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Everything posted by Kastor

  1. Sounds like BK's system is actually against the rules, but since Alex could track it, he allowed it. I think the issue is that Alex allows people to break rules on the basis of if he knows about it. This shouldn't be allowed at all. This clearly violates the rules in several instances. Someone can move the bank in a war without ever having to actually log in. How do we know BK and BK's friends weren't using this to hide banks during the war, if they used it once, then Alex condoned rule-breaking. Which isn't fair to the rest of the player base.
  2. If they got the password because Leo told them, or they used the BK scripts to do this, I actually don't have a huge issue. Leo's trust shouldn't have been broken, however he shouldn't have been dumb enough to give out his password to someone he didn't trust. I feel for him, but more and more it looks like he's the one at fault and not someone hacking into the game or one of his accounts. I think kicking BK members and hurting their community is actually fine if no illegal action took place. If someone couped Leo and did this, no one would have a huge issue and be wrapping themselves around them. I find it highly likely that Leo messed up along the line rather than someone actually hacked him.
  3. Didn’t you guys want something different? Guess you gotta make them this year.
  4. I’m not sure I’d ever pay Goons to play a baseball game. now imma play baseball and not pay Goons
  5. I’ve decided I’m not doing them. I went through a lot last year over them and have already started this year over it. goodluck to whoever picks it up.
  6. This wasn't the tone when Syndisphere was on top of the game destroying everyone. You literally said the exact opposite(NPO did). You wanted to make the game more "fun" I remember these arguments because I was on your side when you were all saying this.
  7. 1. Why not? All the data was released and people independent of the event confirmed that the numbers looked correct. 2. Correct, 25 people from the top 25 alliances, and 25 people(that I'd announce), if anything, I've been one of the fairest people on the forums within the last year. 3. Someone is upset, look Alex has said that the awards would be ran by players and for players, and that he doesn't want to run them. I'm not sure what you want me to do about this, we go through this every year. People get upset over WHOEVER runs the awards, and say its bias. I've came with new ideas and now you guys want old ones. This is something thats supposed to be a fun thing to do on the end of the year to reflect on the previous year, I run the awards because I like revisiting things that happened. I don't care who wins what enough to rig it. I just think running it the same old way every year is boring. We did it on the forums one year and barely anyone talked about it, the discord server was almost filled with people and we had more people participate than ever before when we did it last year. I'm not opposed to keeping it the same as last year, but we're past hosting it on the forums. If Alex doesn't want me to do that, he can come and host it himself, but to alienate MAJORITY of the game because you don't like it is ridiculous. People liked the awards last year and were the most active ever. I'm not going to go back to what had the worst activity and least active award. 4. Yes, but you have to make an account, and there are LITERAL people who cannot join these forums, for various reasons. Some just don't want too, but this gives EVERYONE a chance to vote and participate in the awards.
  8. You've won every year that I've hosted them and then the years I haven't. Who exactly am I trying to limit from winning? They aren't really official. You can choose to display them or not, its a cosmetic addition. I'm not sure why this is suddenly an issue when its always been like this.
  9. Open nominations on the forums is fair, and very fair. Open voting for EVERYONE in PnW is wayyy more fair than just forum voting. Also, you're literally misquoting me in my post. Can you not read what I said?
  10. The fairest way this has ever been done was last year, and IQ won, so moving it on the forums isn't really that fair to the people who don't or can't(very important) use the forums. The same setup in terms of voting are going to be done the same way as last year, more than likely, this is just a discussion on a new way to make it *fair* Also Leo, no one is saying that I *own* this. These are some changes I've been mulling over. I'm not sure "You don't own these" is very valid or fair, considering I started it and have hosted it the most. I have the right to throw out ideas and ask questions to the people. "No" isn't a valid response, tell me why you don't like something or do like something. Lets talk and discuss things.
  11. A few changes I'm considering: 1. A "historian* basically someone who has been in the community a bit, around 25-50 people, who vote on the ballots of those who you've nominated. These would be for the Player/Alliance categories only. 2. Everyone else votes on everything else, Community categories. To make sure the #1 was fair, it would be 1 person from everyone top 25 alliances, and then 25 people picked by the community(read, me) Basically, it would apply points to every person, ranging from 10 points to 0, and then anyone not awarded would be given a 0 and the total points would be added together and that person/alliance would win. Another category I'd want to add is an "All-PnW" player award. Basically very similar to the NBA, there's 2 terms and it highlights the best players of PnW for the past year. This would be decided by community vote and "Historian" vote.
