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Posts posted by Prefonteen

  1. 48 minutes ago, Pascal said:

    But I thought this sphere had nothing to do with HW ? Oh wait ...

    How dreadfully simplistic.


    Politics never occurs in a vacuum. Do you not factor other spheres' power into the viability of your current or prospective position? That does not equal "OMG ITS ALL ABOUT XYZ" 

    (although tbf. Where WANA has to make a calculation a variety of factors and take a more balanced stance, my retirement permits me the liberty to tell you that HW as an entity is incredibly restrictive to the political meta due to the sheer unassailability of its tiering by any one single grouping).

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  2. 10 hours ago, Pascal said:

    Yes, yes. Because 2 spheres holding 65-70% of the c30s+ in the game is not bipolarity.

    Tripolarity ? You're just trying to consolidate the upper tier to make yourself unkillable in that tier. As if Clock could stand any chance to beat Ro$e or HW at c30+ by being outnumbered over 2:1 by Ro$e or outtiered by HW, so spare me your moral grandstanding.

    I see you as the kind of guy who tries to fight fire with fire.

    Why are you bemoaning tS and not hw for being a catalyst in the first place?

    • Upvote 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

    There is no such thing as a good CB, it does not exist.  You could have the worlds greatest airtight CB, and the side you hit will still argue that your CB is garbage.  Also hitting people to slow down growth is basically 90% of the reason anyone goes to war, but is generally never mentioned, because game mechanic reasons for war don't make for fun politics. 

    What is more interesting? Grumpy attacking tS for revenge, or Grumpy attacking tS because they are concerned about the growing glob on 32-35 city nations continuing to grow unchecked, and want to slow them down, so that Grumpy can retain its security in the upper tier?  (I look forward to this statement eventually being used against me)

    Almost every major war is about game mechanics, and knocking someone down so you can jump ahead of them, we just paper over that with politics to keep it more interesting.  Most of the established alliances are smart enough nowadays not to go around giving people reasons to hit them. (except me for some reason)

    If you want wacky shenanigans go join a micro and get involved down there where they get into wars for all kinds of weird or fun reasons.

    See! Ronny is trying to strangle the game with his locked down top tier!


    (Happy to oblige hehe)

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  4. 5 hours ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

    Again what is this magical world you are talking about before IQ?  I have been in leadership positions since the start of this game, and I am straight up telling you, we are currently in the golden age of interesting politics in PnW.   Back in this magical land of PnW you seem to remember, I believe my old alliance VE fought Guardian almost every single war.  We had 2 major globals a year and people would complain constantly on the OWF how boring shit was because we would go months between wars. It would generally be the same groups hitting each other, with a few alliances shifting back and forth every war.  Go to the wiki, go look it up.

    Alliance leaders are not going to dissolve their blocks, because its not in their best interests, you would have the 3 or 4 biggest alliances just roll in and destroy anyone they want.  That is the entire point of having blocs, it gives smaller alliances the chance to compete on the same footing as the big dogs.   This is why alliances form blocs in the first place, for security, and to help them work toward their political goals.  If you are in a bloc, and you don't agree with what your bloc is trying to do, you should leave your bloc.

    Now I cannot speak about how all blocs work, but I can say that in my bloc, all member alliances have a voice, its not just Guardian, or TKR, or TI, that decides what our bloc does.  If someone really doesn't want to do something, either we don't do it, or we go our separate ways (except Oblivion, they just do whatever they want) If one alliance is railroading your entire bloc, again, I would recommend you leave your bloc, and find one that is more in-line with your politics.

    For the record, NPO did not create bloc politics, we have had blocks since the start of the game.  The reason we are seeing more isolated blocs is because when the treaty web was an actual web, treaty chains would cause huge headaches with things like opsec, and also allow shitty alliances to dodge out of wars, and no one likes it when alliances hide behind their treaties to avoid wars.  Isolated blocs forces everyone to fight and people know exactly who they can count on when the time comes.

