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Das Bell

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Everything posted by Das Bell

  1. Never underestimate the persistence of religion. ISIS is currently the most powerful Islamic extremist group in the world.At least the nation was not burning under Sadams watch, and if we never invaded, none of this would even be an issue. I think most Americans can agree that we should have never invaded Iraq.
  2. Russian Foreign Policy: Not giving a !@#$ since 1939. We should have left Sadam alone so he could continue keeping the region secure and preventing the rise of ISIS entirely.Contrary to Bush philosophy, Sadam was just as anti-Al-Qeada as the US and was keeping them under a steel boot and keeping the entire region in order.
  3. Iraq was never about oil. (At least not the second time).
  4. Mental illness doesn't kill people. People kill people. !@#$ these girls. They can burn in Hell. I do not care how insane you are. If you are competent enough to plan a murder, you are competent enough to know that killing people is wrong. Plus, I do not buy the slenderman insanity plea at all.
  5. American Foreign Policy: Invading the world, one nation at a time. Est. 1945. American Foreign Policy: Coming to a nation near you. American Foreign Policy: Giving the world something to !@#$ about since 1945. The potential for slogans is endless.
  6. As do I. Meth is as common as candy where I live. Not just the neighborhood or town, but the entire state. Half my highschool friends are long lost to it.It is sad, but that is just how things went. I even know several people who are dead because of opiates. A friend, whome last I heard was in a coma from a pill overdose, a girl who was shot up with too much heroine and then left on her door step to die by the man who shot her up, etc. Thinking back now, it is insane to imagine how many people I can name who died because of drugs.. I did not know I even knew that many people!! Most of them not even 20 yet! So you never answered my question..... Do you support full legalization?
  7. I agree and disagree. In my experience with psychedelic drugs, focus is extremely increased and time perception is slowed. Although many (not all) psychedelic drugs do tend to repress memories experienced while under the influence.However, chemistry is a cool thing. There are still chemicals out there yet to be created or discovered. Life is a chemical reaction. The possibility of drugs are endless. People could still create a new amphetomine or opiate type chemical that is very legal, just because it is brand new. Ever heard of "spice" or "bath salts?" The only reason they were ever legal was because they were newly discovered chemicals. The government then outlaws them, the producers then create a new simaler chemical that isn't outlawed and continue the sale. (I actually know some of the people who produced a few of these. Eventually, they decided it was more profitable and less stressful to sell marijuana and crack.) Grillick, have you ever used drugs?
  8. Okay, according to the ALA, it is four times: http://www.lung.org/associations/states/colorado/tobacco/marijuana.html An article I take less seriously: http://justthinktwice.com/content/factsfiction.aspx?ffuid=a5dc6d6f-22c4-433b-b8b2-c1b4cf6f88c9 Another: http://www.drugscience.org/Petition/C2B.html Overall, let us just round it off at 4x. In personal experience, I have found that tar builds up much faster in pipes when marijuana is smoked from them than when tobacco is smoked from them. The tar is also much more solidified and dark, where as tobacco tar seems a lot more liquidated and light.
  9. 1. I agree. Drugs are harmful.2. Marijuana has been thoroughly tested by many nations outside the US. And it turns out, pot actually contains 7x the amounts of tar as cigarettes. Anyone who has smoked pot can probably tell you that they have scraped a pipe to extract the residue that builds up. They smoke this this residue because it contains a concentration of THC. This residue that is left behind is also left behind in our lungs when smoked. And it builds up startlingly fast. I have a lot of past experience with marijuana and I find it hard to imagine that so much tar/residue could have built up in my lungs. Though, I believe marijuana is the best drug treatment for neurological disorders. 3. I would say that alcohol is just as addictive and harmful as alcohol, only marijuana has a legitimate regular medical use. I do not use marijuana these days. I have matured and decided that it is only an expensive weight, weighing me down with no benefits. I like to drink, but alcohol is inexpensive, it is legal, and I do not feel like I have to drink every second of the day just to feel comfortable, unlike with marijuana. Overall, I do not support legalization of marijuana other than very strict medical use. There is just no progression in the idea.
  10. So then what? Total legalization?
  11. Yeah.... Try this one: http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/evaluating-drug-decriminalization-in-portugal-12-years-later-a-891060.html It is not legalized, but decriminalized. Meaning they will not imprison you for using drugs. The above article explains it better. From what I hear from people who have been there, police almost never enforce any drug laws to the point where people openly smoke heroine in broad daylight.
  12. That sounds like a nation I don't want to live in.Its highly debated, but they did that in Portugal. Some say it worked, some say it failed, I do not think it made any difference other than making it socially acceptable. http://m.huffpost.com/uk/entry/2270789/
  13. And how do you suppose we remove the market? Waste money imprisoning more harmless stoners? Legalize marijuana so they ship over more coke and heroine instead?
  14. Those depictions are lacking claymores, land mines and alligators but otherwise okay. OR! We could just annex Mexico entirely. That way, we won't need to worry about a border and all the people who want to live here can just stay where they are.
  15. Yet most people who cross trek miles across a dessert and jump a fence....Cameras do absolutely nothing because by the time border patrol can respond, the illegals are long gone. And for boats to go by every five minutes would be outstanding. What are you expecting exactly? Should we just place cops shoulder to shoulder the length of the border? I doubt more funding will make any significant changes. Mexico is in a war with itself. People coming here illegally really have nothing to lose, so no fence, camera, police officer or motion sensor will deter them. The people smuggling drugs are promised amounts that even any sane person might risk their life for. If this is going to stop, we need to be doing something completely different. Im all for option B and Im sure most honest Mexicans wouldn't mind someone coming in and terminating cartels since their own government refuses to.
  16. That is more expensive than it is even worth. We already have cameras, helicopters and constant patrols. The Cartels have actually found a way to outsmart all of this with very simple distractions and diversions. So no, it actually does not work.
  17. US: Supplies guns to cartels. Cartels: Supplies drugs to America. Americans (and Canadians) love drugs. We are just as much a part of the problem as the cartels themselves. As long as there is a demand for narcotics just north of their border, they will always find ways to get it here. They use everything from submarines to house pets. There is no way to stop it. If you stop one method a new one is quickly created. Securing the border is impossible. Have you ever seen the border? It is pretty !@#$ing secure as is. There is not much left you can do other than build a mote full of crocodiles behind a field of land mines. I think we have long passed the threshold where option B is inevitabley the only solution.But then where would we get all of our beloved drugs?
  18. I...... Don't know......This sounds interesting though:
  19. 4*See? We can not even teach basic math. What?
  20. American education really does suck. Besides the fact that you are selling yourself into paid slavery, it actually pays very good and is probably the cheapest, easiest way to explore the world and gain a life long memorable experience. (In Murica anyway). Do you love your country?
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