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Abu Haddad

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Everything posted by Abu Haddad

  1. http://www.speed-light.info/miracles_of_quran/ look through it before you say anything please. I want any christian, jew or hindu to produce anything like it
  2. BTW just saying Pakistan has nuclear weapons. Many Arab groups are chummy with North Korea.
  3. you cannot remove islam. it is continuous and will remain till the final day Christianity has no real followers. They do not follow the teachings of the bible The people of the quran will follow it till there are no people of the quran left
  4. someone close this post SU is now being protected by International Revolution for $2,000,000 per month
  5. The quran existed only in page form. So they only had single pages not a complete book. After the prophets death it was compiled into its current form. Ever since revelation the quran hasn't changed once
  6. It has turned from a discussion about SU to shitposting
  7. common this is not a discussion about gays or islam but about hate
  8. pls stay on topic. SU needs protection
  9. Humans are made from DNA right. but what is DNA made from. in the quran it says that man is made from clay and water. Scientists today have shown that you can make DNA using atomic clay and water After in the quran it details embryonic development i could give multiple sources but I'm too lazy
  10. In the bible it says that everything began with light. In the quran it says everything began with smoke. Scientists have proven that after the big bang there was smoke.
  11. thats what happened. Allah created the big bang
  12. freedom of speech not troll
  13. 2mil a week is a lot how about 1.5 mil a week
  14. $2,000,000 per month very 1st day of the month
  15. it must include that any attack SU will be countered with a response raid by members off the Odd Squad
  16. well anyone know any low score alliances that can help. Knights Radiant and I don't get along very well
  17. Israel is the problem in the middle east. It uses extra judicial killings. It starves, imprisons and kills people in the worlds biggest concentration camp. Gaza. it kills innocent children. Then says they were members of Islamic State ISRAEL is the problem not isis
  18. Not even animals are gay. nothing in the universe is gay. Allah created everything in opposites, e.g. Male and Female Atom and Anti atom quarks and Anti quarks
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