  12. I know what the other terms are and can post them but I can confirm that they are mostly meme terms. all of these terms were voted and approved, the other ones weren’t. I posted those that were approved.
  13. I'll be completely honest: I didn't get a single log from George.
  14. So people keep DMing me and calling me out on the authenticity of the logs that I'm posting. 1. After I posted, people in IQ beefed up security to make sure no more leaks have gotten out. 2. No one in IQ disputed them for 1-2 days, meaning they are real simply because if they were fake they would've said something. 3. Everything I've posted has lined up in reality of what they've posted publicly, and this just shows the darker side of them privately. 4. Here's a screenshot of the channel and servers, anyone who is in there can confirm that this is the server, even lower ranking members. Now run off and try to spin this another way.
  15. Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:39:35 PM so um Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:39:41 PM(edited 10/30/2019, 8:32:02 AM) i t might be a good idea to instate an official doctrine Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:40:00 PM if you beige someone above 25 cities and it's a stack beige Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:40:02 PM you will get hit Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:40:24 PM because vlad got 6.1 days Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:40:28 PM and a 32 city gob got 5.2 Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:40:37 PM so it's time to crack down Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:41:10 PM by beiging soemone at 25 cities+ and it puts them at 4.1 days Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:41:17 PM you forfeit alliance proteciton Roquentin10/28/2019, 9:41:21 PM and will get hit
  16. For the record, according to the logs of other channels, these terms haven’t been presented and there are more terms. This was just the easiest to release to you at this time.
  17. underlordgc11/2/2019, 12:28:31 PM Article I - Official Surrender 1. The alliances of Arrgh, Church of Spaceology, Empyrea, The Fighting Pacifists, The Golden Horde, Grumpy Old Bastards, Guardian, Oblivion, The Knights Radiant, Knights Templar, Rose, Seven Kingdoms, Silenzio, Soup Kitchen, and Valinor (hereafter referred to as “Anti-Memesphere”) must provide an official admission of defeat to New Pacific Order, Orange Defense Network, Black Knights, Afrika Korps, Mythic, The Commonwealth, Goon Squad, GOONS, Camelot, Acadia, Dark Brotherhood, Guardians of the Galaxy, United Purple Nations, United Socialist Nations, Solar Knights, Yakuza, The Hanseatic League, Strickland Propane, Guinea Pig Whaling Corp, and Polaris (hereafter referred to as “Memesphere”). This will be done through individual sphere announcements on the Foreign Affairs subforum of the P&W forums or through separate announcements. 2.The announcement, as described in Article I section 1, must be made public within 24 hours of Anti-Memesphere agreeing to the terms of this treaty. a. All Chaos Bloc Alliances of Anti-Memesphere must include a statement recognizing that their CB was outdated and therefore invalid b. All KETOG Alliances of Anti-Memesphere must include a statement recognizing that there was no conspiracy to attack them and that they maliciously twisted the meaning of the leak and therefore their CB is invalid c. Rose must admit that they only joined the war because they thought they were bandwagoning in on an easy win and that they had no CB whatsoever underlordgc11/2/2019, 12:28:37 PM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ underlordgc11/2/2019, 12:28:37 PM(edited 11/2/2019, 4:21:46 PM) Article II - Cessation of hostilities 1. Once the Terms of Article I and any other sections of this treaty that specify that they must be completed before a cessation of hostilities have been fulfilled, no new wars are to be declared between members of Memesphere and Anti-Memesphere. 2. In the event a new war is declared it will be peaced out immediately and treble damages must be paid by the aggressors alliance to the defenders. 3. No new wars are to be declared by Memesphere and Anti-Memesphere against the protectorates of the opposing side, once the Terms of Article II in this treaty have been fulfilled. Likewise, no new wars are to be declared by the protectorates. 4. In order to avoid new war declarations once the Terms of Article II in this treaty have been fulfilled, alliances that are aligned to either coalition, (e.g. 1-nation alliances with the task of hiding banks), and have no official treaties with that coalition, have to: a. either merge back into their original alliance; b. or get a Protectorate pact (in-game mechanic) with an alliance; c. or explicitly state in their alliance description their relation with their parent alliance. In this case, the parent alliance also has to explicitly state in the corresponding alliance description its relation with that specific alliance. 