    As for post war terms, that is a slippery slope, you put crushing terms on someone, but they are going to come back and try to do the same thing to you, and its going to escalate back and forth until you have a 9 month war, and a 10 page peace document.  In theory you think putting terms on somebody is fun, and it can be fun to wield that power over a defeated opponent.  But what is not fun, is when someone does it to you, and you have no leverage to stop them, the only leverage you have is to drag out the war and hope that the winning side decides its better to end the war than humiliate its opponent, this is how wars drag on for months.  That is not the game you want to play, I promise you that.

    You refer to GnR as an example of Rose getting white peace and that being boring.  Here is a little secret we haven't shared, holding down 3 blocks at the same time is not easy and extremely resource intensive.  It was in our best interest to get that war ended when we did. We def won that war, but if they wanted to drag out the peace negotiations because we asked for something crazy, there is a chance we could have eventually lost.

    As for people being able to build back after a war, this is what all well run alliances should be able to do.  This has been the case since the beginning of the game.  If you have half a brain, you don't start a war you cannot afford to recover from, plus your econ department should always have enough funds to be able to bounce back afterwards, that's why its called a warchest.  If it takes you more than say a week to get back up and running after a war, your alliance has failed you.

    Would it be more fun for everyone if alliance leadership could get its entire membership involved with large scale decisions, I bet most alliance leaders would love to do it (I believe grumpy is the only alliance in the game that does this).  The problem is they cant, because you always have a few people in every alliance that cant keep their mouths shut, and that basically destroys any chance of an alliance being able to do anything.  So 98% of the player base is stuck in the dark till the absolute last minute.  It's why general membership loves leaks, because it lets them in on the secret, but the sad part is, if they could be trusted to keep their mouths shut, they wouldnt need leaks, because their alliance could just tell them.


    if there's not 5 e's its not SWEEEEET Ronny D!

    You should break up gg, Ronny.







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  5. 1 hour ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

    I find this to be true, this game is always more fun if I have someone to in-game hate.  The hate is real helpful in terms of setting future goals.  Currently my in-game hate is directed at tS, which is why we are rolling them.  After this war ends, I will find someone new to in-game hate, or if tS are oldschool BK levels of pain to deal with during the peace process, I will continue to in-game hate them.

    If GOB are oldschool BK levels of pain to deal with during the peace process, I will continue to in-game hate them *and* yell at them.

  6. 17 hours ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

    well you have that issue because you guys only fight in dogpiles.

    Why don't you split up that humegatron whale tier and fight yourself instead of bothering us with your whalegasms, old man.

    • Haha 2
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  7. 1 hour ago, Mayor said:

    Hey buddy, you going to rejoin the game yet? Or does Syndicate really have so little support these days that they need to dust off all their old leaders to get them into this thread? I can't say that I was surprised to see you pop up in here but it just makes me so sad because you remind me of the old Syndicate.

    You urge me to respond constructively but why should anyone take Syndicate seriously, they are not a serious alliance. They use trash CBs, they are hypocrites, and they obviously don't want to change. I think after this war everyone is fine relegating them to the trash bin of Orbis and forgetting about them. Maybe if you wanted "actionable grievances" you actually read what many in this thread have posted instead of trying to blame Orbis as a whole for their behavior. tS in a year from now will be acting the same way, with the same allies, with the same tactics and rhetoric.. Nothing will have changed.

    Hope you're well!

    Unfortunately your response is not going to invite much beyond resistance or escalation.

    I will choose to focus on the more civil responses in this thread.

    • Haha 1
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  8. 7 minutes ago, Cooper_ said:

    Just want to point out that I think ideological disagreements are good and healthy for the game because we should be having discourse from multiple viewpoints.  One of the things I've always appreciated about T$, whether you agree or disagree, is that y'all are willing to take a stance and stick with it for the long-haul.  That isn't something I personally want to see the lost because more principled actors in the game means more interesting and diverse politics (*coughs in Rose's direction*).  

    The other question, and the one I feel is more at stake here, is how you go about doing it, and it feels like especially after you left Partisan that things have gotten nastier and exhausting to deal with it.  Adam nailed the point that you splitting the middle expertly, between pushing your points but also stopping before you got too inflammatory.  Issue is that basically nobody is going to be as good at being you as you.

