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Everything posted by Prefonteen

  1. Phoenyx. I'm referencing different things lmao. Much like how you just completely misinterpreted what that log I quoted is about.
  2. I'll respond to this one seperately. t$ is against anything OOC and any IQ-style pushing people out of the game shit. We have historically been adamant in our political stances. Our approach has not changed much since 2015. In the interim you've been both allied and opposed to us. If you take our (frankly, justified) IC irritation over being lied to our face and then blamed for it as "tOxIc", then im not sure what to tell you Ronny. Too bad, I guess?
  3. No. The swamp approach to Ronny (and his implicit agreement to fight if rose was in) preceeded anything t$ or TKR did. That's the part of the whole issue here.
  4. Given these boys will probably talk over it again to pretend they weren't in league for months to take us out.
  5. did you really just ignore a vital new piece of "evidence" just so you can go back to harping your own party line?
  6. If you didn't need secret Treaties, why did you have them lmfao. That aside, we both know you've said things in the past that contradict this. We also both know the main talking points of size + "relative competence" + "hegemonic potential" are bereft with cognitive dissonance. We also know it was your guys who began peddling it way back in February. And you will continue it moving forward, I expect. Par for the course.
  7. Why do you insist on interjecting. Aku has history with us. He's a big boy. He will speak for himself.
  8. Jfc are we gonna do this thing again where you post a load of crap, I have to spend a few minutes proving you to be full of crap, and you scutter off to pop up for the same cycle elsewhere in a few days?
  9. I am uninterested in entertaining you. There's a difference. What I do or do not research, conclude or decide on behalf of t$ is going to remain an enigma to you, because frankly you are neither a relevant political player nor a trustworthy or credible actor.
  10. As a lead negotiator on my side, I can with certainty say that you in no way sped up my decision making process. At best, you caused me to consider refusing peace out of spite.
  11. "Partisan..." Headache unbearable. "Partisan...." Room spinning "Partisan..." Theo? No, more manly... "Partisan, get up. The broadcast has started!" Adrienne delivered her usual blow to Partisan's chest. She looked upset. Fidgety. Too energetic for a regular Sunday morning. Partisan scowled. "Wench, what are you waking me for?" "It's Monday night you idiot. Shiho's on TV!" Parti was vaguely aware of a background buzz. The TV- the address! Shiho's mechanical voice had always fascinated Partisan. He had never come to grips with the technological advancements that led to the invention of the S.H.I.H.O. "After pondering deeply the general trends of the world and the actual conditions obtaining in our sphere today, we have decided to effect a settlement of the present situation by resorting to an extraordinary measure. We have ordered our government to communicate to the governments of Hedge Money, Swamp, RoseCam and Immortals/The Fighting Pacifists that our sphere accepts the provisions of their joint declaration." The snek could not complain. With the majority of governance outsourced to the innovative AI system, his hands had been freed for all-day booze benders like he'd never had before. Life had been good, until the war. S.H.I.H.O.'s only downside was its inability to cope with the unpredictability of Partisan's persona. Its risk mitigation modules had fired up, and as the war raged on, Partisan had found himself locked inside his throne room by that damn microwave. With a loud, melodramatic grunt he sat up in his hospital bed. Adrienne had shifted her attention to the 90 inch, 24k TV. Gold, not pixels. Partisan made a point of flaunting his wealth and impressive physical stature whenever he could. He was rich and he lifted weights. Those were his redeeming qualities. "To strive for the common prosperity and happiness of all alliances as well as the security and well-being of our members is the solemn obligation which has been handed down by our previous governments and which lies close to our heart. Indeed, we declared war on HM and tCW out of our sincere desire to ensure Quack's self-preservation and the stabilization of Orbis, it being far from our thought to infringe upon the sovereignty of other spheres." He wasn't certain how he had ended up in his room. Hospital bed 624b, with the window view. He'd rented it as a postgame retreat. A place to detox properly with the care and attention befitting the $yndicate figurehead. His memory had blacked out after his 9th round of "Lie or Drink!" with his opposition. Partisan could not lie, and so he'd had no choice but buckle up and double down on his flask. "But now the war has lasted for nearly 45 days. Despite the best that has been done by everyone – the gallant fighting of the membership, the diligence and assiduity of our servants of the state, and the devoted service of our near thousand members – the war situation has developed not necessarily to Quack's advantage, while the general trends of Orbis have all turned against her interest." "Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel weapon; paperless ties, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent pixels. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Quack, but also it would lead to the total extinction of Orbis." "I knew Keegoz and Covenant could not be trusted! Bring me Pfeiffer!", Parti muttered. Ri shot him a belearning frown: "He isn't talking about 2016 Paracov, Parti. It's 2020. We just ended the war. Can you sober up please?" Adrienne was a summer child. She hadn't been stuck in the Orbis FA loop as he had been. Partisan was condemned to perpetually reliving the same thematic elements with the same actors and outcomes. There was no novelty to this war for him. No triumphant excitement at having at last negotiated a peace agreement. There was no bitter taste of defeat and no burning rage at the betrayals and revelations the past months had brought. "Such being the case, how are we to save our membership, or to atone ourselves before the hallowed spirits of our previous governments? This is the reason why we have ordered the acceptance of the provisions of the joint declaration of the spheres." He had rattled his saber and put on the face his subjects sought to derive their inspiration from. But the venom had left his body long ago. In a way, Partisan had transcended the human experience. P.A.R.T.I.S.A.N.- like S.H.I.H.O., but less effective. Less useful. More fun. Partisan smiled. He could do with a drink. "We cannot but express the deepest sense of regret to our protectorates, who have consistently cooperated with the Quack towards the betterment of Orbis. The thought of those officers and men as well as others who have fallen in the fields of battle, those who died at their posts of duty, or those who met with untimely death and all their bereaved families, pains our heart night and day." A latin man in a Nurse outfit barged into the room. "FRIEND! FRIEND! YOU ARE AWAKE!" "Jesus friggin christ Pablo, quiet down. Have a seat." "YES FRIEND!" The Mexinurse jumped up- and down excitedly before taking taking a place on the stained couch in the corner, next to Adam. Adam had been quiet- he had found a new therapeutic hobby in knitting. Though Partisan missed his sarcastic remarks, he was happy to see his colleague centered. Balanced, like him. Shiho's continued: The welfare of the wounded and the war-sufferers, and of those who have lost their homes and livelihood, are the objects of our profound solicitude. The hardships and sufferings to which our sphere is to be subjected hereafter will be certainly great. We are keenly aware of the inmost feelings of all of you, our members. However, it is according to the dictates of time and fate that We have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations to come by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is insufferable. The AI's avatar was flanked by two stern looking, suited gentlemen. Their tense demeanor betrayed an irrate insecurity, fueled by the delusional grandeur Partisan had only seen from Keshav and Cumfire. Yet both had long departed this world. Parti has a 6th sense for these sorts of things. The unnaturally forced smile on neo-Keshav's face reeked of unspoken agreements. Was this peace? Partisan blinked and refocused on the screen, where Putmir and Leftbehind stood solemnly as Shiho delivered his address. Having been able to safeguard and maintain the Governance, We are always with you, our good and loyal members, relying upon your sincerity and integrity. Beware most strictly of any outbursts of emotion which may engender needless complications, or any fraternal contention and strife which may create confusion, lead you astray and cause you to lose the confidence of the world. Let the entire sphere continue as one family from generation to generation, ever firm in its faith in the imperishability of its sacred cities, and mindful of its heavy burden of responsibility, and of the long road before it. Peace...Peace would be had. The niceties would begin anew. The fresh wounds on his broad back would heal, leaving yet more grotesque scars- colourful decorative deformations that would serve as reminders to his own naiveity. Would he trust again? Partisan did not know. Only time could tell. His phone rang. And again. Partisan entered a 19 digit code. He clutched his emerald laid communication device tightl. Again. Was this it? Four times. Theo had completed his mission. Just in time. "Unite your total strength, to be devoted to construction for the future. Cultivate the ways of rectitude, foster nobility of spirit, and work with resolution – so that you may enhance the innate glory of Quack and keep pace with the progress of the Orbis." Now. As S.H.I.H.O's well-considered speech ended and made way for a measured applause from a war weary yet hopeful crowd, Partisan jammed a button with his thumb. The S.H.I.H.O avatar spun around its