5. All wars that are still active after the cessation of hostilities can either end with defeat, expiration or peace agreement at the discretion of the nations involved in such wars. 6. Any alliances directly affected by this treaty which change their official name or merge with another alliance in the future will still be bound by all terms of this treaty. underlordgc11/2/2019, 12:28:51 PM drafted these opening terms underlordgc11/2/2019, 12:29:08 PM this is for chaos/ketog/rose/arrgh only underlordgc11/2/2019, 12:30:28 PM still filling out the rest of the document, but once those two are passed we can begin with the peace negotiations underlordgc11/2/2019, 4:22:26 PM Modified article 2 slightly, reworded 1 and added a new section 2 pushing the other numbers down underlordgc11/2/2019, 4:24:11 PM also, please only 1 vote per alliance, if ur not leader no vote plz k tnx underlordgc11/4/2019, 10:46:59 PM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ underlordgc11/4/2019, 10:48:32 PM Article III - NAP 1. All parties of Anti-Memesphere and Memesphere, except for mythic, agree to a 12 month Non-Aggression Pact following the cessation of hostilities. A. GOONS may announce Shark Week within two weeks after the cessation of hostilities and anyone who is deemed a bad poster by them may get raided by GOONS. B. When Shark Week is announced, GOONS has 24 hours to designate bad posters on the OWF for raids. C. After hour 24, those who GOONS has deemed as bad posters will be raided by GOONS, no war declarations may occur after hour 48, to ensure conclusion of shark week by day 7. These raids cannot be countered. D. At the conclusion of day 7, all parties (GOONS and bad posters) go their separate ways. E. GOONS and their raiders will be protected by the NAP both before, during, and after Shark Week 2. The Non-Aggression Pact will automatically extend to all protectorates of the signatory alliances. 3. Any protectorates signed by the signatory alliances after the cessation of hostilities will automatically be included into the Non-Aggression Pact as well. underlordgc11/4/2019, 10:49:21 PM The Nap article and exceptions (mythic and the GOONS term) underlordgc11/4/2019, 10:54:05 PM also, I'm going to close article 1 and 2 as passed tomorrow morning. if you are not comfortable with it or think something should be changed discuss it in #abduction-committee underlordgc11/4/2019, 10:55:46 PM also if you think something can be reworded better /gramatically fixed cough article 2 section 1cough feel free to discuss it as well, until we actually submit a term to the otherside that stuff is fair game imho underlordgc11/4/2019, 11:00:54 PM Oh, and before I forget, article IV is physical and material reperations, so dm me asap since I intend to get that up for voting tommorow underlordgc11/13/2019, 9:49:18 PM This is where the fun begins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ underlordgc11/13/2019, 9:50:18 PM(edited 11/14/2019, 9:04:00 PM) Article IV - Physical & Material Reparations 1. The following terms must be completed in full before the cessation of hostilities may occur A. The Golden Horde will give GOONS $500 Million as punishment for the $50 Million they refused to pay which caused GOONS to be involved in the first place. B. Church of Spaceology and Valinor will pay a total of $500 Million as reparations to UPN. C. Soup Kitchen will repay $50 million to UPN. D. Soup Kitchen will repay $300 million to TCW. E. Knights Templar will return all money and resources looted from Polaris’s bank AAs during the war. F. Knights Templar will return the $2 billion stolen from TTO to UPN who shall justly distribute the funds to their former members. G. Knight Templar must send 1848 food in 1848 separate transactions to the United Socialist Nations in celebration of the publication of the Communist Manifesto H. Anti-Memsphere must feed the African children. Provided with a total of 5 Million food, the hunger of Afrika Korp’s children will be quenched for years. 2. Mythic retains the ability to raid any nation of the Anti-Memesphere alliances over 7 days inactive without facing counters. Now you know what the terms are. You're welcome.
  18. Troll ^ Also @Roquentin, that’s not the same and you know it. Alienating someone politically and destroying an alliance’s reputation is one thing. Hitting someone and sitting on them until they disband or all their players quit is another thing. KETOG went from 240ish members to 75, and you literally are saying that you have to destroy them or they’ll be too effective? What?!