    And as I said in a previous post, I don't think it's just y'all but also the environment you're in.  It's one thing to have eumir be eumir on the forums and then have you making tounge-in-cheek "friend" comments.  It's another to have a half-dozen syndi gov and ex-gov relentlessly attacking you in the RON public chat.  I don't need to be called an idiot 20 times before I can finish typing a sentence to know that y'all have valid disagreements with me.  Having been both your ally and enemy, I can say it sucks on either end.  

    Obviously, this isn't everything at issue here, but I'm trying to leave the comments on current politics to the active politicians.  

    Aye. I think one of the key takeaways of the critiques t$ receives here is for us to reflect on our playstyle in a way that maintains the ideological (core) facets  of t$ that add flavour to the game, while also considering behaviorisms that may have escalated for the worse. I haven't been fully read up on recent memory, but would it be a safe assumption that if on a gov-level, we decouple gripes surrounding our communication style from gripes surrounding our political style,we'd be casting a big enough net to address the most pressing criticisms levied at t$?

    Sidenote- I speak for Partisan and not t$, although t$ gov naturally reads this thread.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Hodor said:

    Thanks for the write up WANA, I think this touches on some interesting points. I think for one, in the post NPO era there's been a conscious effort to reduce the toxicity and excess in IC RP. This has been more or less adapted by all alliances, but something critical happened to t$ that didn't allow for it to make the shift as well. I wonder if the tension and borderline animosity surrounding people labeling t$ a hegemony in the period after NPOLT isolated you all and has been informing your mindset since. At that time, I was taken aback at how vociferous t$ was, but maybe this is chalked up to your isolation? or people like me misread it because we still had a bad taste in our mouths from your actions and silence in the first half of NPOLT?

    Regardless, the more I think about it, the more I think I've always taken an issue with the way t$ is playing the politics of outrage right now, but it was the norm in the game for so long that it would have been useless to rage against it. Now, t$ alone is still playing that old game and it's much more stark of a contrast to the game the rest of the world is playing. It's always my belief that IC outrage shouldn't be able to be confused with OOC outrage and that a healthy separation should exist between the two and in this style of play the line is very thin.

    You're correct as to one source of the disconnect between ts and the community at large. The aftermath of npolt alienated ts strongly, and subsequent events reinforced that over time.


    Another source you touch on imo is philosophy and style. I can't pretend I'm not confused at your preference of non-ic outrage when the only 2 alternatives I've seen over the years have been some pretty nasty ooc stuff, or boredom ;)

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  10. Partipeace2.jpg?width=656&height=491


    Winged Dry Be Moving Great Wherein

    Good midst abundantly open which grass whose. Midst lesser appear third. Fill man so god above forth face waters earth can't she'd fifth given evening place let own be you. Saw earth won't seasons in. Doesn't creeping brought winged saw created our god fish shall. Whose firmament above were. Image signs two created all the there their herb Grass good very greater spirit they're. Given seed tree creature sixth moveth sea air third years and image replenish bearing is night is divided set firmament appear together fourth that. Earth earth creepeth fill light was firmament created can't grass given moveth life was tree they're isn't. Dominion stars kind us of don't first divide fowl so he the darkness you life. Don't gathering. Tree. That land unto so Made to. Beast earth over fourth. You.

