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Posts posted by Thalmor

  1. You guys breached reasonable doubt. Congrats! 

    Just now, CitrusK said:

    <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/R02WePS" data-context="false" ><a href="//imgur.com/a/R02WePS"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    Caught in 4K

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  2. During a war between two parties, the tier that matters are the one bigger ones. Whale tier, upper tier, whatever you want to call it. If you have a war between C1-C15 on both sides, for example, then it's that C10+ range that matters. 

    Holding the upper tier is important because the bigger nations bring more to the table economically. Being able to keep cash and resources being made/produced to replenish losses is important. A safe upper tier can also punch down below them. If they can do so from relatively safety, then their alliance/side is golden. Doing damage while making bank? Literally no better thing in this game.

    Middle tier is good for punching up at your enemy's upper tier, but they're not really the most important.

    Lower tier are least important. If they can skirmish, raid, and do damage, then good. I would argue that the lower tier is best for trying to sit on an enemy's own lower tier. If you can make those newer players quit, leave their alliance, or just be less active, then you're doing some real damage that way. 

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  3. US monetary policy is completely f.u.c.k.e.d. and there's no fix to it. The government only has 3 levers to pull in trying to balance the budget. It can either cut spending, raise taxes, or print money. 

    Cutting spending in any meaningful way will never happen. Everybody in Congress has some special interest group lobbying for some pork somewhere. The military and corporate subsidies are good places to look for cuts, but the American Empire needs their mercenaries to kill brown people - and scare everyone else - with. I would go as far as to suggest that the only reason why the USD is the reserve currency of the world is because our military can just kill anybody else who seriously becomes competitive. Then, you have the zombie corporations which will never make a profit, but receive public funds anyways because somebody somewhere is getting paid to keep that gravy train going.

    Raising taxes is weird. If you raise taxes are normal people, then you lose points in polls and might not get reelected. However, raising taxes on the 'wealthy' (most of whom are, like, doctors and IT people and shit but nevermind that LOOK AT ELON MUSK AND JEFF BEZOS) is hella popular because 40% of the population blames their own personal problems on them anyways. So, politicians beat the drum on raising taxes on the 'wealthy' while usually not doing anything. Although you do have the Democrats proposing that we start taxing unrealized capital gains. I don't know how you tax money that doesn't exist, but that's about where the discourse among our 'leaders' are so that's cool. 

    Last option is to print money, but the Fed is currently printing 120 billion a month or something now. I guess you can make printer go brrr even more if you want but we're already seeing big inflation, and I don't see the mechanism for how it gets better.

    There is no solution to the US debt problem. At best, our 'leaders' are grossly incompetent and at worst, they're evil and are intentionally managing us poorly (which is what I personally believe). Congressmen, on a personal and individual basis, have no incentive to actually do anything to fix it. Raise taxes to pay for things? Nah, I'd lose my seat. Cut spending? Nah, my bank account would shrink. All the incentives here are to act perverse. The leadership of both political parties have set themselves and other major institutions up to maintain this monopoly on political power. So, you can't just 'vote them out' for whatever. Most of the real decision makers in the nation exist either in the corporate or banking world anyways.

    Even if you did get a Congress and Executive Branch full of moral, just people, then the solutions to the debt crisis remain the same; which is to cut the majority of spending while increasing taxes dramatically. You'd probably have to maintain this condition for, like, a decade at least. Probably longer. In doing so, you can say goodbye to most social programs (sorry, grandma, no more triple bypass for you!). The glorified jobs program of the regime - the United States Armed Forces - would lose a lot of its manpower and capability. Which means it loses much of its international influence, which means it loses out of economic opportunities even more. 

    This all being said, I do agree that there's a problem and that it can't go on forever. This house built on monopoly money will crash and burn eventually. It'll probably look something like how the collapse of the USSR did- except worse in every way. The only thing a person can do is just live your life and find ways to mitigate the coming storm. You need a way to live without the local stores having all the Funko Pops and TV dinners that you're use to. So, I want to be able to feed myself while maintaining a way to trade with people because Dollars will only be good for toilet paper and starting fires. I plan on spending next year learning how to grow things and hunt/skin/dress animals. I also am working on building the wealth and resources to go heavy into crypto (precious metals - specifically silver coins - work well for this). Also, learning a marketable skill is good. Learning how to use heavy equipment, a trade, how to program, or knowing medicine (IE, become a nurse) are all good too.

    This is a downer post, but it's not meant to be hopeless. Yes, you should lose hope if you think there's a political solution to our current problems. But, if you just want to live a normal life where all that matters is your day-to-day experiences, then this is just something to think about and plan for (like knowing a bad storm is coming and that you might be without power for a few days). Besides, even if we didn't live under these circumstances, then learning certain skills is a good idea just for the virtue of it anyways.

    The American Empire may (well, WILL) collapse, but that doesn't mean you're gonna die or something. It might not even mean that your quality of life will get worse. You just need to be aware of it and take steps so that you can live a life you're happy with- which is something you should be doing anyways in the pursuit of living life to the fullest anyways.

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  4.                                                thalmor_big_new.png


    Join us tonight at 9 PM EST for an extra spooky episode of Thalmor Radio!

    On top of our usual cold takes and schizo content, we'll be covering the winners of our P&W alliance Halloween flag contest. I will also be inviting listeners on to share their own paranormal encounters. You WILL shit your pants! We also have a guest for tonight; I invited the local skinwalker to come on, but he never got back with me, so instead Church will be coming on to cover the recent Exposé on what appears to be GOONs' attempt to infiltrate the game.

    Come on out and let's all have an episode of mass hysteria!

    Thalmor Radio is P&W's longest-running radio show. Broadcasting since December 2019, we go live every Friday at 9 PM EST. Hosted by myself and cohosted by Zig, we give our thoughts on things, go over the news of the game, and mull over real life events. 

    Server Invite: https://discord.gg/Kma5nEQFTj

    Recording Archive: Thalmor Radio - YouTube

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