axis. It was now an amorphous mess. A low buzz echoed from the AI's throat. The ominous forewarning of what's the come. Applause died out. The camera zoomed in on the shocked faces of the opposing coalition representatives. Partisan glanced nostalgically at the picture of a tunic-dressed roman holding a giant pink ...staff.... "Theo, my old friend. Though we've long parted ways, you've come through for me once more. Thank you for this backdoor entrance in the SHIH code. It feels like yesterday since you were here and we planned this.... God speed, friend...." "Don't talk about me as if i've died you clomphead!", Theo's thunderous voice snapped Partisan out of it. "SORRY FRIEND!" he responded to to the secluded serb upstairs. Partisan took a deep breath. It was time to break the silence. He entered another short code. The world gasped. At last S.H.I.H.O's avatar reappeared: A majestic, broad-chinned wolf: A habsburg wolf. Leopold's voice echoed loudly through the town square. Through every living room in every household of every god forsaken hole in the world. "ALEXIO OF THE AMPERSANDII I CALL FOR JUSTICE ALEXIO OF THE AMPERSANDII I CALL FOR JUSTICE ALEXIO OF THE AMPERSANDII I CALL FOR JUSTICE ALEXIO OF THE AMPERSANDII I CALL FOR JUSTICE ALEXIO OF THE AMPERSANDII I CALL FOR JUSTICE ALEXIO OF THE AMPERSANDII I CALL FOR JUSTICE" Partisan smiled. Peace. He could rest now. Until next time. The voice echoed on as Parti drifted back to sleep.
  13. Trust me when I say that I dont need a spring board to vent my opinions on anything.
  14. Sphinx has in the past said he had "no intention of doing x, y or z" and was proven to have lied. Many government leaders on your side are aware of this, as are we. It's common knowledge in the FA scene. Ergo.... his word is not reliable enough to outright refute accidentally leaked logs.
  15. 1 through 5 are all statements from the subjects of your investigation. They have a vested interest in taking x or y position, and their denials are therefore unlikely to be admissable as fact without underlying evidence. Evidence which you, frankly, have lacked throughout this.
  16. Right. I'll take logs showing sphinx directly referencing a war against quack over sphinx denying it in hindsight any day. Why is it that you are so unconcerned about this clear weakness in your narrative?
  17. No, that's *your* interpretation, based on what *you* want to hear. It may as well be (and is more likely) that the events did occur, ronny made his statement, and it pissed other individuals off, so the information trail ended there.
  18. No. Ronny's statement is frankly direct evidence that the intention was there. Your inability to clear up where and how it occurred is testimony to those conversations having been (and being) kept under wraps. I noted before that politics in backrooms is generally not conducted in absolutes until the deal is as good as done. Parties manouver with plausible deniability until they are certain the risk of backfire is nullified. This standard M.O. exists specifically for situations like this. You're never going to get a direct admission (until perhaps 2 years from now when the oldies reflect and when it no longer matters), and where others would account for that in their analysis, you structurally choose to interpret that as a mark against the CB. Which is hella dumb lmao
  19. Once again, a denial by a suspect/perpetrator (however you want to call it) is irrelevant when measured against conflicting narratives + overlapping admissions that contradict said denial. It's been proven and admitted that plans existed and approaches were made. That's enough as far as Quack's CB is concerned. Who specifically spoke to who when and where (as everyone is putting their hands up in public, going "WELL WASNT ME CHIEF") is irrelevant to our justification at this point, due to the approach *and treaties* having been admitted to have existed. You're free to continue your quest for the "truth", but given the pathway you have been taking toward it, I suspect you won't find it. Instead, you'll determine your own truth from what you'd like to hear and see.
  20. Shrug. You're free to do as you will, though it'd probably be a good idea to do that in private or elsewhere, as it's likely to derail the thread.
  21. Yes, you posted threads. I disagreed with all of them ;). Our investigation was enough, and was later proven correct. The faillure on part of the opposition to be in any way consistent with regards to *events that occurred* ((facts, not reasons/opinions) is a direct validation of our assessment and the decision on which we based it. Sigh... are you going to spam offbase references to events 5 years ago again if I dignify you with a remotely serious response?
  22. No. I think the opposing coalition hasn't been Consistent, and that's why they ended up looking like well... Crap. My activity or forum presence, in terms of impact, is secondary to the impact all the contradictions we've seen have had. My response was not an assessment of you- it was one of politics. 😛
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