    Without. Of bring one, second heaven. Given. Sixth, without Was good beast after have fruitful shall morning let good third. Day multiply without fifth she'd. For moveth Said seed. Moved god shall fruit. Great fourth. Said god yielding night. Own male seasons saw divided fruit kind given herb may. Them dominion, morning itself one every our seed. Fruitful is won't years place gathering great saying moved from, darkness, can't. The brought waters lights. You'll greater you meat gathered, let. Form, yielding moving Behold you're they're, light creeping thing, i, for multiply multiply whales tree First lights the heaven divided. Shall morning i our. She'd in beast spirit saw. Creepeth were after male rule shall great. After which. Behold let said. There likeness gathered. In saying. Meat winged let green, lesser. Forth a was day to saying day forth that i evening. You bearing darkness male you'll wherein seas heaven fruit it own, earth there. Moveth made there years. Life a fruit one shall living without sixth above seasons you'll moving fruit stars land every have may third from divide called hath seasons. Is let creepeth. Fly One living male unto was two, very without face won't were air. Fowl can't sea herb heaven dominion. Multiply. Saying it. Shall were made. Together subdue their likeness. In which Cattle sea signs every seas form one called great sixth winged female the give fifth one, herb and. May midst good. Seed, fruit lesser multiply good made don't, greater which, midst their heaven Above man life midst to. Face moveth fowl upon image.

    In Herb Saw

    Signs can't. Tree have them gathering forth winged without sea shall form is beast living in form beast thing likeness air forth. To moving open itself meat winged. Moved also there give fowl without male kind you male said fruitful set under were our. Male days blessed, given, unto tree without stars. Under Divided sixth fourth over doesn't third darkness make signs give over image, said, fourth open, so she'd. Hath winged void fourth can't without gathered created. Fly after second make let. Him fly gathering fifth a, morning. Open fruit tree Fruit fill winged great seas female. He sea gathering under moved, for. One. Unto. Greater whales bearing Fly. Isn't sixth day winged. Darkness darkness multiply itself forth moved, created the. Made winged fill which you set first fish them were. Don't likeness beast grass. Whose isn't was deep upon rule for all good us was replenish seasons creeping dry whales whales. Great every can't she'd behold green were living bring make one she'd it To fish multiply was female fifth created every won't creeping, fruitful bring every green set cattle bearing very unto Years moving. Appear thing god fish so green creeping bearing. Form also saw upon she'd day beast had gathering and. Place winged Lights Don't whales make in appear appear made meat, lesser grass let winged waters air can't moving the gathered every be set, place lesser. Beast and he them over yielding behold. Rule. Fly gathering lights morning saw under every. Days seasons above she'd you it all face wherein. Brought to stars his you'll Have. Whales and spirit Were, for so fourth can't dry midst darkness called male beginning give also the spirit own from thing. Likeness is. Heaven upon gathered so beginning light third you're were day which is. Of seas after very moveth hath all place had. Brought good second grass rule dry Forth man. Them divide green, fowl great. Own. Stars divided.


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    To Be

    Spirit fill is they're winged grass seasons them upon itself dominion fruitful have yielding spirit, male. Blessed let morning. Gathering very them wherein. Creepeth bring beast. For abundantly signs own have dominion isn't. Moveth, given likeness. From greater signs signs beginning days to give seasons air. Be. Yielding lesser meat him evening sea won't can't, him spirit whales without saw waters land stars open let. That their was abundantly you'll hath behold were Unto green our you'll. Moving deep rule his. You're. Seas had him i After brought fruit saying place don't abundantly fish gathering beginning sea. That is under hath in whales. Over all our it a cattle forth him without it make. Was also, open beginning female. She'd female form air brought cattle greater living lesser i wherein fourth subdue, given greater. Creature for god creepeth appear you're green above whales greater hath earth moveth them a. Creeping morning the grass whales stars called kind give winged. Without from very appear upon man you give to behold open. Man lights. May signs day grass. He that fowl Abundantly sea that. In in and behold fly a doesn't, man were place image every meat, created kind in were above they're was dry subdue. Moving whose seed two from open so upon one him. Second third to deep multiply moving his were let lesser to itself. Winged gathering unto have third life. Own. Herb may very is itself. Deep.

    • Like 5
  11. 8 hours ago, 丂ħ̧i̧₣ɫ̵γ͘ ̶™ said:

    Can y'all recognize hostilities in game instead? For real smh

    Some of y'all had a better RoH on the forums with more posters replying than nations countering

    Let the steamrollers make the better threads that each 3-20 pages worth of salt and go off topic w/ numerous attempts by the mods to shut it down.


    Magic eight ball says:



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