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Everything posted by hamcat

  1. Not sure if this has been suggested, but I believe the Revenue Page should show you your population growth. This would also help when balancing disease/crime.
  2. I am what happens when a Pig and Cat breed. It's probably one of the best combinations known to man, our traits are superior to beefdogs.
  3. I plan on it. I must suck all the knowledge from able bodied people like a plague.
  4. What were you doing (or trying to do): Just buying stuff What happened (describe thoroughly please): I noticed a grammar issue Link to page: https://politicsandwar.com/city/id=24363&display=manufacturing#improvements Any other relevant information: Oil/Steel say "Each x adds y points to your pollution index." while aluminum/munitions says "Each x refinery adds y points from your pollution index." To be clear, is says "adds points to your pollution index" which makes sense. But the two say "add points from your pollution index", which doesn't make sense unless you were subtracting from the index. But you're adding. I think I explained it okay? Screenshot: http://gyazo.com/4f0c7d36aed43fcfe20a385d41b6a39f
  5. Sounds like a delicate situation
  6. When I mature within this game I shall grow larger and more adult like. As of now I am an infant of this game. A mere spec on the map, but may I will become a blob.
  7. I am also new. We should be new together and sew our fruits into the ground. Because one day we will grow and prosper like real human beings.
  8. Nation Name: Spamtopia Nation Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=15035
  9. I will grow big and strong like you one day. But for now I am just pollen against the wind.
  10. Hi, I'm new here. Just want to say this is an interesting game. Probably a must play, 5 outa 5. Pretty good
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