading months old threads, I've spoken to some "real" people about your "AA." Most of what ik, thus far, comes from talking to some different guys on IRC who have linked some threads for reference. Not favourable reviews friend. To the bolded part, would say the same, but *glances at AA* that's not going to be happening any time soon. P.S. I may have only been playing for a few days, but I have a close IRL friend, who besides some of the men I've spoken to on IRC, has played PnW since beta and has explained some of the politics and some things (many short-comings) of your AA.
  22. As in IRL? Off-topic and irrelevant to this thread, but if you want to take it to PMs we can discuss it there.
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