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Fox Fire

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Everything posted by Fox Fire

  1. Nation Name: Foxburo Nation Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=7264
  2. Nation ID: 7264 Post Count: 334 Link to Nation: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=7264
  3. Wut is this even supposed to mean? O.o
  4. They are used for all sorts of !@#$. Mostly smuggling things in and out of Gaza, because thats the only economy they have left with IDF blowing up Gaza city every couple years.....
  5. I never use the market because its shit....
  6. I'd be pretty pissed too if a bunch of foreigners exiled millions of my people into a small box, blockaded my port, bombed my house, destroyed the tunnels we had no choice but to resort to just to have an economy and dictated anything and everything that goes in or out. You really cant blame them.
  7. 1. N. Korea is pretty theocratic. An Islamic State is just some idiot claiming authority over Islam, when in all honesty, I dont think that authority has ever existed since Muhammad. 2. Who knows? I do know one thing. Pretty much every empire thought that they were destined to reign supreme forever. 3. I think the USSR was our Carthage if anything. I dont see a war/cold war going down with China any time soon. But Its apparent that they are expanding as we are receding. Maybe we will actually be Chinas Carthage.
  8. Precisely. All empires inevitably collapse. Oddly enough, the similarities between Romes last days and modern America are many.
  9. I wouldnt consider an Islamic State to be quite a theocracy. As for the power part, I'll say this: The United Nations was essentially formed to recognize human rights and prevent another world war. Being a founder, we have an obligation to uphold its principles and purposes. That doesnt mean its our job to enforce our way of thinking on everyone else. And it always seems to be that America does all the military work across the world. I think here is a good spot to respond to a specific think Nate said: I would argue that we are already losing our superpower status, because we utilize it too much. Before WW2, America was a powerful, great nation. Despite that power, we were a rather neutral, keep to ouselves sorta place. After the war, we started competing with USSR in an arms race, and have become a military interventionist state ever since. We were afraid of Russians going mad with power, and now we have done precisely just that. We may have the power to police the world, but everyone seems to underestimate the size of that responsibility.
  10. I am actually sober tonight and still smarter than you.
  11. Theocracy, meritocracy, monarchy, democracy, who gives a !@#$? They can decide all that that for themselves. Us deciding for them has only created the thriving pile of shit we see now, known as the Islamic State. You seem to have a severe issue of ignorance here in several ways. For one, what works in one culture doesnt work in all cultures. American Democracy works great here, but monarchy didnt. Socialism worked great in Russia, Federalism has not. Socialism works great in China, the Republic did not. Similarly, socialism would never work in America. Second, you seem to think that muslims are all about a theocracy. Thats just ignorant !@#$, and I cant even imagine where you cooked that one up. I suggest you go read about Islamic Law and authority. Theocracy doesnt, nor can it exist in Islam according to everything the religion has ever tought, anywhere, in any given time. Third, I think you should take this qoute to heart: You, like many Americans, seem to think that our actions, regardless of what they are, carry no responsibility and no reprocussions. You seem to think that whatever we do is just how it is. How in !@#$ is a unified Islamic state "vile" (as you put it)? Just because its against western interests? Those "local regional powers" are nothing but creations of the west. They were not created by the people who live there. They were observed by western empires and chopped up in a half assed way that some ignorant europeans saw as convenient for themselves, then exploited to the point that a false sense of nationalism was instilled in areas where it otherwise wouldnt even exist. The west created this whole cess pool of problems back in 1915 when we decided that the Arab world would be governed by foreign power. The power to carry out those actions came with great responsibility. Responsibility that we ignored. And now we are seeing just what the above qoute really means. You can deny or ignore it all you want. But its that kind of attitude that put us in this situation to begin with.
  12. So its suddenly our problem if Muslims are doing somthing, but we dont care what Russia does to Chechens (though we seem to be all up in their !@#$ to defend racist Georgian nationalism and the inhuman treatment of ethnic Russians), what China does to their numerous minorities or what N. Korea does to numerous people for simply unexaplainable reasons? You see, the problem here is that (conservative) Americans seem to think that it our job to be world police. That its our job to enforce our own idea of what is right upon the rest of the world. But, thats only if we gain some benefit by doing so. If there is nothing that we can gain by invading a sovereign state, we wont. We will simply stand on the sidelines and shout "You're an evil (Insert censored N word here)" and do nothing, while at the same time we constantly send undisclosed ammounts of weaponry to mid eastern allies whom buy us off, whome we buy off ourselves, and litterally encourage them to kill eachother over boders that we created...... The killing itself is not a conspiracy. Its just a series of unfortunate events that American, Russian and numerous other corporations are consistently taking advatage of and cashing in on. The division itself is a conspiracy, if conspiracies ever existed. Who gives a !@#$ if what we think will happen will never work? This area is the cradle of all human civilization, so I imagine they can do !@#$ themselves. Whether or not we like it is irrelevent.
