NPO's First Time and Consequences
On June 13th, with Alpha's military stockpiles depleted in Steve's War, Alpha's allies are attacked by the Syndisphere in a daring blitz. With Alpha's military reserves depleted, along with the lingering lull in military readiness on the side of Paragon, the Syndisphere wins a stunning victory.
Several events happen which further benefits Terminus Est. First, Alpha has fought a prolonged war that has stretched her resources to the limits, further weakening Terminus Est's competition in the upper tier. Secondly, the surrender and break up of Sparta (another upper tier alliance which competes with Terminus Est) ultimately resulted in the expansion of Pantheon and Terminus Est's membership from upper tier nations. Thirdly, it is of note, that Terminus Est uses the NPO war to rebuild and further consolidate holdings.
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