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Everything posted by Gabby

  1. You are suggesting that them learning how to army is possible. So far their behavior is pretty true to the ads they run that target 10 year old national leaders with ADHD and they seem to have attracted the exact type of membership they are after. They behave worse than the pirates but can't fight even half as well. Although them fighting even half as well as the pirates is actually a compliment because the pirates look like they can fight.
  2. Does the world need further proof that Black Knights attack people in an effort to recruit them? But I'm sure they'll come on here and deny it again lol.
  3. No, really, they will try to attack you in an effort to recruit you.
  4. No, we are obese and therefore full of fat. Joke's on you.
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *coughs up hairball* ah that sucked HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA *wipes tear from eye* Wow. That was a good one. I'm liking that post on pure principle. That's gold lol. *composes self* Ahem. While Gabby kindly thanks you for your offer, we will have to kindly turn down such a *snorts* generous offer. On the other hand, I would settle for about $5 million to make peace with your lower tier. Your call.
  6. Clearly I don't understand an alliance attacking people in an effort to recruit them. That kind of strikes me as pathetic, but I guess that's just my opinion Perhaps you should just accept the fact that you guys messed up and are going to pay the price. Either directly through rep payments (which would spare you much pain) or indirectly through rep extraction. Just ask Teh Chad how much he favors the rep extraction method. Poor guy probably favors the direct method. Just a guess.
  7. Special move: judo cat claw swipe barrage Ultimate combo: poop in Black Knight's nations' soil and make them scoop it
  8. Wow. That was epic. Gabby: 3 (one for counter-attacking you before being beiged, one for this thread, and one for just proving you all liars) Black Knights: 1 (if you can consider the raid to count for 1 point, but he lost so much in the process I wouldn't, but for the sake of being fair to an entire alliance that's being owned by an obese cat I will give them the point out of pity.)
  9. I love how this literally could have been avoided if Black Knights did not let the lowest of their ilk raid a sovereign nation and then claim to represent the Black Knights government by claiming alliance approval of said raid. It's unfortunate things had to go this way. Gabby is sad for the Black Knights leader, "Teh Chad" that he now has captive and is torturing.
  10. Also thank him for the kind donations that he's been making to Fat Cat Land, we could use the money.
  11. Good. They will need their energy saved up and should mobilize while Gabby and his forces are in beige. While under the protection of beige that was so generously afforded me by Miles earlier, however, myself and my forces will be bombing Wickistan relentlessly. Rep extraction etc. etc. Also, I keep trying to send apology messages to Teh Chad every time I am forced to bomb his forces, but could you tell him "It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again It pains me greatly to do this to you, really, I really don't want to. BK is forcing me to. If only you guys wouldn't have raided me you wouldn't be in this pain." Thanks.
  12. Getting rolled by BK will be completely inconsequential since pixels will be rebuilt and the alien worshipers will get hit again.
  13. You already tried. That failed. Since you guys are supporting illegal raids against fat cat land we will just continue to pound your lower tier. When you ZI the land of Fat Cats we will rebuild and hit an even lower and probably less active tier. Then we will rebuild slightly and hit a slightly higher tier. Eventually you will ZI the Fat Cat warriors again. Then they will have an even lower tier to work against. Rinse and repeat. But don't rinse me, I hate water. Probably shouldn't have revealed that weakness but oh well. You get the picture
  14. If you'll notice in Fat Cat Land's national description: we will always triumph over the local squirrels (among other things). Bring it on.
  15. Very recently, the nation of obese cat soldiers has come under attack from an alien worshiper by the name of Miles Dyson. Gabby, who is always a fighter to his core, decided that while a fight was in order he should extend the olive branch of peace in an effort to be kind and reasonable. The following conversation took place between Gabby and his unprovoked aggressor: This became unfortunate, as Gabby was hoping for peace. Perhaps it was the fact that Gabby had achieved an immense triumph ground victory over the unprovoked aggressor, or perhaps the unprovoked aggressor is just a bully who likes to attack others for no reason, either way, as Supreme Fat Cat Gabby likes to say, "It's on like Donkey Kong... meow." So therefore Gabby has had no choice but to extract reparations from nations of this wandering Black Knights street gang the old fashioned way: more woar! It is unfortunate that Gabby must extract reparations from the alien worshipers this way. It would have been easier if they had just paid Gabby what they owed him and his forces from the get-go, but they didn't. Wait a minute... maybe it would have been easier if Gabby's initial peace offering had been accepted to begin with? Oops. Ouch. Awww, Gabby is so sowwy that wittle kitten Miles wost some of his welf in the attack. Despite being outnumbered 2:1 for almost the entire fight, the obese cat soldiers managed to take out several of wittle kitten Miles' troops, tanks, money, and spied an additional 10 ships away and captured 4 spies in the process. Not to mention that Gabby's forces were blockaded the entire first half of the fight (had to sacrifice a lot to break that thing). So, why all the flair? The point is simple: a nation from the alien worshiping band of scoundrels calling themselves the Black Knights declares war on Gabby and makes it clear that his entire alliance has his back, this is further reinforced by national leaders from said band of alien worshipers embargoing Fat Cat Land en masse after Gabby has no choice but to retaliate against them, and so Supreme Fat Cat Gabby must declare all of the lands of the alien worshipers to be litter box. From now forward, Gabby has the right to raid and extract reparations from any nation that wears the Black Knights label and their lands are to be pooped in since they are now a litter box. If Black Knights would like peace with Gabby, Gabby is reasonable, and would accept a humble agreed upon amount and as well as an apology. Gabby does not think the alien worshipers care much for reason or peace, however, and so Gabby will likely continue to treat their lands as a litter box all the days of Orbis.
  16. Yeah and I just took a giant dump on Abu's nation: So there.
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