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Six of Ten

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Everything posted by Six of Ten

  1. Factory farms use robo-milkers, many family farms and some dairies still hand milk, there's actually a movement to abolish robo-milkers. robo-milkers hurt the cows. hand milking allows you to pull a small sample first and inspect the milk aswell as the teet. robo-milkers can irritate the teet and cause infections.
  2. have you ever worked around cattle? like milking? if so you're exposed to cowpox and are immune. the smallpox vaccine is actually made from cowpox.
  3. I will say this thread is abit biased, it doesn't allow you to take any survival tools with you on your trip to the past.
  4. all you'd have to do is dig a mini tank trap really and correl the animal into it (Anyone who's worked with cattle knows how to do this). Bison are bovines too, their nervous system is similar.
  5. last one of those i took had me in the mid 160s somewhere and it's possible if you're like us and read/remember !@#$ing everything lol.
  6. http://www.nmarchaeology.org/assets/files/how_to_make_a_bow.pdf that's actually the best you get, a traditional Native American flatbow. it's a non composite bow that can be made by virtually anyone with any carving ability. a swiss army knife is a very versatile tool. the arrows for that thing are made from tree branches aswell.
  7. I've been in situations where I had to make weapons, build traps to catch/kill animals for food to survive. I've made bows, spears, soap. I've learned which plants are beneficial and which will kill you. the flora and fauna of 7,000 years ago isn't much different than today, that's about when people started domesticating things. due to domestication, the biosphere changed very little over the last 10,000 years. the animals than were domesticated into the animals now. our bodies could definitely process them. where I'm at now, the rpedominant animal was bison, which has changed little in the last 2 million years. the indians here used to harvest corn and wheat.both of which are edible to us nowadays. the legumes grew in the wild. the pieces are there, LordRahl2. it's just a matter of getting them on the dinner plate, which involves alot of work, but can be done. as for the natives? they're one up from hunter/gatherers, they're not going to risk a confrontation that could cost them their most valuable asset, manpower. unless you !@#$ with them, they'll leave you alone. if you apply modern practices and grow lots of food, hell you become valuable, you keep them from long hard winters. 7,000 years ago isn't much different than today minus the technology, we know this from texts of the period in which a good description of their world is given. people are more tenacious and able to survive in adversity than you think.
  8. you make sulfuric acid with lye and sulfur I believe. bird shit has nitrogen in it. there's your other ingredient. I'm sure they had birds back than did they not?
  9. You're not fighting a large army here LordRahl2, a couple dozen pounds of the stuff would be sufficient to get the point across. there was also no mass communications, no force potential, they have no reinforcements, what they have is all they get, they also don't have the option to retreat, you do. you might only have 100 people in an area the size of western Nebraska. so clear out the locals you're ok. it's the animals that might cause you problems, but again, you have the knowledge to handle that situation as it arises.
  10. 75% potassium Nitrate, 5% sulfure and 10% charcoal, though if I was to be in that environment, I'd use the saltpeter mixture of gunpowder, a standard chinese design terra cotta mine, and the trick is to not take them in the open field, funnel them into a narrow pass or down a narrow trail, force them into singlefile, you can range about 50 yards on a composite bow, I'd hit the first couple to stall their advance, than one by one on the way back. That's providing you're even in an area with tribes that large, the average here was small hunter gatherer tribes about 15 to 20 people max. that includes women and children, 10 guys is a walk in the park. remember at that time we had paleo-indians, in battle them guys were as dumb as a post. also anyone who's watched or read any history would figure out how to make a clovis arrow head. arrows are just scaled down spears. even boy scout training is more than them guys would know. their concern was just defending territory. tactics, the things of today were of little concern to them.
  11. You're also forgetting that I'm in North america. archery was invented in Europe and didn't arrive here until much later. by the time they found me I'd of made a weapon they don't posses. and plenty of arrows. Bow and Arrows vs spears. I'd have the range advantage. I could off a tribe before they got close enough to do shit with a spear. ofcourse by than I'd of compounded some gun powder. mines are also nice attention getters
  12. using the body as a biological weapon isn't a new concept, it was done in europe and the Americas to weaken and wipe out local populations. it worked than, it could work in 2,000 BCE using your body's pathogens.
  13. well using our own history as a guide, columbus was in the same situation when he landed in the carribean, the outcome however is he scared the hell out of them, that and the cloud of germs around his body and those of his crew made the natives immediately sick. one person (We have so many pathogens inside us) could potentially wipe the population from most of a region rather quickly, given that most things have an incubation time of 7-10 days, you could simply infect them without making direct contact, and let time do the work for you. while avoiding direct contact yourself. when confronting a disease it has no experience with an immune system can make it worse. you show up with your modern and highly evolved pathogens, the natives are gonna start getting sick real quick. since the disease contains your genetic material and your immune system is evolved to deal with it, you'd survive while thousands and millions of them die. killing you is the worst thing they could do.
  14. except that doesn't apply even today, I mean a armed robber is pretty scary and you don't see a store full of people ganging up on em. the first response is retreat, the second is compliance, when those don't work, you could possibly attack, if the assailant is better armed you lose. if you have a gun on you, you could shoot a couple of em, they see you with a thing shooting fire and their friends unexplainably falling they're gonna back off real quick.. not to mention the diseases we carry may be deadly to them (Europeans in the new world kinda thing) you could even use your own body to wage a biological war on them.
  15. that's before Christianity man, if you were in a part of the world that is tribal religion and shaamanism, you have better medicine which means you run the place.
  16. don't you foreigners always complain about us Americans always attacking everyone??
  17. You, and everything on your person goes man, I have a swiss army knife in my back pocket Also I'd be sure to grab hold of my ax before said grey alien hit the switch.
  18. mine is in practice, but anyway, there was people back than, you already have superior knowledge over them about their own environment, we even know their languages, their written language, that could be used as a medium to recruit them, there's your team. installing yourself as a deity gives you the best chances.
  19. If you know how to survive, like primitive survival, you'd last quite awhile actually until the first major infection got ya. You'd need to be vaccinated before the trip and you'd have to take Anti-biotics with ya.
  20. I'd get dropped smack in the middle of sioux country,I'd probably find a way to depose the local chief and take over the tribe, use the diseases I carry to breed a herbal (Basic) immunity, and get the sioux version of the roman empire started. the white guys would face an enemy that had more advanced weapons and tactics than they did Which presents a problem for all of us, we're immune to microbes as they exist now, our immune systems have no experience with the microbes of that time, likely we'd all get shit like leprosy or the plague etc and end up dead anyway.
  21. he didn't mean the same point in space, he meant the same geographic location on earth, if aliens sent you back in time they'd account for all that and send you where the earth was than.
  22. first thing I'd do is make weapons and bag a mammoth for food, clothes and shelter.
  23. The last "Wall of sound" song ever made and the only one Phil Spectre didn't compose. I got a soft spot for "Wall of sound" songs, too bad no one makes them anymore.
  24. butbutbut Jroc hates metal My theory RE: the musical tastes of Jroc got shot to hell
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