  13. I already hate you just because some wanna-be punk has already grafitti'd "(Insert undisclosed name) Tank Girl" all over my town in the most uncreative and useless locations with no artistic value or even pleasure to the eye. I've never seen the comic/film, and due to the random vandalism masqurading as what is actually a fabulous art form, I likely never will. But all that aside, welcome to PaW. As long as you dont do anything percieved as wrong, or something that can be used as troll bait in public, the community here wont hunt you down with pitchforks and such. (Or maybe they will. Its rather hard to tell.) Enjoy your stay.
  14. Its certainly not a conspiracy. Its just an issue thats seemingly impossible to defuse at this point. So I agree. Our government/military has intentionally fire bombed and killed countless civilians on a number of occasions just for the sake of killing a few comabatants that they were unable to identify. This is effectively proven in Snowdens leaks, and other accounts from Vietnam says it was rather prevalent over there too. So I equally agree with this. War is hell, but when you massacre civilians, you get a pissed off response. Thats why we invaded Afghanistan, thats why etremist muslims think the west is the devil. Its a never ending vicious cycle that nobody intentionally created. But no doubt, there are those who profit from it all.
  15. Dont get me wrong, I support the people of Palestine, but Hamas is terrible. I can agree with you on that one. I'm sure if they had F-18s, they'd have no problem indiscriminately bombing Jewish civilians. On the other hand, I think the Israeli government is just as terrible and needs to relax their "boxing in" of Gaza at the very least.
  16. Screw Hamas. Its what Palestinian people want that matters. (But oddly enough, right now, they want Hamas).
  17. Exactly. Coexsistence is the only solution. Which is exactly why a one state solution is the only solution. Palestine should be single, multicultural state, according to the Balfour declaration. Why should it be a Jewish or Muslim state? A two state solution will never work. We've been trying that for decades and getting absolutly nowhere in any way, shape or form. You cant sit there and do the same exact stupid shit over, and over, and over and over, and expect a different result. Its like saying: "If I stab myself in the leg with this knife, it will probably hurt. But perhaps if I stab myself a second time, it will feel good." Nope. Doesnt work that way.
  18. So because it was against Britians personal greedy desires, its perfectly acceptable to exploit an entire continent and culture of people.... Got it.... What tin foil hat? I was just asking why you think someone would do that? What could possibly piss off a group of people so bad, that they would steal a bunch of airliners and fly then into WTC? These people arent stupid. They've succefully beaten the worlds dominant military power in warfare, yet you think they are too stupid to govern themselves? Typical closed off western mind. No wonder they hate the west so much.
  19. Yeah! But dont mind those hundreds of blown apart Palestinian children. Israel only kills a few hundred every 2-3 years. Its not that bad... I wouldnt expect anything less than bombing schools and executing unarmed civilians from Israel either. Or maybe Israel should honor the agreement that created their shit state in the first place.
  20. Go ahead and warn me for spamming. Please. I beg you. !@#$. Well that didnt work...
  21. Here is an interesting database graph of those killed in Iraq since our invasion.
  22. lol. Ask yourself for a minute..... Why would anyone do that?.... It was. What right do we have to come in and tell people where they can live, what laws they can have, and where their borders are? And you all seriously wonder why muslims blow themselves up in crowds? The point is, everyone has their own domestic issues. They can handle it themselves. Would you find it "fair," "just" or "equal" if Saudi Arabia came into America and chopped up the states into a puzzle that doesnt corospond with the actual states and then convinced us that "The USA doesnt exist, you are all separate nations now and can never be unified again. Why? Because we said so. No other reason." Does anyone here know what the Sykes-Pikot agreement is, or perhaps the Balfour declaration? Both of these are why the middle east remains so shitty while the entire western world has jumbed ahead in advancement and industrialization. The western world has intentionally supressed the middle east to fuel its own industrialization. We have taken advantage of the entire muslim world for numerous generations, and these are the consiquences of those actions. Americas dick is not that big. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, as they say. That he did. Not only did he keep extremists under an iron boot, he kept such a divided craphole stable. Plus, we litterally no excuse to invade Iraq, so when we did, Al-Queda immediately exploded in members. Thats why we still sat there fighting for years, long after the entire Iraqi army was disbanded. So instead, we should intervene and get even more Sunni civilians killed so that IS can turn around and throw all that blame on us to incite even more rage from Salafists? You should see the mess we've made in Iraq. Keep in mind, American interventionism created this. What makes you think that repeating the same thing, over and over, will acheive a different result? There woulnt be a genocide going on if it wasnt for good old American Democracy. Also, if our job to police the world and prevent mass murder, we need to go wipe out N. Korea a long time ago.
  23. I'm trying to figure out how this would actually be relevent..... Seems to me like TEst wants peace more than we do.....
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