  19. I think what everyone needs to realize is that NPO/BK will come for you unless you do what they say. To Acadia, UPN, TCW, and others: do you realize that you now are forced to do whatever NPO/BK say. You have lost your sovereignty by being allied to them. I understand the want to drive your enemies into the ground, but still.
  20. TheNG10/2/2019, 9:56:57 AM Is the plan to get them out ASAP and focus on tS, or keep them down too? Aragorn10/2/2019, 9:57:42 AM Destroy them Aragorn10/2/2019, 9:57:53 AM It’s a bipolar world now Aragorn10/2/2019, 9:57:59 AM We need them dead TheNG10/2/2019, 9:58:51 AM Alright TheNG10/2/2019, 9:59:29 AM There are only two types of alliances in this world - IQ and IQ stats muahahaha Aragorn10/2/2019, 9:59:43 AM Se need to make as many of their members quit as possible Aragorn10/2/2019, 9:59:55 AM T$ has surrounded themselves with bad alliances Aragorn10/2/2019, 10:00:23 AM So we need to break their backs Aragorn10/2/2019, 10:00:43 AM Since next war we are fighting all these alliances from the beginning underlordgc10/2/2019, 10:02:20 AM You want these people to quit the game? BK man bad Aragorn10/2/2019, 10:05:14 AM Pretty sure that’s been established
  21. I planned to run them this year, I have a new idea that I think will make both sides happy. But if anyone wants to take over rather than work with me on it, feel free.
  22. ayo man, do whatever u must. Imma leak all your shit.
  23. So to encourage this war to be over, I'll be dropping daily leaks from both sides until the war ends. First up, Coalition A or B, whatever u are. George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:04:57 PM we've spent a lot of time knocking down all their whales George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:05:30 PM so now we spend time knocking down their middle tier to ash George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:05:59 PM what we need is a total war strategy George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:06:42 PM what does that look like, what is the expected outcome George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:07:31 PM this isn't CN, you can't keep attacking people until they all retreat into PM or surrender individually George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:15:23 PM and as I said elsewhere, we need to decide how much time/blood/treasure we're willing to invest in the project George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:16:00 PM ultimately at this point they are probably thinking that if they survive without surrendering they win Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:16:22 PM I mean it’s an all in war George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:16:31 PM I don't think that giving them all the terms is going to help or change that George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:16:56 PM like I said, total war Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:17:16 PM They will come at us coordinated next time George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:17:33 PM so do we continue until we see some disbandments? George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:18:57 PM IMHO, if they won't negotiate, and you don't want to hand them a simple surrender and we're done, then we remain at war, and if we remain at war, there needs to be a goal Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:19:11 PM I mean t$ is displacing Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:19:15 PM Dissolving Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:19:23 PM That’s why they’re so desperate TheNG11/20/2019, 5:20:06 PM Like falling apart dissolving or actually disbanding? George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:20:20 PM either achieves the same goal George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:21:10 PM I want to look up t$ and get nothing, or I get a couple of diehards who refused to leave the AA Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:21:22 PM Falling apart George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:21:23 PM but effectively they are dead Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:21:26 PM They won’t disband Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:21:38 PM They’ve lost about 4-5 members a week Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:21:46 PM It’s why partisan is so desperate TheNG11/20/2019, 5:22:18 PM Huh, I didn't know they were losing that many. Not good for them Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:22:34 PM Thats t$ proper Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:23:06 PM And they are supplementing members from E$ QueenPhoenixLTS11/20/2019, 5:23:39 PM CoA still seems to have some pride left. QueenPhoenixLTS11/20/2019, 5:23:59 PM Idk what the morale status is on OWR or Carth QueenPhoenixLTS11/20/2019, 5:24:09 PM If we're constructing war goals, might as well lay out the whole board. George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:24:30 PM agreed Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:25:32 PM Carthagos members a re fading George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:25:51 PM because if any of the other side is teetering on the point of disbanding, we could focus them and give them one last good push over the cliff Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:26:00 PM I mean that’s the goal Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:26:06 PM But everyone has to be on board Leo the Great11/20/2019, 5:26:13 PM We will never have this advantage again George Clooney11/20/2019, 5:26:52 PM I say we press on QueenPhoenixLTS11/20/2019, 5:27:50 PM We have to, at this point QueenPhoenixLTS11/20/2019, 5:27:52 PM There's no alternative.
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